One dead in botched Hollywood Hills robbery


HOLLYWOOD HILLS (CNS) – An attempted-robbery suspect was killed Friday and two others were in custody after a shootout in the Hollywood Hills that left three of the targeted people hospitalized, one of them in critical condition, authorities said.

Three suspects approached three men around 2:05 a.m. at 1474 Blue Jay Way in an attempt to rob them, said Los Angeles Police Department Officer Joe Todd.

One suspect opened fire on the victims, striking all three in the torso area, Todd said. One of the victims returned fire and wounded all three suspects, who then fled in a vehicle.

Police caught up with the suspects at Doheny Drive and Santa Monica Boulevard in Beverly Hills, Todd said.

One of the suspects was pronounced dead, and the others were taken into custody. One of them was taken to a hospital, Todd said. The fatally wounded person’s name was not immediately available.


One of the victims was hospitalized in critical condition, and the two others were in stable condition. The investigation was continuing.

According to Fox11, one of the victims is a business executive who is the friend of the CEO of a popular fashion company.

The businessman, along with his friend and security guard, arrived at the CEO’s Hollywood Hills home after an event when three men in an Audi got out of the vehicle and attempted to rob him, Fox11 reported. The guard, who returned fire, was critically wounded. Investigators believe the suspects had been following them for some time.

The name of the fashion company has not been released but the company has a large social media following with several celebrity ambassadors, Fox11 reported.

Patrol officers with the LAPD saw the suspects’ Gray Audi with a flat tire at Doheny Drive and Santa Monica Boulevard and found two men suffering from gunshot wounds. One of the suspects died at the scene, and a second suspect was taken to a hospital. The third suspect was taken into custody.

Copyright 2021, City News Service, Inc.

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Chloe Ross
3 years ago

Was there and Ed Buck Guilty story in WeHoville ?

Larry Block
3 years ago
Reply to  Chloe Ross

Yes, should be under Crime, w the photo of his apt on Laurel.

3 years ago

Good riddance. Had he been successful maybe his next robbery victim would have wound up dead. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

3 years ago

Re the Tweet: Dear @uk7777777, please do not ever refer to a person who gets shot while attempting a robbery as a victim. That person is a “suspect” and the fact that they got shot In the course of a robbery – albeit an unsuccessful one – does not make them a victim.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Polina

You sound like Inspector Javert from Les Misérables determined to oppress the peasant Jean Valjean for stealing bread to feed his starving sister and her family. Could it be that many were born victims of systemic injustice and inequality well before their tragic turn of events❓

3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

if someday some dirtbag sticks a gun in your face demanding your valuables I doubt you will feel it’s just like Valjean stealing bread for his family. And after you piss your pants and line up a therapist from the trauma, you will most likely wish him dead for what he put you through. There’s an old saying that liberals are just conservatives who just haven’t been mugged yet.

3 years ago

The crimes being committed in the area are all people who live on outskirts of LA and are thieves. They all one thing in common and that is they are criminals.

3 years ago
Reply to  crafty

And you know this how?

What else do these criminals have in common?

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Capitalist values that lead to their anti-social behavior❗

3 years ago

Media outlets that do not report the race of people committing crimes, nevertheless report racial disparities – actual, perceived, or otherwise – in arrest, imprisonment, and police shootings, then write or broadcast heated editorials blaming everybody from Christopher Columbus, long dead slave owners, and the police, to the criminal-justice system in a disingenuous attempt to make excuses for criminal behavior. Among other dynamic, the authorities and the media seem determined to suppress is the fact that the black thug element – and this case is a prime example – in many communities launch coordinated attacks on whites and others in… Read more »

3 years ago

So the perps were black? When I read news reports like this I am learning to read into it what was left out and then make assumptions.

3 years ago

In Beverly Hills I personally know 3-4 people who’ve been held up at gun point in the last year , and their stories which you haven’t heard match the stories of the ones the police have released to the media. The common denominator is the descriptions of the suspects and the getaway car, so it’s clear it’s the same group of people doing it every time. Wouldn’t you want to capture these men so they stop hurting innocent people!? I do not blame an entire race for something one part of their culture does. But I will not sit back… Read more »

3 years ago

Thank God the victims were armed and could defend themselves, which probably came as a big surprise to the thieves!

Hoping for a full recovery for the guard who did his job.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gimmeabreak
Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

NO, more like being armed increases the odds of a bad outcome as clearly seen. The property is or could easily be insured, so there is no need to end anyone’s life.😢

3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

I’d say it was a good outcome. Score one for the good guys. I just feel bad for Gascon. Maybe he can hold a candle light vigil for the dead perp and all felons in LA who didn’t get the chance to make someone else a victim.