PHOTOS: National Night Out


U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff joined West Hollywood elected officials and leaders from local law enforcement and the L.A. Fire Department in a show of unity against crime, marking the city’s 38th year of participation in the National Night Out event. Block parties were held at the West Hollywood Gateway on Santa Monica Blvd. and La Brea, Poinsettia Drive and Corboy Alley, and at the top of Horn Plaza on the city’s West Side.

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Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
2 years ago

Sad not to see who was who at NNO.

2 years ago

I think a big item of discussion at the next City Council or Public Safety Commission meeting should be is: why are the Public Safety members (sheriff and fire) maskless in such close quarters? I mean the CDC and Creepy Uncle Joe wants masks worn by everyone.

Wuhan Knows
Wuhan Knows
2 years ago

Sad to see the demise of National Night Out in recent years. More than 10 years ago it was robust with participation from all sections perhaps motivated by in tune neighborhood watch groups. It not only was a friendly way to meet new neighbors but a means to continue important dialogue with law enforcement. Instead, too many residents have retreated to their own corners to continually complain about diminishing law enforcement.

Conversations start action without confrontational protests of every kind. If people refuse to communicate along civil lines there is little hope leaving angry, entrenched pseudo victims.

Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
2 years ago
Reply to  Wuhan Knows

I agree.

Barbara Meltzer
2 years ago

Thank you for the story about National Night Out along with all of the photos. It looks like it was a wonderful event and I’m sorry that I was not there. I am, however, curious as to why there is no photo of Mayor Horvath. I see many with her puppy Winston (who by the way has not replaced her) but a mere sliver of the Mayor in one photograph. I can’t even imagine any other newspaper covering an important event like this —an event that included Rep. Adam Schiff—without having a photo of the City’s Mayor. It is unthinkable. And it does make me wonder… Read more »

Larry Block
2 years ago

Brandon who took the photos never saw Lindsey. He went to all the venues, not knowing who is at any one of them. If her dog was captured with ‘others’ then how would he know thats her dog? Sorry about the rest of your suppositions, none of that is accurate.

John Daniel Harrington-Tyrell
John Daniel Harrington-Tyrell
2 years ago

Its nice to see City Officials at an event, good news.


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