A black SUV crashed into the fence at Kings Road Park this afternoon, knocking it over. Reader photos show the vehicle still running and lodged in the fence shortly before sheriff’s deputies arrived. It is unknown whether there were any injuries.

The number of speculations offered by commenters on this article, none of whom appear to have any pertinent facts is troubling. This article is notable as it exemplified much of the speculative chatter in the site daily. With the exception of a few fairly critical thinkers, many residents offer a picture of West Hollywood residents as uneducated, emotional, opinion givers. Please put down your dysfunctional loads and endeavor to express credible solutions.
You first – delete your internet presence and show us the way, smartypants
Exactly the comment, juvenile uninformed behavior. Fortunately my person and professional credibility depends on close scrutiny and the facts. Smartypants is the wrong description , being accurate is a worthy pursuit.
Nice try greeneyedguy.
See Cy Husain’s vicious comments attacking ‘rich people’ before any facts emerged.
WehoFan, Steve, Ian, you need to post with better screen names and make some original arguments to give the impression of a ground swell of public sympathy toward the rich and famous as opposed to the postings of a single troll

Oh, I think we know what was driving that vehicle.
I guess all the anti accident tech in cars don’t work as well as promoted.
Auto stopping if going to hit person, car, object??
I don’t drive anymore, just wondering.
If the story about the couple fighting in the SUV and crashing the vehicle deliberately is true,the driver is very lucky no one was killed.They would be facing serious charges if a pedestrian was struck.Angry or not,this was reckless.
The story in the Kings Road neighborhood is that a couple was fighting in the Cadillac SUV and one of them deliberately crashed the car into the park gate.
Lucky a pedestrian wasn’t hurt.Could be driver had a medical emergency,but it is more likely driver was on phone and speeding when he or she lost control.I don’t see an occupant in the vehicle.Was this a hit-and-run?
Falling asleep at the wheel, stroke, heart attack, or substance abuse “might” explain this bizarre event.
vaxx related seizure. going to see a lot more of these
That is complete antivaxx misinformation
Lesson to rich people, it takes far more than simply coming in possession of an expensive vehicle to make someone a high performance driver

Or maybe it was the hired help driving something more advanced then their own Kia.
A KIA is likely to be more advanced than what rich people get suckered into buying and, hired help would be required to get driving certification well beyond the state license.
No Karen, the hired help is not required to obtain a Commercial Driver’s license to operate the owners vehicle. And a Kia is far less advanced then the Cadillac in this accident. Now go take a ride on your little 3 wheeled tricycle honey.
First off they don’t sell the 3 wheeled ATVs anymore and haven’t for some time now. Too unstable and a serious safety hazard but, were fun to tear golf courses up with.
In my past jobs the tactical driving course, bullet resistant armor and, various side arms with CCW permit were NEEDED
Note the comparison between KIA and Cadillac, the KIA clearly leads technologically with its features and its robotic and laser welding technology in manufacture. Currently KIA has easier access to microchips than Cadillac.
LOL sure you had jobs like that, maybe with your imaginary friends while playing with Hot Wheel cars and dolls while wishing you were more than a lonely hired helpers son (or former daughter, who knows). And I give you credit for thinking I actually meant a motorized vehicle, I actually meant a tricycle (as in Big Wheel)
YES I’ve had a-lot of jobs, collected my fair share of unemployment and, won more than a few wrongful termination settlements. Now lets NOT use any transphobia in our arguments, we full support their rights here in West Hollywood
Let me guess, in your relentless support of the rich and powerful, you’re coming after me as an employee from hell vexatious litigant next 
Nope you said it all. You’re a perpetual victim, if someone looks at you cross eyed you will file a hate crime police report for homophobia and then sue them for some bogus case.
In a world of systemic institutional racism it’s not uncommon for members of oppressed minority groups to be victimized more than a few times. In my case its only been racial and ethnic lines of discrimination or assault. Majority of out of court settlements that really only occur to avoid paying an even larger settlement in the event of a likely loss.
I’m sure it was stolen.
If that were the case they would said that from the start in order to deny me an opportunity to take fun potshots at the rich