COVID Update: Saturday, May 8


Former Councilmember John Duran has been doing daily COVID updates on his Facebook page since March 2020. Many members of the community have found them helpful. They are republished here with his permission.

LA County Cases1,246,821(up from 1,246,619)
LA County Deaths24,421(up from 24,416)
LA Positivity Rate.4%(unchanged at .4%)
LA Hospitalizations216(up from 218)


National Geographic had an interesting article this week.   5 million people in the USA missed their second Moderna/Pfizer jab.   Why? 

There are now over 100 million FULLY VACCINATED people in the USA.   Yet 8% of those who received their first shot – failed to show up for their second dose.   5 million people in the US.    Some people began to fret over this statistic.   However, many epidemiologists saw the glass as MORE than half full.   Because 92% of the people who got vaccine one – returned and got vaccine two.   AND THAT is truly miraculous. 

But don’t panic if you are one of the 5 million.  It’s not too late to get your second dose.  People missing doses of multi dose vaccines is nothing new.   One study of the shingles vaccine discovered that only between 70-80% of participants returned for their second shingles shot. 

Some people may have skipped their second dose out of fear about potential side effects after the second dose.  Yes.  I heard that warning also.  But I am here to tell you that I am one of the millions who had ZERO side effects after the second dose.  I scheduled a half day off from work and ended up binge watching Schitt’s Creek – which was a major plus for the day.  But not one side effect. 

The President (frickin’ love him) has set a goal to get 70% of US adults at least partially vaccinated by the 4th of July.  It is possible.  And it is a stretch.  And something we should all work towards by pushing our family members and friends to “get ‘er done!”. 


But why does the second shot matter?

There are many promising reports that say that one gets a great deal of protection from even one single dose.  So, why go back for the second?   Both the first and second doses have exactly the same ingredients, but each shot awakens different players in the immune system.  The first dose is known as the PRIMER and introduces your body to the virus.  This dose activates your helper T cells which produce the anti bodies to fight COVID. 

The second dose is a BOOSTER supercharging the defenses the first dose put into action.  The second dose produces the killer T cells which slay the virus infected cells.  Your antibodies are your shield.  And the killer T cells are your sword.  And this I understand because I am now binge watching Game of Thrones (yes.  I never saw it before this week!). 

MORAL of the story?  Don’t do it half ass.  The second dose pushes the effectiveness in preventing infection to 90%.  The CDC does recommend that you get the second shot within 3-4 weeks after the first shot.   But the gap can increase to 6 weeks after.  SO it’s not too late.  Get your SHIELD and your SWORD.   And you will look just like JASON MOMOA (Aqua Man) on Game of Thrones.

Just gotta say it.  I am on Season One and cannot get enough of JASON MOMOA.   Perfection !   Wow.  Totally digressing now aren’t I ?   Sunny and beautiful 74 degrees in LA Today.  Enjoy !

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About John Duran
John Duran, a criminal defense lawyer, served on the West Hollywood City Council for 20 years, 2001-2020.

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