POEM: ‘Getting Lucky’ by Myra ‘Mikie’ Friedman


As we close out National Poetry Month, we’re printing this piece by local poet Myra “Mikie” Friedman. She serves on WeHo’s Disability Board and once acted in a West Hollywood production of The Vagina Monologues, the show’s first disabled castmember, starring as the “Angry” Vagina.

When it comes to men, I’ve had them all!
Some bright, some dull, some plucky!
But finally I’ve given up
And NOW I’m getting Lucky!

He greets me in the entranceway
Licking, leaping, wagging
He doesn’t know my butt is big,
Or that my tits are sagging!

He begs me to go out with him
For all the world to see!
He barks, “Hey guys, Back off! She’s mine!”
He swaggers next to me!

And at night I sit, bone weary,
Curled in front of my TV,
He’s not compelled to argue
About what shows he wants to see!

No, Lucky’s quite contented,
Of that I have no doubt,
To gaze at me, just lying there,
His big tongue hanging out!

Now, you may think I am demented,
Or confused, or just uptight!
But let me ask you this…
Do you get Lucky every night?

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Barbara Meltzer
3 years ago

Love your poem Mikie. Lucky is very Lucky.

3 years ago

With all the problems going on right now, I thought a momentary smile might be appreciated!

Jeff Prang
Jeff Prang
3 years ago

Thank you for sharing Mikie!!

Thanks Lucky!
Thanks Lucky!
3 years ago

You are very lovely!