The City of West Hollywood is soliciting feedback from residents on a proposed tribute/memorial for furbabies that have passed away. Good idea or waste of money? Fill out the city’s survey here and leave your thoughts in the comments below.
The City of West Hollywood is soliciting feedback from residents on a proposed tribute/memorial for furbabies that have passed away. Good idea or waste of money? Fill out the city’s survey here and leave your thoughts in the comments below.
how about a memorial for all the failed weho ‘social influencer’ relationships 😛
Love Steve Martin’s suggestion. The notion of a pet memorial sounds like a SNL spoof/skit.
What a stupid idea . Are we going to honor dogs before residents?
Not if it costs one penny to the taxpayers of West Hollywood! After the recent sales tax increase in West Hollywood, I would hope council members would be looking for ways to save money, not squander it.
get real. can we please get a few serious people on the city council.
A: No
B: With all that has happened in the past 14 months, is this really a priority?
C: Why did the city not solicit feedback on gender neutral bathrooms?
D: Will the city issue a similar survey to determine a no confidence ruling on Gascom?
Rather than a memorial I would love to see us create a small no-kill shelter for lost and homeless West Hollywood pets. It could be a real vocal point for community involvement and charity. We already have a Veterans Memorial, AIDS Memorial, a memorial to the victims of the Holocast, a memorial for Red Army Veterans, one for the AB 101 Hunger Strike participants as well as well deserved memorials to Ivy Bottini and Morris Kight. But maybe some will come up with something really creative for our beloved pets that we can all buy into.
Thank you, Steve, a no-kill shelter would be a far greater benefit to the community, which would be for a more compassionate solution to helping dogs and other animals a step to finding forever homes, and living a life they deserve. We don’t we honor the memories of pets we lost by saving the lives of the living! Great idea!!
Steve’s suggestion is perfect. A small no-kill shelter in West Hollywood – perhaps funded in part by people who’d like to memorialize their pets in an appropriate way at that facility.
Remembering beloved animals is a private thing. No public memorials, please!
What the City should do is pass an ordinance prohibiting dogs from our supermarkets. Emotional support dogs are not ADA (American with Disabilities Act) compliant. I’m tired of seeing dogs putting their snout in the fresh vegetables section, among other activities. Dogs are great but not in supermarkets, unless ADA qualified.
Please take the survey linked above.
Thank you.