Masks are mandatory all over California again


Citing a sharp increase in COVID-19 infection rates since Thanksgiving, the state Wednesday began requiring mask-wearing in all indoor public settings across California regardless of vaccination status, a rule that has been in place for months in Los Angeles County.

The statewide mask mandate will remain in place until Jan. 15. Among the indoor public spaces affected are retail stores, restaurants, theaters, family entertainment centers and government offices that serve the public.

Los Angeles County has long maintained a mask-wearing mandate in place for indoor public facilities. But the rule will mark a change in Orange County, but it’s unclear if anyone will actively try to enforce it there — a county where many residents have vocally opposed mask-wearing requirements and most other anti-COVID health regulations throughout the pandemic.

According to the state, roughly half of California’s population already lives counties that had local mask-wearing mandates in place.

In addition to imposing the mask mandate, the state has also toughened the restriction for unvaccinated people who attend indoor “mega-events” of 1,000 people or more, requiring them to receive a negative COVID test within one day of the event if it’s a rapid antigen test or within two days for a PCR test. The previous rule required a test within 72 hours of the event.

State officials are also recommending, but not requiring, that people who travel to California or return to the state after traveling be tested for COVID within three to five days.


California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said the changes were prompted by what he called a 47% increase in COVID-19 case rates across the state since Thanksgiving. He said over that time, the statewide rate of daily new cases went from 9.6 per 100,000 residents to more than 14 per 100,000.

Ghaly said state officials also acted in hopes of avoiding the dramatic surge in cases experienced statewide last year during the winter holiday months.

“As we look at the evidence that masks do make a difference, even a 10% increase in indoor masking can reduce case transmission significantly,” he said Monday.

Under previous state guidelines — which were followed by many counties including Riverside, Orange and San Diego — masks were only required indoors at public transit facilities such as airports, healthcare settings, adult and senior care facilities, schools, correctional facilities, homeless shelters, emergency shelters and cooling centers.

The state technically already required mask-wearing for unvaccinated people at indoor public facilities, but the new rule impacts everyone regardless of vaccine status.

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2 years ago

The people positioned to defend us from encroaching austerity and tyranny are silent. History watches in shame.

2 years ago
Reply to  West

Look at weho city council. They are pushing the tyranny.

2 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Remember in simpler times when CC was just local soft bribe schemes and blackmail dramas? At this stage, EVERY LAST person on the council belongs in The Hague.

2 years ago

The time to have paid attention in Weho was DAY ONE when Mayor Horvath was asleep to the city issues and charting her future. Common sense should reach beyond borders in sinc with science.

Cy Husain
2 years ago
Reply to  DAY ONE

And the SCIENCE has consistently shown that Masks (even far less than N95s) are SAFE and EFFECTIVE when it comes to REDUCING the spread of #COVID19 😷 ❗ #AntiMaskers ask for unrealistic burdens of proof, while consistently offering none themselves.

B nun
B nun
2 years ago

C R A P !!!

2 years ago

Why do you need masks if you’ve been 3x vaccinated?

2 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

You are so right. We’re wearing masks because we are ruled by the most vicious and dangerous government in the history of the United States. As for california, with that dreadful governor and all those slimy political hacks in Sacramento we hardly even have a chance. As for West Hollywood in that city council I hope they will cover their faces and hoods instead of mass so we don’t have to look at their dumb stupid expressions.

2 years ago

You seem so angry. Please get vaccinated and wear a mask.

Cy Husain
2 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Vaccination 💉 is a significant part of disease containment & eradication but, NOT adequate by itself ❗ Even small breakthrough infections can reverse containment progress and, during a pandemic; opportunistic infections of other diseases is a distinct possibility. Both vaccinations and nonpharmaceutical mitigation & containment measures, including masks, lockdowns and, physical distancing, are necessary to curb the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the threat of new variants.

2 years ago

California is run, along with West Hollywood, by the worst elected officials in the history of the United States. Starting with that dreadful ludicrous Governor “French Laundry” Nuisance. Fortunately, I doubt that the mask thing will be enforced by the blessed police. Despite screams from the SHE group… Especially the loud mouth 40-year-old ex mayor Lindsey Horvath! The happiest group will be the criminals running around in the streets shooting and robbing. Unidentified, because of their masks!

Last edited 2 years ago by #burnmasks
2 years ago
Reply to  #burnmasks

Get vaccinated.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Oh Erika, I am vaccinated. As for the masks, I wish they were much larger. So they would cover up the face of the SHE and the West Hollywood City Council every time they meet in person in the council chambers. While up the street at the Bars and over at the Abbey they are boozing it up using plastic straws inserted into their Masks to get drunk.

2 years ago
Reply to  #burnmasks

Who is Erika? An imaginary friend of yours?

I can’t follow your unhinged rants anymore.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Get new material.

2 years ago

The tyranny must stop. When a newer variant comes out the government will mandate another vaccination.

2 years ago
Reply to  Eric

The idiocy from anti-vaxxers must stop.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Go get another booster shot like the Quack Fauci wants the world to get. Become a pin cushion sheep follower and stop trying to force people to follow you down the Henny Penny hole.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Everyone in West Hollywood is vaccinated. It’s the masks and shutdowns, a nightmare created from the Biden administration. If you can call Biden anything but a third rate political hack from Delaware. Which is known for two things, the Duponts and to hide your money in offshore corporations.

2 years ago

Everyone in West Hollywood is vaccinated”

This is not true. Are you being serious right now?

Josh Kurpies
Josh Kurpies
2 years ago
Reply to  Eric

You do understand the virus can only mutate when it transfers from one host to another, one person to another person for example, right? The more people wear their masks, the less virus they spread to others and the less chance there is of mutation, the sooner we’re out of this. If you’re not going to believe the science, at least try to use basic logic.

2 years ago
Reply to  Josh Kurpies

You’re not logical. No mask mandates in Florida or Texas and the cases are lower.

2 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Time for you to look up how many deaths per capita Florida suffered these past 6 months…

2 years ago

Enforce all 3 vaccines with proof to enter a job site

2 years ago
Reply to  Vikki

What does that do?

2 years ago
Reply to  Vikki

Absolutely. Billions of people around the world have been vaccinated, there’s absolutely no excuse not to be here in the US by now.

2 years ago
Reply to  C.R.

Why don’t you leave?

2 years ago

Just like the karate kid movies: mask on, mask off, mask on, mask off. Mask up all you Henny Penny sheep of Gruesome and Brandon