What’s now open in West Hollywood Park?


The City of West Hollywood has reopened a large portion of the park-site at West Hollywood Park. This area was previously closed for completion of the West Hollywood Park Phase II Master Plan Implementation Project, which includes the Aquatic and Recreation Center (ARC) building and park construction work. The remaining fencing on-site surrounds areas that remain temporarily closed to the public while construction and inspection work are being completed.

Amenities in this newly opened section in the park include the Robertson Gardens, an area with public art, a new picnic area, and an expanded turf area for passive recreation activities.

West Hollywood Park open areas currently include:

  • Adult Fitness Equipment: Open to the public.
  • El Tovar Place: Open to the public. El Tovar Place provides east to west access through West Hollywood Park between N. San Vicente Boulevard and N. Robertson Boulevard including access to the parking structures.
  • Expanded Turf Areas: Open to the public. There is access from N. San Vicente Boulevard, N. Robertson Boulevard, El Tovar Place, and from the third level of the West Hollywood Park Five-Story Parking Structure located at 625 N. San Vicente Boulevard.
  • New Public Art: Open to the public. Parallel Perpendicular by artist Phillip K. Smith III is located in the Robertson Gardens area.
  • West Hollywood Library Parking Structure: Open to the public. Open hours align with the West Hollywood Library’s operating hours.

West Hollywood Park restrooms and children’s playgrounds remain closed at this time. The City anticipates opening these amenities in the coming weeks. The City is anticipating a phased opening of the Aquatic and Recreation Center (ARC) building beginning in April 2022. Public access to the ARC will be accomplished in a phased approach to protect the safety and welfare of the public and users of the facility. Recreation staff, including lifeguards, will be fully trained in the operation of the site and pools prior to permitting public access.

For park updates, subscribe to the City’s West Hollywood Park Master Plan Phase II e-notifications list to receive updates.

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2 years ago

Excited for it and hopefully they keep the homeless from overrunning and destroying it.

De-Fund the SHE
De-Fund the SHE
2 years ago
Reply to  gdaddy

There are a lot of homeless in the area. Some are on the street corners, screaming at you. You wonder if they have a knife, and they’re going to stab you to death like the tragic young woman on La Brea.

Or will you be robbed like the two young British athletes that were threatened with death if they didn’t hand over valuables at the corner of La Cienega and Santa Monica?

Or will the registered sex offenders be hitting on the unisex toilets?

Welcome to West Hollywood (defund the police) Park!

Last edited 2 years ago by De-Fund the SHE
2 years ago

It is funny how outraged people are about the two British tourists who got mugged, while carrying $5K in cash, and wearing $25K watches. More-so, than if a local, poor person, gets mugged. And no, I’m not “blaming the victim.” But I would never, ever, walk around with those valuables on me in the early morning hours, in just about any major city in the world. If I did, I’d probably have an insurance policy on me.

2 years ago

The park looks great.

Longer term plans should include demolition of the buildings along SMB that adjoin the park to expand it to the boulevard for the next century as WeHo increases it’s density. The city should incorporate this into it’s master plan now. The sheriff’s office should be relocated to make way for a subway stop. This last item is just a matter of when.

Last edited 2 years ago by David
Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago

The homeless thank you. Holmby Park has zero homeless and mostly normal people. Worth the short drive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey

It doesn’t seem like you enjoy anything about West Hollywood.

Why do you live here?

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

No one owes you an explanation. You aren’t the mayor. Or are you 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

You both would probably be much happier if you left this city.
All you do is complain and bitch.

What a miserable sad life.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Why should they leave? Why don’t you leave. Your comments are arrogant and obviously you don’t believe in the First Amendment.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Agreed. Not even sure they live here. Complain, complain, complain. So over it.

Holmby Love
Holmby Love
2 years ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey

Holmby Park is a gem. Have used it often for walks around the surrounding neighborhood. Well behaved folks, nature, thoughtful architecture, ducks and no drama….just what people look for in a park.

WeHo Independent
WeHo Independent
2 years ago

Look at the photo; it looks very tranquil. But unfortunately, the mega bus stop transit center will be north of the Pacific Design Center. It will turn the place into a mini smog belt to satisfy greedy straight white developers who have the 40-year-old spinster Lindsey Horvath doing pay-for-play street walking for them. 

2 years ago

Is there a reason you feel obligated to write 2 comments under different usernames?

“Weho Independent” “No more SHE” “Michael Grace” etc.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

How did you ever get on the city council?

De-Fund the SHE
De-Fund the SHE
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Oh, Woke is me!

Ericson, will you have purple hair tonight and green nails? I wish you City Council members weren’t so lazy …. that you can’t schlep down to your meeting room… so we can watch you in your little plastic booths, wearing discount designer masks, spouting a lot of dreary slop as West Hollywood is going broke to satisfy your idiotic political positions!

Last edited 2 years ago by De-Fund the SHE
2 years ago

Maybe you should email the city council members if you’re so unhappy with them.

Not sure why you think I’m on the city council.

Why do you keep leaving comments under different usernames? I think you’re up to 10 at this point.

Stick to writing bad snoopy musicals.

2 years ago

The dog parks are a worthless afterthought. If there are 4 adults with their dogs, it’s overcrowded. What happened to the city planning to move the B ball courts and expanding the size of the dog parks??? Leave it to the city to F things up over and over.

Kip Thompson
Kip Thompson
2 years ago
Reply to  TomSmart

Yes. The park does ache for a world-class design especially for 1/4 of a billion $$. Maybe the landscaping can be rethought to something other than a barren wasteland. I suppose in all it just wasn’t thought through in real-time – maybe designed sitting in a cubicle with a 101 college design book in hand. An example is how it would be obvious how the Robertson side would be the dumping ground for the clubs. The park area there is already filled with trash and throw-up over the benches (saw it over the weekend). The split rail design of the… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  TomSmart

I noticed the courts are closed now and would assume this is for expansion of the dog parks. I didn’t know they were planning this but I know they are popular.

No more SHE
No more SHE
2 years ago

Are Sepi Shyne’s unisex tranny toilets open yet? The ones with no urinals. Just little rape boxes. That have involved clubs and million dollar lawsuits? To facilitate the many hundreds of trannies living in West Hollywood?

2 years ago
Reply to  No more SHE

Although not in favor of the toilet concept, this is a mighty offensive comment.

2 years ago
Reply to  Offensive

He has a point. Unisex toilets will have unintended consequences.

No More SHE
No More SHE
2 years ago
Reply to  No more SHE

Rude? Emily Post doesn’t cover Unisex Toilet etiquette.

There are hundreds of registered sex offenders in West Hollywood and adjoining Los Angeles. 

Some are even ex-Roman Catholic priests prosecuted in San Francisco before Kamala Harris was put in office by Catholic lawyers not to charge over 300 Catholic priests the former D.A. was ready to arrest. She sealed it, bought off by the Roman Catholic Industrial Religious complex. I guess it’s rude to talk about innocent underage children and women accosted in unisex toilets. 

2 years ago
Reply to  No More SHE

Yes, very rude (and unhinged).

We are not all polite!
We are not all polite!
2 years ago
Reply to  No more SHE

I agree with the green-eyed guy. I like the Unisex toilets. It’s better than 1982 (before some on the council were born) when I got beaten up for using the “ladies room” while out dancing @ Peanuts with my bestie Lesbian friend from college. #Kristie Mcknuucles was trying to impress people. But a gentleman never hits a lady; not then. Today I would file charges for gay bashing.

2 years ago

You live in a bubble.

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