Which City Hall staffers were promoted or dismissed?


Big changes are afoot at West Hollywood City Hall as City Manager David Wilson announced a shakeup of senior staff members on Wednesday.

Jackie Rocco is now Wilson’s Deputy City Manager. Rocco, a 13-year veteran of City Hall, will be in charge of development-related departments and services. Danny Rivas will take her place as Director of Public Works.

John Leonard, the city’s Community and Legislative Affairs Manager, will now head up the city’s Economic Development division, which now includes the Arts division.

Lisa Belsanti (left) was let go while Jackie Rocco (center) and Yvonne Quarker both received promotions.

Yvonne Quarker, WeHo’s previous city clerk, is now the head of the brand new Community Services Department. Janet Jimenez moves up to the position she has vacated, Assistant to the City Manager.

Lisa Belsanti, the longtime head of the Communications Department, parted ways with City Hall on Wednesday. Neither she nor the city have commented publicly on the reasons for their severed relationship. Communication Manager Josh Schare takes her place.

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Ryan R Gierach
2 years ago

I cannot say why you all seem to jostle one another so in order to pee on the city staffers relieved of their duties, however, I can say this. Lisa Belsanti was, for the two decades I worked with her, as professional as they come. Her one main ingredient? Integrity. Having worked closely with her for 20 years I can say that she is always demonstrated extraordinary judgment in what she could reveal on the record, not for attribution, on background and off the record. Her decency and honesty informed all of those decisions which I saw firsthand. Those of… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Ryan R Gierach

With all due respect, it is possible there is a larger picture here. She may have demonstrated all the protocols you mentioned but it seems problematic that her grasp on the tenor of how to promote West Hollywood appeared on the juvenile side perhaps due to a lack of personal scope. Yes, she achieved endless awards for the city, all strangely listed on her Linkedin account so in the end it may have been deficiency in judgement often an important central issue.

James Buford
James Buford
2 years ago
Reply to  Unconscionable

She lies about her credentials. Her LinkedIn profile, and the city’s own website list that she received a degree from Columbia College in Chicago. A simple check with their admissions office will show that she only attended Columbia for one semester, and never earned a degree. Many think she blackmailed her way up the ladder. That remains to be verified.

2 years ago
Reply to  James Buford

Perhaps she could lead the Fabrication Team for Lindsey Horvath. Made up lives coat tailing others of note hoping their credentials will somehow reflect on them. Two peas in a pod.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
2 years ago
Reply to  Unconscionable

As with many things in the City, often it was more about chasing accolades than it was doing public service. All I know is that Hank Scott did not have the same sort of relationship with the PIO.

Mark Reese
Mark Reese
2 years ago

How many city staffers or elected officials have partners, children, parents, siblings, first cousins, or business partners that work for the LA County Sheriff? I asked the mayor and others for assistance following brutality and ongoing harassment. I am awaiting an FBI response to my 8 month old plea for help. I wonder if the masterminds identified by me might have gone state’s witness against for the FBI, shifting focus to another issue to defer a response to me. Perhaps my accusations will damage their witnesses or “distract”investigators. I hate to be a pest but the FBI is obligated to… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Reese

Consider contacting the chair of Public safety commission to assist with info request. Hope you get the follow up you deserve.

Jaime Parsons
Jaime Parsons
2 years ago

“times have and are changing and the image of West Hollywood presents to the world should be more nuanced and mature.” – says the 60-something guy. 

2 years ago

The worst quality in a human being is not being able to admit when they are wrong. Bye Felicia, Lisa Belsanti.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
2 years ago

I think these are good moves and I am glad that David Wilson is moving to put his own team together. Leonard will be excellent in leading economic development. Expanding Rocco’s portfolio to include development is a natural progression. Danny Rivas is a good choice for Public Works and Yvonne Quarker has been an underutilized resource at City Hall. Ideally the Public Information Office will be downsized and Wilson will consider how West Hollywood wants to present itself in the future. Lisa Belsanti was good at what she did but times have and are changing and the image of West… Read more »

carleton cronin
carleton cronin
2 years ago

After new names and assignments are firmed the city must give us (residents, businesses) a chart showing all the departments and appropriate information for contacts.

2 years ago

Mr Cronin,

I believe what you are looking for is the WeHo CH website.
I know you are aware, so perhaps it is not updated, yet?
Am I wrong, here?

2 years ago

The salaries at City Hall are so bloated and the quality of services provided is lacking.

2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

we are in a global pandemic. all services for all industries is lacking as a result. what do you expect? Person to person interactions at every corner of the city? Unlimited access to social services for all? Free rent? Lower taxes? Get real. The city just won the most business friendly City award and raised the min wage to the highest in the country, among other things. I’d say, services are improving year after year.

Cyn Guy
Cyn Guy
2 years ago
Reply to  weho321

Dude – I run a 240 person company that has had to service our customers and respond to the pandemic. Frankly, the public sector has hid behind COVID as an excuse to NOT do their jobs and provide responsive resident based services. It is a JOKE that we in the private sector figure out ways to manage our day-to-day affairs while city staffers literally site at home and zoom a couple hours per day. Try making an appointment at City Hall for any public service. It is an absolute joke.

2 years ago

Maybe it was because she earned $240k in salary and $80k in benefits in 2019, the last year the figures were published. Who knows how much that has increased in the subsequent years. $320k is more than the White House press secretary makes. I can only imagine what the city can do without having to spend so much on bloated salaries. I just wish there were others following her out the door.

2 years ago
Reply to  Shawn

AMEN!public officials should make their schedules public. Transparency! Let’s vote!

2 years ago
Reply to  Shawn

Unconscionable. I believe Ms. Belsanti may have been responsible for the juvenile messages going out from city hall instructing the residents how to behave…..third grade style.

2 years ago
Reply to  Unconscionable

pretty sure our city’s communications team is extremely well respected and awarded for their messaging and campaigns. It’s because of ms belsantis leadership that the city is a global name and so highly regarded.

2 years ago
Reply to  weho321

Unfortunately much of the city’s messaging and campaigns are largely egocentric. As for a global name and being highly regarded, the world outside of West Hollywood views it quite differently. It’s more than demeaning. Blinded by it own spotlight.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
2 years ago
Reply to  Shawn

At some point compensation needs to be based upon the reality of the market place and some thought needs to be given to how much of West Hollywood’s future budgets will be taken up in pension payouts. It is always disturbing to read that the State may have a $30 billion surplus without mentioning that California has something like $90 billion in un-funded pension obligations.

2 years ago

Most of the government employees at City Hall earn twice what they are worth. They should all be let go and replaced with good managers for much lower pay.

2 years ago
Reply to  voting

I’d vote for that.

Kyle Thompson
Kyle Thompson
2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

Duh.Rarely have I seen near expertise from city folks. In business we call it “C students”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle Thompson

Sounds like a meme from the 60s.

James Buford
James Buford
2 years ago
Reply to  voting

A public records request of all the reclassifications, and promotions will show that the same nepotism has plagued this city for ages. I am a former employee of 20 years under an alias, and am disgusted by these “changes”. Mr. Oscar Delgado is very intent on promoting those near and dear to him, especially Janet Jimenez who is a close friend of his family. Some folks that have been promoted to Managers only manage 1-2 people. That’s laughable. These nepotists are all getting ready for retirement, and bolstering their salaries. Nothing short of masked embezzlement. Cheers.

2 years ago
Reply to  James Buford

Takes guts to tell it like it is. Thank you. My email is linked