Police arrest 3 suspects in brazen Grove robbery


Three suspects were in custody Tuesday after they were arrested in connection with a smash-and-grab robbery at the Grove in which at least 20 people smashed a window at Nordstrom’s and raided the store.

One group of suspects led police on a freeway chase and foot pursuit through South Los Angeles, using the Santa Monica (10) Freeway and the Harbor (110) Freeway as their getaway routes before exiting the 110 at Manchester Avenue at about 11:05 p.m. Monday, according to Officer Drake Madison of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Police then created a perimeter and began a foot pursuit of the suspects in the area near Hoover Street and Vermont Avenue. Officers recovered several items of clothing, a cash register and gloves from a Nissan SUV, which they believe is the suspects’ vehicle. It was not immediately known if the arrested suspects were part of the police pursuit, Madison said. Other suspects remain on the loose.

Police said at least 20 people robbed the Nordstrom’s at the popular retail and entertainment complex in the Fairfax District just before 11 p.m. Monday.

The robbers used a sledgehammer and assorted tools to smash one of the department store’s windows and reportedly took several items of men’s clothing. At least four cars sped away from Nordstrom’s as LAPD patrol cars responded to the burglary call.

Similar crimes have occurred recently in the Southland and the Bay area.

At about 9:45 p.m. Monday, six suspects entered a CVS Pharmacy in the 5800 block of South Vermont Avenue in the South Los Angeles area and stole three cash registers, taking about $8,500 in cash, Madison said. It was unclear if the same suspects later targeted the Grove.


On Sunday, storefront windows of the Louis Vuitton and Saks Fifth Avenue stores in Beverly Hills were smashed during attempted burglaries.

“Multiple suspects traveling in several vehicles descended on the locations and used a sledgehammer to try to break through front windows,” Beverly Hills Police Sgt. Anthony Adams said. The burglars did not get into the stores, and nothing was taken, according to police.

In the Walnut Creek area on Saturday night, about 80 people descended upon a Nordstrom’s and stole merchandise before fleeing in numerous vehicles. Some arrests were reported. That incident came a day after several stores in San Francisco’s Union Square were targeted by people who smashed windows and fled in vehicles.

During a media briefing while touring a Bay area vaccine clinic Monday, Gov. Gavin Newsom reacted to the crimes.

“I have no sympathy, no empathy whatsoever for people smashing and grabbing, stealing people’s items, creating havoc and terror on our streets. None. Period. Full stop,” Newsom said. “We want real accountability. We want people prosecuted, and we want people to feel safe this holiday season.”

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Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
3 years ago

Larry please be aware this article became one sighted with commenters adding to every comment and berating people calling out their views when it come to unlucky safety. How are these comments approved? This is overbearing and is getting too much if people are allowed to do this without some scrutiny or warning from the platform

Last edited 3 years ago by Jamie Francis
Larry Block
3 years ago
Reply to  Jamie Francis

Comments are approved when submitted. Comments come in one by one and not in relation to the article or with regard to the previous comment. Most comments are approved when submitted without being read, or unless there is a commenter that is not on a watch list for previous comments. The comment section will be eliminated if we need a person to sit all day and follow every article and how the comments flow. So that is how comments are approved. If there is a comment that slips by that is distasteful feel free to write.

Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
3 years ago

Police need to start walking their beats; policing their streets. I hesitate to add smash and grabbers need more than a slap on the wrist from time to time.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Chloe Ross

At well over 100K a year significantly more than a Nobel Prize Winning Scientist could likely expect to make, many in law enforcement think this is asking way too much of them. Now you could even have the death penalty for smash and grabbers but, if they consistently outsmart law enforcement like the Road Runner does with Wile E. Coyote, it won’t do any good❗

Mark Reese
Mark Reese
3 years ago

Reviewing this blotter makes me wonder why this city experiences such uneven law enforcement. About a year ago my apartment was burglarized. I was handed a “report” but there was never an investigation. No signed statement was collected from me, nobody took notes at the scene, no fingerprint lifted off opened new surveillance camera boxes, and no questioning of the suspect that I identified. To make matters worse, this person has stolen my identity, stalked, harassed, burglarized, assaulted, and slandered me. I have submitted at least six more complaints and no investigation. I even have a safe full of evidence.… Read more »

3 years ago

Lol. Lol. Lol. Liberals. Watching them justify crime as their neighborhood becomes unsafe. Honey, you get what you have voted for. Lol.

