The necessary 70%+ vaccination rate for COVID-19 herd immunity to reach containment or possible disease eradication has NOT yet been attained. We may be reopening and scaling back our nonpharmaceutical containment methods prematurely and, these mistakes resulted in dire consequences in prior pandemics . National Nurses United (NNU), the largest union of registered nurses in the United States condemned the rollback of COVID-19 Pandemic safety measures by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from the very start. The CDC likely reversed these measures in response to pressure from business interests as opposed to advise from credible Epidemiologists
Agreed ! This action is very premature. People are now thinking and acting as if the pandemic is over. It’s not and this CDC decision could very well come back to haunt us.
Danielle Harris
3 years ago
Open City Hall already. And re-open Robertson while you’re at it. How successful was that experiment, I mean exercise, again?
And hopefully the City will not try to override the County after June 15. Too many little kings and ‘queens’ on that Council wanting to control our lives in the fiefdom of WeHo!
3 years ago
Yet City Hall is still closed???
Scott Sigman
3 years ago
This is the third year for me wearing a mask
COPD means wear one when moderate pollinate like fires pollution and gardeners Read how much bad air you breath and understand why masks keep one healthy
My lungs look like smoking two packs a day apparently the off shore flow keeps a tremendous amount of particulates especially when I lived in Malibu. Fires. PCH. Gardeners pollen. Destroyed by LA Air. LA we love it?
The necessary 70%+ vaccination rate for COVID-19 herd immunity to reach containment or possible disease eradication has NOT yet been attained. We may be reopening and scaling back our nonpharmaceutical containment methods prematurely and, these mistakes resulted in dire consequences in prior pandemics
. National Nurses United (NNU), the largest union of registered nurses in the United States condemned the rollback of COVID-19 Pandemic safety measures by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from the very start. The CDC likely reversed these measures in response to pressure from business interests as opposed to advise from credible Epidemiologists 
Agreed ! This action is very premature. People are now thinking and acting as if the pandemic is over. It’s not and this CDC decision could very well come back to haunt us.
Open City Hall already. And re-open Robertson while you’re at it. How successful was that experiment, I mean exercise, again?
And hopefully the City will not try to override the County after June 15. Too many little kings and ‘queens’ on that Council wanting to control our lives in the fiefdom of WeHo!
Yet City Hall is still closed???
This is the third year for me wearing a mask
COPD means wear one when moderate pollinate like fires pollution and gardeners Read how much bad air you breath and understand why masks keep one healthy
My lungs look like smoking two packs a day apparently the off shore flow keeps a tremendous amount of particulates especially when I lived in Malibu. Fires. PCH. Gardeners pollen. Destroyed by LA Air. LA we love it?