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2 years ago
When is the pool opening??
3 years ago
Are you kidding me? You mean I can go swimming anytime? I freaking LOVE WEHO!
David Reid
3 years ago
Has a ‘final’ total been announced? Will it be over the predicted $200,000,000.00? And exactly how many square feet, or square yards, or even acres is the new park. Inquiring minds….
3 years ago
This looks amazing! Cannot wait.
3 years ago
It’s an oversized, overbuilt, overblown, overdue, overcharge.
That pool looks perilously close to the edge of the building
Ham Shipey
3 years ago
So naive. I went to the old pool a few years ago. In any other part of the country it would be fine, but the vibe there was “dirty”. Quite sure this new aquatic center will be the same. Anything “public” in WH…no thanks.
You seem to have a strange attachment to the use of “everyone” when you really mean you, as in “I look forward to not seeing you there.” Often, when I read your schoolyard drivel, I’m reminded of Joe Biden’s comment to the boorish Donald Trump during one of their debates: “Would you shut up, man?”
Exactly. Ham can not use it. He can walk down the other side of San Vicente, and I’ll wave at him from the pool deck. Amazing how many people will complain, when the City actually gives something back to their residents.
Is that the best you can do? Anytime you disagree with someone you assert that they don’t live here? For all we know, you’re some 400 pound guy in a basement in New Jersey constantly refreshing WEHOville commentary to get triggered by one thing or another.
Steve please don’t patronize us who are losing our livelihoods, purged from our local government and humiliated daily under this papers please nightmare. It’s a bad look, my friend.
Just want to make a statement that I support My Body My Choice when it comes to vaccines. No politician, or government agency should force anyone to inject themselves with anything. Least not an experimental drug.
When is the pool opening??
Are you kidding me? You mean I can go swimming anytime? I freaking LOVE WEHO!
Has a ‘final’ total been announced? Will it be over the predicted $200,000,000.00? And exactly how many square feet, or square yards, or even acres is the new park. Inquiring minds….
This looks amazing! Cannot wait.
It’s an oversized, overbuilt, overblown, overdue, overcharge.
Thanks for your input, grumpy.
That pool looks perilously close to the edge of the building
So naive. I went to the old pool a few years ago. In any other part of the country it would be fine, but the vibe there was “dirty”. Quite sure this new aquatic center will be the same. Anything “public” in WH…no thanks.
Nice idea. But you forget where we are.
Everyone is looking forward to not seeing you there
Maybe time to think about moving?
I asked that dude why he’s still living here awhile back.
You seem to have a strange attachment to the use of “everyone” when you really mean you, as in “I look forward to not seeing you there.” Often, when I read your schoolyard drivel, I’m reminded of Joe Biden’s comment to the boorish Donald Trump during one of their debates: “Would you shut up, man?”
Nope, I meant everyone.
Spot on.
Exactly. Ham can not use it. He can walk down the other side of San Vicente, and I’ll wave at him from the pool deck. Amazing how many people will complain, when the City actually gives something back to their residents.
Enjoy swimming with the homeless drug addicts.
And you enjoy stewing in your cess pool of negative comments. I was a regular pool-goer. Were you? I doubt it. It was not/will not be like that.
So now you want to keep the homeless out?
I honestly don’t think you live here. Go troll somewhere else.
Do you know you have to pay to use the pool?
I’ve went to the old West Hollywood pool for years and NOT ONCE saw a homeless person there.
Is that the best you can do? Anytime you disagree with someone you assert that they don’t live here? For all we know, you’re some 400 pound guy in a basement in New Jersey constantly refreshing WEHOville commentary to get triggered by one thing or another.
It’s not disagreement, it’s facts and falsehoods. Homeless people don’t hangout at the pool. They never have.
You can think whatever you want about me. I don’t care lol.
This isn’t Oshkosh. You didn’t go to the old pool for years.
You are really obsessed with Oshkosh for some reason. Did you grow up there?
Something tells me you could use some exercise…
We are banned from entering the public Library, hope this public facility isn’t going to segregate us too. But of course, they will.
For our “safety”.
By “segregrated” do you mean vaccinated vs. un-vaccinated? Requiring proof of COVID vaccination does not seem unreasonable.
Steve please don’t patronize us who are losing our livelihoods, purged from our local government and humiliated daily under this papers please nightmare. It’s a bad look, my friend.
You forgot *losing your lives, ya know because you’re not vaccinated and have a way higher chance of being hospitalized or dying from COVID-19
Just want to make a statement that I support My Body My Choice when it comes to vaccines. No politician, or government agency should force anyone to inject themselves with anything. Least not an experimental drug.
You could just get vaccinated. It’s free.
Get a new fetish.
Get vaccinated.
Resign John.
Just stunning. Oh, the pride I have in West Hollywood.
Looks great. PLEASE no more delays though.