PUBLIC COMMENT: Pacific Design Center is not a concert venue


Leslie Karliss, an attorney and longtime resident of West Hollywood, spoke during City Council’s Tuesday night meeting to address the scale of public events at the Pacific Design Center. Here’s what she had to say:

“I want to comment tonight about the many complaints we received about the amplified noise coming from the Super Bowl “party” at the PDC two weeks ago.

This was the loudest event many residents in our neighborhood had ever experienced and the noise extended well beyond 2:00 a.m.

Residents as far as Dorrington and Almont said their homes vibrated from the bass – so much so that it sounded like the party was on their roof. Residents in homes closer to the venue could make out the words and songs until 2:00 a.m.

Throughout the evening on both nights, cars double parked on Melrose and La Cienega, impeding the flow of traffic. Uber and limo drivers parked, double parked or hovered on residential streets in West Hollywood West, at times blocking driveways, even though they had been directed to park at Cedar’s. There appeared to be nobody directing or controlling traffic. All of this led to a cacophony of honking that continued until well after 2:00 a.m.

The PDC is not a concert venue and West Hollywood simply doesn’t have the infrastructure in place to manage events of this scale. This private party put an untenable burden on Code Compliance, Parking Enforcement and the Sheriff.


There is no justification or special circumstance to support a disturbance of this magnitude, whether it comes from the PDC, West Hollywood Park, the proposed San Vicente Plaza next to the park, or from any other location in our narrow two-mile long city.

Upcoming special programing must look back at this Super Bowl event to understand what NOT to do in the future.”

After Karliss’ comments, the City Manager said staff will be having a briefing about the issues surrounding the event and will then reach out to our association to discuss further.

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3 years ago

The last time we hosted the Super Bowl was 1993 so if every 28 years you might have to experience the inconvenience of loud noise past your bedtime. While I don’t agree that it should be used for a bunch of events each year, I do believe for a roarting event like Super Bowl an exception can be made. Better put you property on the market before the Olympics gets here in 2028. We haven’t host that event in 44 years so if it might be loud for two weeks! Also just in case you forgot while West Hollywood is… Read more »

Jonathan Simmons
Jonathan Simmons
3 years ago

Gotta say those concert days were over for me years ago (actually not into them even back when). PDC is great place for concert – on Pride Weekend. It’s going to be pound past 2am wherever they play music. Good site: Big open but contained/containable after first security getting into the pride fair. We in WeHo are so jaded. The 3 bld PDC is an outstanding architectural masterpiece which non locals will get chance to see and be up close. Also, we locals may not realize on Pride Weekend the HUGE PDC parking structure provides much of the needed parking… Read more »

Peter B
Peter B
3 years ago

Lived in the Avalon Apartments on Poinsettia a few years ago. Jimmy Kimmel had his after Oscar party at The Lot. Went on till 2am. Jimmy didn’t care that the whole block including special elders couldn’t sleep.

3 years ago

RIGHT!! Remember when this below came out pre-event??? What a joke top to bottom. WHWRA has been informed that there will be sufficient security and extra sheriff deputies assigned. Limousines are required to park in the Cedars lot on San Vicente. Construction of a giant tent is already underway. Northbound San Vicente Blvd between Melrose and Santa Monica Blvd is scheduled to be closed Friday and Saturday from 6 p.m. – 3 a.m. According WHWRA, the producers have agreed to conduct sound checks with Code Compliance and that they will maintain approved sound levels. They also have agreed to reduce… Read more »

carleton cronin
3 years ago

Our local industry is the hospitality trade: hotels, restaurants, clubs, high end retail. We are a resort city in that people come here to play. But allowing over-the-top outdoor musical events which flaunt our laws regulating noise and other considerations for public comfort smacks of indifference on the part of those who approve such ventures. There is a middle ground but it requires thoughtful search.

Bright Eyed Resident
Bright Eyed Resident
3 years ago

Age=Wisdom! Mr. Cronin=Smart!

Jamie Francis
Jamie Francis
3 years ago

Carleton, so eloquently said. A constant variable and public nuisance and problem that the city council never wants to admit to the unintended consequences of crime, fights and drunken behavior filmed and profited by media and paparazzi if not enticed to happen in our city limits to the illegal parking, public intoxication car accidents to pushing to shoving and fist fights and hit and runs to public pissing to public fights and arguments that even happen from private venues that come into the community. Are we gullible or do we have to just be complicit? Looked down upon by bouncers… Read more »

Last edited 3 years ago by Jamie Francis
Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
3 years ago

You are a treasure, Mr. Cronin. Would you consider running for council?