Your not Kyle buddy.
Your not Kyle buddy.
3 years ago
Reply to  Dawn

LOL LOL LOL Conservatives. Watching them justify Chump is sad and pathetic.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Dawn

Watching right-wing conservatives posting like they’re convincing anyone they are in or ever been to West Hollywood❗🤣

Chloe Ross
Chloe Ross
3 years ago
Reply to  Dawn


3 years ago

The Woke and SHE agenda is going south. Get a gun, defend yourself… don’t let the dictates
of busy bodies like Shyne, Horvath and Erika Erickson lead you into being sacrificed for political correctness. After the next election, the SHE must be history.

3 years ago
Reply to  #copsonthebeat

There is no one on the council by the name of Erica.

Are you okay?

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Nowhere in this comment did the writer say that Erika Erickson is on council. Are you okay?

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

In prior comments it has been used as a sexist slam to Councilmember Dr. John M. Erickson and, should be called out as unacceptable

Dr. Pseud
Dr. Pseud
3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

He has a Docterate? Or is a Medical Doctor?

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pseud

Like you do ❓ 🤣

Get a dictionary
Get a dictionary
3 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Pseud

Doctorate, get a dictionary

Cy Husain
3 years ago

Law Enforcement doing their best to protect the interests of the super wealthy especially if it provides justification to abuse oppressed minority groups, no surprise here❗

Bias & Animus
Bias & Animus
3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Please take the load off your back and eliminate the relentless comments about your apparent bias and animus.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Bias & Animus

So kind of you to consider my burdens but, I’m very happy to share the results of where the evidence takes me and hope you enjoy it too❗😁

3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

You are no better than that vile element you defend,

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Actually I think those who are even more oppressed than I am, tend to be even better❗✊🏽

3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Somehow you seem totally cool with people breaking into stores in large mobs because they are oppressed minority groups? All while law enforcement catches maybe 3 of 80 of them. They need 24/7 armed security.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  gdaddy

It was more like 3 of 20 at the Grove, 0 of 20 at Fairfax and, 0 of 80 at Walnut Creek. Someone needs to tell the LAPD “the odds seem to be favoring ‘oppressed minority groups’ Gen. Custer ❗ ” Security Guards won’t help you Pilgrim.🤣

3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

He knows…he learned about oppression in his sociology class. Please don’t act like you speak for minorities.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  John

Never made any claims of being the official spokes person for any group, that’s entirely your projection. Yes I’ve had a few Sociology classes, History classes and, Ethnic studies; all a part of my upper division core requirements a long time ago. I would encourage you and others to do the same❗

3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

My undergraduate and graduate course work is in Mathematics. Of course, the people that you take classes with are appalled by that as being racist..

And I quote, “Laurie Rubel, who teaches at Brooklyn College, says that the idea of math being cultural neutral is a “myth,” and that asking whether 2 plus 2 equals 4 “reeks of white supremacist patriarchy.”

Your type of educators can find racism in math. Radicals is what they are.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  John

Putting out a great deal of misinformation using a “Strawman Attack” about a Mathematician who is on right-wing hit lists for pointing out that yes discrimination has hindered the Math Education of Minorities and Women. By definition a “radical” is one that gets to the root of the issue.

Los Angeleno
Los Angeleno
3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

And “gLobal wArmiNg iS tHe cauSe oF sOCiaL DisPaRitY”

Last edited 3 years ago by Los Angeleno
Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Los Angeleno

Any major disaster WILL have an effect on “social disparity.”

Logic, Reason & Ethics
Logic, Reason & Ethics
3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

You appear to have missed logic, reason and ethics. No one values a constant complainer when the option is to provide sound solutions. Having a superior attitude does not appear consistent with ones position in life especially when one holds them self back, yet still complains.

Cy Husain
3 years ago

Yes conservative republicans complain constantly with a superior attitude on a level fitting delusions of grandeur:

  1. The entire universe is out to get them.
  2. The universe will come to an end if they can’t rule it.
  3. Protecting the environment is about getting them.
  4. International LGBTQ+ & Feminist conspiracy to keep them from getting a girlfriend.
  5. Needs to arm themselves with weapons of mass destruction out of fear of bigger & stronger people.
3 years ago

What are their names? Can we see their pictures?

3 years ago

They know George Gascon will protect them.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  gdaddy

Nothing to do with the District Attorney, it’s social unrest resulting from the systemic failure of an imperialist power in a state of inevitable decline.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Spoken like someone from a truly working class background. You need to come to the realization that you are of no importance,

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  Scott

Oh PLEASE tell that to your fellow right-wing conservatives who constantly attack me as being some “privileged over educated intellectual twit with no knowledge of the real world” and, somehow being “single handedly responsible for causing all the world’s problems ❗ “