Sheriff: Vaccine mandates are driving away deputies


By Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Newsroom

During a press conference at the Hall of Justice on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, Sheriff Alex Villanueva discussed the imminent threat that vaccine mandates will have on areas serviced by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.

Using a power point presentation, Sheriff Villanueva showed how deputies have begun to leave the department. From October 2019 through October 2020, there were 515 retirements. From October 2020 to October 2021, there were 617 retirements, a difference of 102 deputies who have filed for retirement.  Many of those retiring have institutional knowledge and are experts in their fields with over 28 years of experience.  Sheriff Villanueva shared that 238 sworn personnel have stated their interest in leaving the department.

Workers’ compensation claims are also on the rise and have increased by 21.9% this last year.  He stated that from October 2019 to October 2020, there were 1,434 workers’ compensation claims and as of October 2020 to October 2021, there were 1,749, many attributed to the vaccine mandates.

As of today, 51.7% of the department’s personnel are fully vaccinated and 1.7% are semi-vaccinated. He stated the reason for the low vaccination numbers was due to many not having faith in the vaccine or the political ideology behind the vaccine.

Sheriff Villanueva cautioned that there are 4,185 staff members, both sworn and professional, who may be subject to termination because of the vaccine mandate; 3,137 of the 4,185 are sworn deputies.


The five counties that surround Los Angeles County do not have vaccine mandates and at least half of the department’s sworn personnel do not live in the County of Los Angeles. They can easily apply for employment in those counties.

Public safety is the priority of the Sheriff’s Department and vaccine mandates are an imminent threat to the safety of the communities the department serves. The department is in danger of losing a significant number of deputies and it would be detrimental to the safety of residents of Los Angeles County.

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2 years ago

So many fascist dictators in the making in the comments here.

2 years ago

I think that anyone in the public service, including EMS, Fire & Police should be required to be fully vaccinated and I would think their superiors would be held responsible if they did not enforce the rules.

2 years ago

Clearly they these deputies feel above the law. I wonder what else they refuse to enforce or abide by. It’s their job!

Sounds like the bad apples are self identifying.

2 years ago

Villanueva reminds all of us that pathological slime can run for office and win, even here in California. Which of you believed his campaign and voted for him?

2 years ago

Personally I didn’t think the Wild West sheriffs would follow anyone but themselves. The enforcement in malibu was let’s make sure the junkiest cars pulled over, or a different. Race in an expensive car or hey can we check out your car (new at time) at the dui stops. Let’s see I called sheriffs in West Hollywood several times. They came out 1 out of 5 They always meet in groups when giving a ticket or a homeless situation. But didn’t when I was jumped walking my dog. The jumpers were pinned down my neck and my dog. I’m no… Read more »

2 years ago

If law enforcement personnel isn’t willing to do the same thing I did, get vaccinated both for my own health and the health of the greater community, they aren’t fit to be serving and protecting, so their loss is probably a positive. Nobody is a special snowflake in this, just go get your vaccine like the rest of us and go on about life. Hopefully when the next pandemic gets here, we’ll all have this worked out and be accepting of the next vaccine which will be necessary.

2 years ago

Too bad Sheriff! Before our troops were sent into Iraq or Afghanistan they were required to get vaccinated. Interesting how the right-wing loves to talk about snowflakes when these public safety servants are clearly uneducated, ill-informed, and melting under the pressure of misinformation. I’ve complained to Mayor Meister before about how out of touch our Sheriff’s department is (she soon stopped communicating) but it’s time we have the people protecting us truly being representative of us. Get out of your SUVs and walk the streets – the seven caravan siren parades of prowess are no longer impressive. You must evolve… Read more »

2 years ago

Good, the dumb ones will quit.

The Real Zam
2 years ago

So sad. Police refuse to follow the law they are sworn to enforce. All this is doing is demonstrating the hypocrisy of our law enforcement.

2 years ago
Reply to  The Real Zam

This mandate isn’t a law, there are no criminal penalties attached to it. It’s an overreach into one’s personal life that certain political hacks are requiring to control the masses.

2 years ago

So many vaccinated have contracted Covid with them saying “it could have been worse.” Who cares if “it could have been worse,” the vaccination obviously doesn’t work. For you vaxxers stop forcing others to inject something that doesn’t work against their will.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stevie

I see you have joined the legions of other anti-vaxxers though history including those who railed against vaccinations for smallpox and polio. A reminder that there will always be idiots. Including those like me who even bother to respond to people like you.

2 years ago
Reply to  David

So the vaccine for smallpox and polio only lessened the severity of the illness or did it eliminate the chance of contracting the illness? Yep, you’re a special kind of idiot Karen.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stevie
  1. The vaccine does work. We can see this via hospitlizations and deaths.

“Vaxxers” you mean normal well educated people that don’t subscribe to insane conspiracy theories?

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

You’re ignorance must be bliss Karen. If the vaccine worked people would not become ill from Covid after receiving the vaccine, and don’t try that silly notion that the vaccine helps stop the intensity of the infection. Are you or someone else some sort of deity that can see into each persons body to prove this? So you Vaxxers do subscribe to insane conspiracy theories by buying into this theory.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stevie

It’s not a theory. It’s fact based on evidence and statistics. The overwhelming majority of people being hospitalized and dying are unvaccinated. I don’t need to “see into each person’s body” to understand data.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

The insane conspiracy are you who actually think its ok to force people against their will to impose yours. Along with your distorted narrative of what science is (reality in general) and denial of natural immunity. Everything you people accuse others of is actually a projection of what you are. It’s people like you that made the h o l o c a u s t possible. You people are living in fear and delusion. We’re not going to let that happen again and we are definitely not going to adjust ourselves to make you feel comfortable. Nobody owes you… Read more »

Michael Grace
Michael Grace
2 years ago

The dreadful political hacks are driving away deputies, ambulance drivers, and firefighters. Many already had the virus because they were handling people that had it. Don’t count on the elitist WOKE SHE Shyne, Horvath and Erickson volunteerong to drive the ambulances. No one is going to buy that pathetic SHE message anymore. These losers are going to be facing Critical ERASE Theory. Tonight, the SHE will be wearing masks in those little glass boxes at the City Council meeting. While up the street at every restaurant and bar people will be without masks. The big question tonight will be what… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Michael Grace
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Grace

You do realize this has little to do with the Weho city council, right? It’s regarding an LA COUNTY vaccine mandate.

Your comments continue to get more unhinged. It’s embarrassing.