Is voting against the recall election a West Hollywood value?


Council member D’Amico registers lone “No” vote on Item 2R on the consent calendar.


At this Monday’s City Council meeting Item 2R opposes ‘democracy’. Whether or not you intend to vote to recall Gavin Newsome, or for another candidate, the City Council voted against a free and fair recall election. Has the left began to look like the right once again?

The City Staff report summed up Item 2R this way:

The next regularly scheduled gubernatorial election in California will take place on June
7 (primary) and November 8 (general) in 2022. The fiscally responsible and
democratically appropriate course of action would have been for the governor’s
opponents to wait for the 2022 election cycle to vote for an alternative candidate.
Opposition to the recall election is consistent with the City’s core values and past
precedent. The last California gubernatorial recall to reach an election was in 2003. On
September 15, 2003, the City Council passed a similar resolution in opposition to the
recall election. At the time, the City Council believed the recall established a dangerous
precedent for eroding the electoral process. The Council also argued the $67 million on
the special election could have been better spent on education, healthcare, and public

Council member D’Amico had a different view in registering his no vote:

Item 2R on our agenda, I didn’t want to pull that item but thats a resolution in opposition of the recall election of the governor. And, I am certainly am not in favor of this recall election but it is a process. It does exist in our constitution, and I have to vote “No” on this because I just can’t really believe that I can support something that thwarts democracy. And it’s not the kind of democracy I like, I have already decided how I think, and most of us in this city are planning to vote, but this is a resolution in opposition of a recall election and a recall election is actually part of our constitution. It’s part of our city’s ordinances and think that the bigger picture is a better idea and that is to support democracy wherever it takes us. Rather than only support the parts of democracy that we like. So if the city clerk can register my no vote on item 2R.” Thank you very much Mayor.


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Jonathan Simmons
Jonathan Simmons
3 years ago

Mr D’Amico: Before spouting “Constitutional” rights you should educate yourself (or as I suspect, most council members in ever corrupt WeHo,fear WeHo residents might get the same idea and vote out WeHo Council, first out HORVATH who should let the door hit her on the way out after doing a 180 and becoming a Stepford Council Member under the values of thankfully gone Hellman’s regime) CA INITIATIVE Law was passed to let voters put issues on the ballot. BECAME TECHNICALLY CORRUPT needing signatures which are bought (remember the old days with petition signers outside WeHo Starbucks everyday) Only the corrupt… Read more »

Chloe Ross
3 years ago

What is a WeHo value??? I agree that the matter could easily have waited until 2022. ANd I see this as “cluster —-” for the GOP (all forty six of them) to get their names out well before 2022. But take a gander at NY State. The Newson recall effort hardly rises to the level of Mr. Cuomo’s behavior. The slate of the GOP looks like a carnival midway of performers, fire eaters, contortionists and “Guess Your Weight” hawkers and should make rank and file Republicans embarrassed. I am embarassed for them. My solution as a non GOP is to… Read more »

3 years ago
  1. We have an election cycle and barring criminal maleficence or corruption, we should stick with the Election Cycle. I don’t believe the Governor is guilty of either.
  2. The Recall process is flawed. It is possible one of the opponents could become governor with fewer votes then voted NOT to RECALL Newsom. There is something undemocratic about that.
E Martinez
E Martinez
3 years ago

The WeHo City Council supposedly supporting the “fiscally responsible” thing to do.


3 years ago

Newsome is an incompetent trustifarian who’s only strong suit is his hair. He needs to go along with that Bozo Gascon and that moron Bonin. The only reason anyone would want them to stay is because they are worried a competent replacement would need to come from the other side of the aisle and we can’t have that in libtard land.

3 years ago
Reply to  Davedi

Wow, why do you live in California? Seriously, I hope you have plans to leave.

Steve Carry
Steve Carry
3 years ago

The Right has always stood for democracy. The Left has always tried to tear it down. This recall election is constitutional and fair. You have a right to vote your preference.

3 years ago

Glad to have voted NO on this stupid recall.

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Ignore this marxist bully. Vote how you want.

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy


3 years ago

It’s more apparent than ever that Wehoville attracts the vocal minority in this city. The comments on this website NEVER align with what the majority of voters are thinking. It’s mostly middle aged white log cabin republican MAGA types that feel drawn to complain and nag on every article Wehoville puts out. It’s always a bitchfest about this council member or the mayor. Blah blah blah ad nauseum

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

You seem like a miserable guy.

3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

I’m miserable because I call out people like you who bitch on every article?

Trump lost btw. Landslide loser.

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Still obsessed with him? You are miserable.

3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

LOL tell that to the GQP!

J Cross
J Cross
3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Typical BlueAnon.

Rent free.

James baker
James baker
3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

How’s Afghanistan looking??? Kamala really cares about women.

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Yes the bastion of HIV spreading men that make good decisions and vote for Joe Biden… Greenguy is one of those gays that, if the AIDS crisis were today, would demand the Bath houses stay open for people that are vaccinated and wearing a mask.. We know your type, we know all of your bad choices through history… Taliban Joe is just another one of them..Recall!

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

And how did that work out for the country?

3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

You don’t seem like a fan of Weho.

Michael Grace
Michael Grace
3 years ago

 No surprise, the Unisex Toilet activists (Horvath, Shyne, and Erickson) have no interest in democracy and loathe the idea of recalling the incompetent “French Laundry” Gavin Newsome.  They were all saddened for the women victims in Afghanistan whose freedoms vanished. Not mentioning the “greatest country in the world” has abandoned them like the USA did in Vietnam. But, of course, none of these hypocritical PC busybodies have any concern about the privacy rights of WEHO women residents forced to use unisex public toilets to satisfy some Woke Inc. lunatic agenda of (she/him/them) Shyne and (he/she/them) Erickson. As for the recall,… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael Grace

Lines to women’s bathrooms are traditionally more far longer and more crowded (ridiculously so) than men’s. I wouldn’t mind unisex bathrooms.

