Bisexual Pride events in WeHo


Join the City of West Hollywood as we celebrate Bi Visibility Week (Bisexual Visibility Week) events, now through Sept. 3. The City’s events and recognitions during this week are intended to raise the visibility and increase awareness of the Bisexual community. These include:

Panel Discussions: On Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at 7 p.m., the City and members of its Lesbian & Gay Advisory Board will host the first of two virtual Zoom panel discussions focused on the Bisexual community, Past, Present, and Future of the Bisexual Community. To register for the Zoom webinar, please click here.

The second panel, A Community Discussion on Microaggressions Towards the Bi Community will take place virtually via the Zoom platform at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, September 22, 2021. To register for the Zoom webinar, please click here.

Both sessions will be livestreamed on the City’s WeHoTV YouTube channel at For additional details, please visit

Pride Flags: Bisexual Pride flags will be flown on the City’s medians where flags are currently displayed. Additionally, Bisexual Pride flags will be displayed on the rooftop of City Hall and at Plummer Park.

Since incorporation in 1984, the City of West Hollywood has become one of the most influential cities in the nation for its outspoken advocacy on LGBTQ issues. No other city of its size has had a greater impact on the national public policy discourse on fairness and inclusiveness for LGBTQ people. More than 40 percent of residents in West Hollywood identify as LGBTQ and three of the five members of the West Hollywood City Council are openly gay or lesbian. The City has advocated for more than three decades for measures to support LGBTQ individuals and has been in the vanguard on efforts to gain and protect equality for all people on a state, national, and international level.

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