How will a bus lane affect traffic on La Brea?


Metro service staff gave a virtual presentation Tuesday on the planned addition of a bus lane to La Brea Ave.

The project would install a dedicated lane for buses on the 5.9-mile stretch of La Brea from Coliseum Ave. to Sunset Blvd. in which West Hollywood lies. The corridor belongs to L.A.’s “High Injury Network,” the 6 percent of L.A. roads that account for 70 percent of fatalities and severe injuries. More than 100,000 people are within walking distance of the proposed bus lane.

Creating a bus lane requires the conversion of existing restricted peak hour curb lanes that become available to vehicular traffic when street parking is prohibited during the morning and afternoon rush hour to ‘bus only’ lanes. Parking would continue to be available on weekday off-peak hours (mid-day), weekday evenings and overnight, and weekends and holidays. Parking would be restricted by an additional hour in the morning and the evening.

The bus lane would remain available for vehicles making right turns, as well as cyclists. 

Metro expects the bus lane will increase the time for drivers to cross the stretch of La Brea Ave. by two to three minutes. They hope to implement the lane by Spring 2022.

During public comment, Ross DeFranco spoke up about what he considers the real problem.

“The problem here is that you’re not actually fixing the actual issue, which is illegally parked cars on the quarter.”


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