Alert to the Neighborhood?
Alert to the Neighborhood?
3 years ago

Simple question: Were the area residents aware of this concert? I don’t recall any city announcement.

Peter B
Peter B
3 years ago

No, no one knew. Can you imagine if the council gets its way to close off San Vincente for special events. What’s the matter with our current city overseers?

3 years ago
Reply to  Peter B

The matter is there ARE no city overseers. And that’s on purpose. Overseers might actually make crooked people be accountable for their action/inaction and fiascos.

Hamburger Scaries
Hamburger Scaries
3 years ago

I sympathize. We live near Hamburger Mary’s and are subjected to frequent noise and bass that shakes our home 6 days a week. We can sing along to the songs and drag shows in our living rooms and participate in bingo from our kitchens. While this concert was a one-night event, we endure the same thing (noise wise) daily and nightly, sometimes until 12 am. I’m sorry other residents have to experience this type of torment.

Bright Eyed Resident
Bright Eyed Resident
3 years ago

Hey Scaries, I know the folks at Mary’s. They love WeHo. Call there and leave a message for Dale. Tell them your neighbors and want to meet with them. They will arrange to meet you. They are kind people.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
3 years ago

Hamburger Mary’s is a West Hollywood malignancy.

John Ryan
John Ryan
3 years ago

All it takes is money in the right places. Compliance to laws and codes is not required. Residents be damned!

3 years ago
Reply to  John Ryan

Sure seems that way.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
3 years ago
Reply to  JF1

Wonder if any Council members were in attendance…..

Bright Eyed Resident
Bright Eyed Resident
3 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

I wonder if you realize that when you refer to people as “prostitutes” that you sound like Donald Trump referring to immigrants? #REVERSE RACISM former Councilperson Martinez?

3 years ago

You. Are. Absurd…..this council is totally in bed with developers, with billboard companies, with anything involving celebs. They ARE prostitutes who are ruining our village and running it into the ground at warped speed. Their inaction on crime and homeless issues is absolutely PATHETIC!!!

Bright Eyed Resident
Bright Eyed Resident
3 years ago
Reply to  TomSmart

Oh Scott, call your Log Cabin friends and shut your stupid Duke trap.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
3 years ago

Stay on topic, West. Even in the 70s there were eight tracks on a tape, you can’t get beyond the one track.

3 years ago

Someone who takes money in exchange for sex is a PROSTITUTE! You are following Saul Alinsky’s guidebook, Rules for Radicals, in which he teaches his students to change the language; give new definitions to words and make certain previously acceptable words to be offensive, just because you say so.
Everything Steve Martin said in his editorial was exactly right and it desperately needed to be said.

And how has Trump referred to immigrants in a way that you find objectionable?

3 years ago

For how much land this monstrosity has taken up for decades without ever being utilized for all of its potential, it should be a concert venue if it’s not one. That or turn it all into affordable housing.

3 years ago

I agree 100% with Leslie Karliss. I live behind Pavilions, my entire apartment vibrated until well after 2pm both nights. And my dog was as on edge as when an earthquake is about to strike. I have plaster walls and double pane windows and it sounded like I was inside the tent at the PDF.

Location Check
Location Check
3 years ago


The previous time the Superbowl was in LA was 1993.
This doesn’t happen nightly.
West Hollywood is a nightlife city is the country’s 2nd largest city.
Events will happen. Noise will be made. The PDC, Sheriff’s station and bus yard occupy acres without a house nearby.
Seriously, if you’re this sensitive to fun, you’re living in the wrong zip code. Try Iowa.

3 years ago
Reply to  Location Check

I’m sorry, I lived here long before all these events grew into the size they are now and as loud as they are now. So don’t tell me to try to move somewhere else I was here before the city council gave up on its residents quality of life and embrace the almighty dollar at our expense. We have rules/laws/code in place to protect the residence quality of life and our city Council should be enforcing those. Your comment is ignorant and demonstrates of lack of knowledge. Sit down.

3 years ago
Reply to  JF1

JF1 maybe the problem is you being here so long. We have paved roads now and electricity. I don’t think you have made a positive comment on this site. Maybe you are getting old, grumpy ,and set in your ways, as the city continues to evolve and change.

Joe Bologna
Joe Bologna
3 years ago

If the PDC is gonna bring that noise to the neighborhood then next time bring Slipknot, not Bieber!!!