Impeach a governor for a stupid (and too public) outing to French Laundry? The proponents of the recall wanted to go after Kamala Harris, but she became Veep.

On what grounds, Mr Grace?

Michael Grace
Michael Grace
3 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Kamala Harris is America’s pro-pedophile VP. In San Francisco, the Roman Catholic Arch Diocese lawyers backed Harris in her District Attorney campaign, which she won, serving seven years. However, they did not want her to prosecute over 300 RC priests who had buggered and raped children, along with every type of sexual abuse. The previous DA, an RC, had prepared the cases. Harris sealed them all. So the corrupt RC Church could continue their cover-up. She then headed to be Attorney General for California and the same hands-off pedophile priest policy.  Pelosi, Brown, Newsom strongly supported her, and the Gettys,… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Michael Grace
3 years ago
Reply to  Michael Grace

Unisex toilets means job opportunities for security guards to monitor them to make sure there are no rapes like there were at Here Lounge, along with sexual activity when multiple people enter them together as they did at Here Lounge where I witnessed it many times. All kinds of things went on in those little rooms. So men will get to wait in line, too, to use the toilet, which makes it fair since women have always had to do that, ’cause, you know, equity and all.

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael Grace

*unhinged rant alert*

Rudi Logan
Rudi Logan
3 years ago
Reply to  Michael Grace

Again with the toilets, Michael? Did you get a lot of swirlies when you were a kid?

Come back when you can spell “Newsom”.

3 years ago

Larry Elder is for school choice. He believes each family should receive the tax money that goes to public schools so parents can send their child to the school of their choice. This forces all schools to compete for enrollment thus raising the quality of education for all. Newsom (and Biden) get millions from the teachers union and are controlled by them. Newsom sends his kids to private school, but you can’t unless you are wealthy.

3 years ago
Reply to  john

He also believes in $0 minimum wage, no vaccination requirements and basically no coronavirus restrictions. He would devastate this state faster than any governor before him.

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

He believes that the MARKET should decide the minimum wage. Government stays out of it. It’s called capitalism.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

You can’t be serious. Rent and housing prices aren’t going to be falling. This would only lead to further our homeless problem and allow companies to take advantage of their existing employees. It would be absolute mayhem in a state filled with 40 million people.

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

When regulations are reduced, and often even eliminated, competition becomes the regulator. Quality and service become better and prices go down. The free market disciplines itself! The consumer is always the better for it. Government people get power-hungry and have to find some way to justify their existence so they make rules and regulations and then sit back, self-satisfied, while they watch their constituents scramble to comply to their dictates that, if they had done some research, would find that economic history shows that the more free the market the more successful it is. But no, ….. these government bureaucrats… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

You most likely believe in the trickle down theory too, right?

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Well Greeneyedguy you’ll never find out until you get off of free Government handouts. Actually the Democrats want minimum wage because it raises their tax revenue so they can spend more money on their failed projects like homelessness, crime, housing, drug addiction, CRT, ANTIFA, horrible teachers and schools, and buying off Unions.

Bill G Skywatcher
3 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Yeah, like an employee has a voice/choice in “the market” except unemployment.

Last edited 3 years ago by Bill G Skywatcher
3 years ago

An employee has a BIG voice in the market! When businesses are competing for his services he/she can choose for whom he will work. But when employers are not free to compete because of governmental regulations their whole business model is distorted. Business owner’s first obligation has to be to those regulations, … not to the employees and to what is best for his own business.

Rudi Logan
Rudi Logan
3 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

If it were up to the market, there would be NO minimum wage. “The market” has been fighting it since its inception. “The market” still wants to get rid of every advantage the New Deal gave to working people because “the market” isn’t interested in employees, only profits.

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Your racism is showing.

Bill G Skywatcher
3 years ago
Reply to  john

Schools should be focused on TEACHING, not recruiting. I spent years in higher education admission. You don’t want that for your kids. Kids have enough to deal with without needing to impress the schools the parents want them to attend. Leave the kids alone!

3 years ago

You seem to have missed the point. To put my children in most the public schools I know would be tantamount to child abuse. I don’t want to pay for both public schools (through taxes) and private school tuition. Let parents have the money that would be spent on their kid’s public school education and let them direct those funds to the kind of school THEY think is best for their children. Believe me, the competition for those dollars would strike fear in public school administrators and everything would change. I was a public school teacher for a long time… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  john

Hey John, can you please share the informational sources of your comment.

Dan Searle
Dan Searle
3 years ago

Unfortunately, the recall system in CA is undemocratic and could lead to minority rule. The process is flawed and quite possibly unconstitutional. Opposition to the recall isn’t opposition to democracy at all. That’s like saying opposition to federal cannabis laws is opposition to democracy. Just because something is on the books or in the constitution doesn’t mean it is equitable and deserving of blind support. My hope is that the current federal lawsuit filed against CA’s recall process is successful. And I agree that voting against the recall election should be a West Hollywood value.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan Searle

Only someone whose never read the constitution would say the recall process is unconstitutional. You just meant to say your biased and emotional.

Scott Sigman
Scott Sigman
3 years ago

I Like the Governor. and not the other people. NO ON RECALL Schoolos increased budget. Masks and vaccines mandate even the POPE said yes
The Governors of Texas and Florida have started killing people through mking a virus political. I never saw a virus at a Political Convention—I know what some will say but I am not bothering with the past–just the waste of money the recall is.Elder is weird and the Guy with the bear forget about it……