Survey: Viper Room project ‘belongs in Dubai, not WeHo’


The results of a public survey on the 8850 Sunset Blvd./Viper Room project suggest a widespread distaste for the development and its design.

The survey was created and conducted by Elyse Eisenberg, WeHo Heights Neighborhood Association Chairperson and a Business License Commissioner. She has submitted the results and comments to the City of West Hollywood for inclusion as part of the public response to the DEIR (Draft Environmental Report). This project is expected to be presented to City Council in February.

A majority of respondents thought the techno-organic design of the proposed building “belonged in Dubai, not WeHo.” Many were outright horrified by the look of it; others said it was far too large and/or tall for the lot, or that it would look dated too soon.

“I like the two towers individually but NOT on this site and NOT together,” wrote one respondent.  “its overwhelming. Way too tall and attention grabbing. And trying to be linked together -its too much of a stretch – literally. They don’t belong together”

“I think it’s an interesting design but has no place in West Hollywood,” another wrote. “Please don’t build this”

Residents were also concerned about the project’s effect on traffic and parking.

Most were not convinced WeHo needed another hotel, nor did they think 10 new affordable housing units were worth the disruption the project would bring to the neighborhood. 


“The trade-off is not worth it,” one resident wrote. “Especially in this case since the plan is to segregate the affordable housing On the most undesirable floor. We need to focus on affordable housing that isn’t being built in a Faustian bargain.”

The results of the survey can be found here:

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2 years ago

People hated the PDC Red building too. Now where are those critics?

Opportunistic Project
Opportunistic Project
2 years ago
Reply to  RobbyDobby

The work of Cesar Pelli was original, not a cobbled together design purloining his students ideas.

No Dubai
No Dubai
2 years ago

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum would not take kindly to this comparison. Not only does he have interest in futuristic soaring architecture befitting his kingdom, Sheikh Mohammed is one of the preeminent owners and breeders of classical thoroughbred horses of the highest order emanating from the foundational sires, a dedication and irreplaceable gift to the industry.

2 years ago

From a safety perspective, this is the worst possible block on sunset to put a huge building. As for this particular design, the greenery is like a little Christmas decoration. And all that this seems to be saying architecturally is “I have two and they’re both bigger than yours”. It’s like somebody is trying to shove several buildings into Spanx which could well explode

Opportunistic Project
Opportunistic Project
2 years ago

Opportunistic project. Recycled design from Mark Rios and Patrick Tighe, a former student of Mayne’s, one already past it’s expiration date.

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
2 years ago

I’m already sick of this building. Enough with the white/straight boy/Bladerunner/SCI-Arc fantasies.

2 years ago

The design is obnoxious. It angers WeHo residents who will live around it, while it earns praise from those who live far away and/or shady bot accounts.

Michael Lee
Michael Lee
2 years ago

We need someone in office that understands architecture and the SCALE it plans in how it affects the city! I question who’s approving the horrible design of many recent projects AND landscaping

Harley Robert
Harley Robert
2 years ago

Require 15 affordable units and see if the developers are still in love with their design. Personally I think it’s atrocious but that’s irrelevant.

Sean Moran
Sean Moran
2 years ago

wasn’t this REJECT SET DESIGN FROM BLADE RUNNER…for God’s sake LA – there must be someone with taste left in the city planning commission.

2 years ago

    The Planning Commission shall consist of seven members who shall be residents of the city. Members shall not be officers or employees of the city.

That little part about RESIDENTS…seems to escape many who have outgrown those little panties they started wearing @18 and are now knocking on 40-60. Try XXL and it may relieve some of the tightness around your fat ultra-superior ego’s.

Animus & Ignorance
Animus & Ignorance
2 years ago
Reply to  Jose

This remark seems a clear reflection of your animus and ignorance . Please at least try to understand the essentials of our community regardless of one’s girth.

2 years ago

You’ve done that quite well all by yourself!

Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
2 years ago

Sarcastically I must ask Stanley Johnson, Must all People doing a survey or those of us on Wehoville do this? Has this become an ageist correlation? There are difference of opinions like different ages, but you don’t have to specify what. According to some commenters now we have to state our age, place of residence (in Weho preferably) and place of employment or occupation political affiliation and socio-economic status maybe even our blood type for the record? This statement shouldn’t be according to age gaps but resident and local or commuter input not by assertions and sole opinion or assumption… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by Jamie Francis
Stanley Johnson
Stanley Johnson
2 years ago

This is a biased survey and if we looked at the demographics of who took the survey, we will see we are not hearing from anyone under 50! West Hollywood is known for pushing the boundaries and this should be reflected in the architecture. Dubai is home to 80 story buildings and taller. This is not even the tallest building in WeHo. This group wanted to preserve a bank and strip mall…. so they lost all credibility in my opinion!

Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
2 years ago

I am well under 50. Sarcastically I must ask Stanley Johnson, Must all WEHOville commenters now have to state their age, place of residence (in Weho preferably) and place of employment or occupation for the record? This statement shouldn’t be according to age gaps but resident and local or commuter input not by assertions and sole opinions or assumptions of a commenter!

Sean Moran
Sean Moran
2 years ago

way under 50 Stan and the design is still a nightmare from some futuristic horror flick- or maybe EARTHQUAKE 2030- THE FIRST TO GO.

Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
2 years ago
Reply to  Sean Moran

I think the same exact thing as you do. The architecture is too much of a spaceship design and the sight and height just gives me vertigo looking at the photograph. This is really beyond futuristic but a standing spaceship (design). That would be concerning if there was ever an earthquake even with retrofitting. These buildings are getting too tall in height for the street and area!

Last edited 2 years ago by Jamie Francis