WEHOville wants to know… do you know who our mayor is? The answer may surprise you!
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WeHo Resident
2 years ago
This is a good example as tp why we should ELECT MAYORS instead of giving them the EASY PASS simply because they are council members.
3 years ago
Thus is exactly why I say cityhood was a huge mistake…it’s a failed experiment.
3 years ago
Um.. it’s like?.. um .. you know like… It’s um? Hey have you seen Lady Gaga’s dog walkers stitches?…. The deep intellect of the population of West Hollywood. They don’t know the Mayor’s name but know when the bath house opens and closes.
…or the phone number of their local meth connect….🤔
3 years ago
Instead of doing this exercise as a mockery, wouldn’t it be more productive if you had offered to see if any of the people surveyed needed to register to vote? Then, you could have had the registration forms readily available, which would create engagement with the West Hollywood City Government unless there are other motivating factors.
It’s about monetary value. Look at the background of that picture. More of that to come. WEHOville has been hijacked and commercialized. It’s amusing to check in once in a while to see the blatant commercialization of what was once a serious local news outlet.
It’s a tourist trap now, nothing more. I won’t even set foot in that hot mess now.
3 years ago
love, love, love it !!
should be a regular feature with
weekly questions…..
3 years ago
Ms Horvath, extended until September, I believe.
Scott Sigman
3 years ago
Wow the closed Robertson. Now what do I do? I go down to city hall and get a new parking permit! What? On line only? Line at the windows or appointments Oh Apply on line- why Oh I looked on line and I don’t have a fax or scanner. Oh well I will park and say this parking space is closed. Get permit to remove Tow trucks ? Why? I lived on the other side of Santa Monica for 6 years and I moved 1/4 mile to south of Santa Monica Blvd Why is one 7 and the other 9… Read more »
3 years ago
If I had been caught by the interviewer,I probably would have named John Duran as the mayor.I know it is someone else,but I can’t recall their name. I do know there are five council-members,so I would have gotten the second question right.
Jerome Cleary
3 years ago
I’m not surprised as one day several years ago I was in Pavilions and somebody I know not very well at all thought I was on the city council and had been on city council for years. LOL!
3 years ago
LOL…..Ask these same people if they think the Robertson Closure is a good idea. XXXX
This is a good example as tp why we should ELECT MAYORS instead of giving them the EASY PASS simply because they are council members.
Thus is exactly why I say cityhood was a huge mistake…it’s a failed experiment.
Um.. it’s like?.. um .. you know like… It’s um? Hey have you seen Lady Gaga’s dog walkers stitches?…. The deep intellect of the population of West Hollywood. They don’t know the Mayor’s name but know when the bath house opens and closes.
…or the phone number of their local meth connect….🤔
Instead of doing this exercise as a mockery, wouldn’t it be more productive if you had offered to see if any of the people surveyed needed to register to vote? Then, you could have had the registration forms readily available, which would create engagement with the West Hollywood City Government unless there are other motivating factors.
we can do more than one at different times.
Mockery is apropos here. Citizens get the kind of government they deserve.
Queen Lindsey is not amused! I am not sure of the literary value of this ; man on the street inquiry? However politicians have to have thick skin.
It’s about monetary value. Look at the background of that picture. More of that to come. WEHOville has been hijacked and commercialized. It’s amusing to check in once in a while to see the blatant commercialization of what was once a serious local news outlet.
It’s a tourist trap now, nothing more. I won’t even set foot in that hot mess now.
love, love, love it !!
should be a regular feature with
weekly questions…..
Ms Horvath, extended until September, I believe.
Wow the closed Robertson. Now what do I do? I go down to city hall and get a new parking permit! What? On line only? Line at the windows or appointments Oh Apply on line- why Oh I looked on line and I don’t have a fax or scanner. Oh well I will park and say this parking space is closed. Get permit to remove Tow trucks ? Why? I lived on the other side of Santa Monica for 6 years and I moved 1/4 mile to south of Santa Monica Blvd Why is one 7 and the other 9… Read more »
If I had been caught by the interviewer,I probably would have named John Duran as the mayor.I know it is someone else,but I can’t recall their name. I do know there are five council-members,so I would have gotten the second question right.
I’m not surprised as one day several years ago I was in Pavilions and somebody I know not very well at all thought I was on the city council and had been on city council for years. LOL!
LOL…..Ask these same people if they think the Robertson Closure is a good idea. XXXX