Redistricting could mean L.A. County would lose a representative in Congress.
California’s population growth has slowed, according to just-released U.S. Census 2020 data, and that means the Golden State will have one fewer representative in the U.S. House.
Based on population, one of the 18 congressional districts that lie within Los Angeles County is likely to face the ax.
The entire state map of congressional districts will be redrawn, possibly creating a crucial campaign battleground in the midterm elections.
The loss of a Democratic district could ultimately lead to a narrower majority in Congress, according to political stats website Fivethirtyeight.com — or it could reshape the conservative 25th District in northern L.A. County into more liberal territory, which would make re-election that much harder for Republican Congressman Mike Garcia.
The future rests in the hands of these folks.
How many thousands of citizens or non-citizens refused to answer the summons to fill out a census form? I count these people: Those who have no idea how our system functions. Those who are concerned about privacy or the possibility of ICE kicking in their front door. Those who don’t care about much beyond their own minuscule world. We’ll be missing a seat in Congress and federal funds states receive based upon population. The most startling information in the whole report is that the USA has shown the slowest growth since 1930, mostly due to a declining birth rate and… Read more »
You hit the nail on the head Carl, Thank you. Important information for those willing to read before looking for a handout.
I plead guilty to being at least partially responsible for the declining birth rate but the City of West Hollywood made a yeoman’s effort to get people to participate in the census. Unfortunately a substantial number of residents just didn’t think it was important.
This is the level of the West Hollywood news on this site. It’s like reading a Facebook page. There are many unemployed and talented journalists around, since journalism is the worst major you can do in college right now. And newspapers are dying like flies Hank provided journalism and this thing is turning into nothing but an outlet for PR releases and really sketchy information. As for the census situation it’s old news. It was 2 days ago. The only highlight for the last week is seeing how everyone wants John Erickson out of office and put on a train… Read more »
I, too, miss Hank and ex-editor James 😢
Journalism and consciousness….dying art forms.
James censored any comment that didn’t fit his agenda.
Not true at all. I’m pretty left politically and he often censored my comments. I would often see people from the other side complaining about censorship though. I guess that’s your go-to these days…woe is me.
James was an immature and partisan editor. Must be why you miss him.
Specific areas were not listed, unless I missed it.