UPDATE: Stolen French bulldog reunited with owner


UPDATE: Rachel Avery has been reunited with Jag, her French bulldog stolen just over a week ago from his front porch, according to ABC 7. Avery received a call from a person in Philadelphia promising to return the dog if she wasn’t prosecuted. Jag is now home safe.

Three men in an SUV stole Jag, a French bulldog, from his front porch last Sunday evening around 5:30pm after the dog managed to slip out of his collar while being walked by a guardian. The dog proceeded to desperately run home to safety when three men in a black SUV saw the dog running on Sunset and Sweetzer and started chasing him by foot and in a car, telling people it was their dog and asking if people could help them catch him. Running so fast, the dog managed to escape the thieves on Sunset Blvd. but they were persistent, acting fast to kidnap this beloved family member. 

The French bulldog made it home, sitting scared on the front doorstep waiting for the door to open. His owner, Rachel Avery, was running around the neighborhood frantically trying to find him. After escaping the thieves the first time the SUV pulled up again outside the Avery’s residence, got out, and started asking neighbors where the dog was — not because they wanted to find its owner, but because they wanted to steal it.

It was pointed out that Jag was home on his front porch when the thief began telling people, “That’s my dog Chico”. The thief then quickly took the dog from his front porch and put it in the SUV. The man wasn’t interested in finding the owner and is suspected of ill intent of depriving the owner of permanent loss as he never knocked on the owner’s door lying telling people it was his dog.

The license plates were taken because of the suspicious nature of the incident. One witness said, “That dog looked scared when that man picked him up and I just knew then it wasn’t his dog”. 

The license plate was a rental car from Enterprise returned the next day. Several witnesses at the scene of the crime gave detailed descriptions of the thieves. Video footage was found from restaurants on Sunset Blvd. with the thieves. “I’m astonished at how many witnesses took the time to care and rally to provide so much evidence,” Avery said.  “I can’t believe these people commited a crime so blatantly in broad daylight with so many cameras and witnesses.


As evidence builds it’s only a matter of time that these dognappers may be charged with grand theft and burglary. 

Avery says she only wants her dog back saying she’s willing to drop all grand theft investigations if she simply has her dog back safe and healthy. Jag has special medical needs and was on medication and a special diet. Without it, Avery doesn’t know how long he will live. 

There is a $5,000 reward with the safe return of what the owner says is her “snuggle buddy”. No questions asked.

“It just kills me that cruel people took advantage of an already horrible situation. I was terrified that Jag was going to get run over by a car but I never would have imagined he would be taken within a matter of minutes. I haven’t slept or eaten since he’s been gone. I cannot imagine my life without my baby boy. He is my pride and joy. I don’t have biological children so he is nothing less than my child, snatched away from me. I will never give up looking for him. Never.”

Please call 760-833-2096 with any tips or information.

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3 years ago

My god what is up with all of these AAs stealing white peoples dogs all of a sudden??? This is the thanks we get for supporting BLM?

3 years ago

Why are there no articles on Brianna Kupfer?

Horrific Crime
Horrific Crime
3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Please reference the comment Horrific Crime in the Supervisor article.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Because the WEHOville runs articles on West Hollywood, NOT random unfortunate incidents that happen in Hancock Park.

3 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

That area of LaBrea is Hancock Park adjacent. Similar to BH adjacent. Not really. Regardless, this is another visual of the Woke, Gascon, Soros recipe for public safety, policing, etc.

Cy Husain
3 years ago
Reply to  08mellie

If ONLY we were following the “Woke, Gascon, Soros recipe for public safety, policing, etc” that young woman just might be alive today ❗

3 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

It didn’t happen in WEHO but what more is there to be said about this very sad situation that hasn’t already been covered by all major media outlets?

Horriffic Crime
Horriffic Crime
3 years ago
Reply to  TomSmart

The sense of awareness. It relates to anyone and everyone be it in Weho or wherever they may be.

3 years ago


Last edited 3 years ago by WehoFan
3 years ago


Last edited 3 years ago by WehoFan
Michael Grace
3 years ago

The suspects were two unisex Furies (he/she/it) who wanted to mate with the French Bulldog.

To create a new breed: Bull Furies!

3 years ago

WHO KIDNAPPED THE DOG??? That’s VERY important to know!!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Leslie

Hahahaha ya think????

3 years ago

I am glad this lady got her dog back.A recent article in another paper discussed how valuable these French bulldogs are getting.It’s time the bulldog owners start taking extra precautions for their pets.That the thief lived in Philadelphia shows there is much demand from people willing to buy and ask no questions.

It might be a good idea to remove the telephone number at the end of this article,as the dog has been returned and the lady doesn’t need any more calls.

3 years ago

LOL at how not once are the descriptions of the suspects mentioned.

3 years ago

The dog has been recovered in Pennsylvania. The 10k reward was likely paid I’m guessing

3 years ago
Reply to  TomSmart

Are you SURE of this??

3 years ago
Reply to  Robin


3 years ago

I’m told the sheriffs haven’t done anything yet and haven’t even subpoenaed the car rental company. If true, this is pathetic. WEHO Council, where are you????

3 years ago
Reply to  TomSmart

The rise in crime is solely on the city council and their inaction.

Michael Grace
3 years ago
Reply to  TomSmart

Don’t blame the sheriff. Blame it on the five pathetical political hacks running the City AKA City Council.

Sonic Chaos
Sonic Chaos
3 years ago

Unreadable. Editors? Hello?