PHOTOS: Leopold Nunan Live at West Hollywood Park


Musical artist Leopold Nunan pulled up in style to his disco funk-flavored Sunday night performance at West Hollywood Park. The enthusiastic crowd, happy to be at a live event after more than a year of COVID restrictions, danced and sang along to the catchy singles from Nunan’s show “The Leo from Rio Sound Machine.” Nunan was one of the most recent recipients of a WeHo Performance Arts Grant. Learn more about Nunan here.

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Cy Husain
3 years ago

Well I certainly hope that all Pandemic ☣ safety measures were taken to prevent it from becoming a COVID-19 Delta Variant Superspreader event, especially those involved have received their vaccines 💉 ❗ Is the last picture of the masked Woman shown CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH or is that just a rumor I started❓


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Kelly Thomas
Kelly Thomas
3 years ago

It was ear-splittingly loud. Had to leave and others followed saying the same thing.