Stonewall Dems elect Mohajer as new president


The Stonewall Democratic Club has a new president after members ousted Lester Aponte in favor of challenger Alex Mohajer in a razor-thin 51 percent to 49 percent vote Monday night. Mohajer finished a mere six votes ahead of Aponte, out of 443 votes cast. 

Mohajer becomes the club’s first millennial and first Iranian-American leader.

“Tonight’s victory was the result of the hard work of a diverse coalition who united around a common vision of a more inclusive and progressive Democratic Party,” Mohajer said in a statement. “I am humbled beyond measure to represent these voices and to lead the nation’s oldest LGBTQ+ democratic club into the future.”

Aponte’s campaign was supported by a slew of powerful elected officials, including Mayor Lindsey Horvath, Councilmember John Erickson, LA City Councilmembers Paul Koretz and Mike Bonin, LA County Supervisor Holly Mitchell, and LACDP Chair Mark Gonzalez, among others.

Mohajer had the support of Mayor Pro Tem Lauren Meister and Councilmembers John D’Amico and Sepi Shyne.

Controversy had followed Aponte over the past few years. He had been accused of helping to shield Ed Buck from trouble, and most recently was the subject of an expose alleging a number of dubious incidents over the course of the campaign.

The Stonewall Democratic Club was founded in 1975. Since then, it has carved a powerful position for itself in California politics. The club’s endorsements are highly coveted, often making or breaking the races of many candidates.

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John Daniel Harrington-Tyrell
John Daniel Harrington-Tyrell
3 years ago

Lets hope that change brings change

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
3 years ago

Slowly Stonewall Democratic Club has moved out of the shadow of Eric Bauman; perhaps now can focus more on the queer community than on the scramble for titles and position in the Democratic Party. There has always been a tension between those who held to Stonewall’s tradition of grassroots politics and those who aspired to make it the club of Party insiders. But it looks like the Club is off in a new direction and I wish it well.

Michael Grace
Michael Grace
3 years ago

Of course they voted for him. To protect Ed buck and the reputation of the California Democrat party. Which basically is a racist organization that did everything to pass the buck on Ed Buck with no investigations of his crystal meth lab on Laurel. And Death Center for young black homeless guys.

3 years ago

I read this article and the linked Knock-LA article this morning and am glad the Stonewall Democratic Club voted this Lester Aponte president out.His Facebook posts and his alleged actions to protect Ed Buck were problematic and created an image that was not what the Stonewall Club wanted out there.

After reading all this,I am starting to have doubts about John Erickson who supported Lester Aponte for re-election. It makes me wonder if Mr. Erickson thinks the same way as Aponte and have the same beliefs.If I was a West Hollywood resident, I would watch this fellow more closely.

3 years ago
Reply to  hifi5000

Oh don’t worry . . . we are!

3 years ago
Reply to  hifi5000

A great rebuke to Horvath and her anti-WeHo, higher office ambitions.

3 years ago

Lousy organization.