Local TV news picks up on WeHo crime wave


FOX 11’s Christina Gonzalez described the 137 percent jump in WeHo’s part one crimes as “incomprehensible” in a segment about the sheriff’s recently released February 2022 statistics.

“Everything from aggravated assault, murder, rape, human trafficking” said FOX 11’s Gina Silva, who called the increase “staggering.”

Silva interviewed a bar patron whose face was smashed with a glass bottle during an unprovoked attack.

“People are emboldened now. These criminals have absolutely no fear,” said Russell Stuart, a security expert, who thinks criminals are targeting WeHo because it attracts conspicuously wealthy potential victims.

“There’s been a rise in crime everywhere in L.A., not just in West Hollywood,” Mayor Lauren Meister told Silva.

The segment mentioned Meister’s push to restore the deputies slashed from the sheriff’s budget.



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2 years ago

Minding my own business getting a smoothie in WEHO 2 momths ago. A violent homeless drug addict that was just out on no cash bail for punching someone else, cowardly punches me as hard as he could in the side of the face and breaks my nose. Last week at Poinsettia Park another homeless drug addict throws a punch at me. Minding my own business again. I pray every day that one of these monsters commits a crime against members of the WEHO city council that incapacitates then or a family member so they make changes. I have no problem… Read more »

michael webb
michael webb
2 years ago

The writing was on the wall — that WeHo had become of cesspool of crime — years before I sold my condo on Kings Road in 2017. I can’t believe it took WeHo residents this long to realize and acknowledge the problem. A corrupt city council in the developers’ pockets and an inept sheriff whose officers weren’t even capable of interviewing witnesses (like me 3 x) or writing a competent crime report compelled me to sell the condo I lived in for 30 years. The biggest mistake WeHo ever made was becoming a city in the first place. Terrino, Prang,… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  michael webb

compelled me to sell the condo I lived in for 30 years”

ROI must have been nice as well…

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Are all people infected with AIDS as mean as you?

Mark Patrick Reese
2 years ago
Reply to  michael webb

The biggest mistake was contracting for police services from the Sheriff’s department. This is undemocratic and, in my opinion, illegal. If I were not blackballed at every effort, I would sue for specific performance. Simply contact for police services from a “nightlife” city. Is Ms. Soon the ONLY person paying attention in city hall? Thank you Ms. Soon. I have ideas to share.

Curtis Su
2 years ago

You can add fake crime Smollett to your list. Because, the police doesn’t patrol anymore. Fake news.

Dawn Lacey
Dawn Lacey
2 years ago

Next topic, Wehoville. This isn’t happening. Everything is being exaggerated….

carleton cronin
2 years ago

Ancient history, perhaps, but bears repeating. Long before we were a city, any police response could be as much as an hour away – depending upon the severity of the incident. Any residential street on the west side south of Santa Monica would be visited nightly by hustlers and their “clients” and our little lawns were their toilets. A former neighbor, Dave Love, and I patrolled a few blocks with baseball bats and strong flashlights to rout out the interlopers. House burglaries were common then – my house twice.The area was like a candy box with easy pickings, the sheriff… Read more »

2 years ago

Hope everyone is finally on the same page. Vote everyone out that supported DEFUND. Please Recall Gaston. Damage is done NO sympathy for anyone changing their detrimental position. Especially Lyndsay and useless Soon Shong. Attempting to make our city more detrimental for their own self political interests. Beverly Hills is a great example that public safety is above all else.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Thank you.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom


Juan Carlos
Juan Carlos
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

You are 100% correct! We must also RECALL GASCON for the sake of our safety & the future of Los Angeles County.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Tom wins!

2 years ago

Some how the WeHo City Council just does not support that there is a crime problem in West Hollywood only Mayor Lauren Meister. Neighboring Beverly Hills has done so much more. WeHo Public Safety Commission & Commissioner Soon-Shiong made a motion to “reduce” the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station by ten sworn officers and to redirect the funding to social services. Then when it came to vote on security cameras which Beverly Hills has 1,900+ cameras and many other cities have installed – Vice-Chair Roshay, and Commissioner Soon-Shiong abstaining. So, on the Weho Public Safety Commission we have Commissioners Soon-Shiong, Roman,… Read more »

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
2 years ago
Reply to  alex

The topic won’t get buried; crime is the issue of our time in our little City.
That may be idelogoically inconvenient for the City Council but any municipalities first and most important duty is to protect the residents and businesses. For decades the Eastside was plagued by crime but in the late nineties we turned that around, not with gimmicks but with increased law enforcement.

Christopher Hovde
Christopher Hovde
2 years ago
Reply to  alex

You, Alex, are the shining voice that people need to hear. You are my HERO!!!! Tri West is proud of you and your willingness to fight for our safety, etc.

2 years ago

Lauren Meister is half right – crime is up dramatically but not everywhere – huge spikes in violent crime are concentrated almost entirely in cities with overwhelming Democrat majorities among elected officials.

Deep Six
Deep Six
2 years ago
Reply to  WEHOBOB

That is not a terribly realistic conclusion to make. Safety should not be confined to political parties. Lemmings or sheep but presumably ethically inclined thoughtful individuals.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago
Reply to  Deep Six

But sadly it is.

Jon Ponder
Jon Ponder
2 years ago
Reply to  WEHOBOB

Google “Trump-Voting States Account for 8 out of the 10 Highest Murder Rates in 2020.”

2 years ago

I hang out at Trunks every day and my friends at Yogurt Stop tell me they get robbed almost daily. They told me they stopped calling the police because there’s no point. City Hall told them to get security which they told me they can’t afford. I told them to go to the shooting range.

Deep Six
Deep Six
2 years ago
Reply to  Don

That is really a sad self fulfilling prophesy in every respect. Trunks and the Yogurt Stop is your world? And now you recommend a shooting range? You perhaps don’t realize this but you are accommodating crime.

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
2 years ago
Reply to  Deep Six

What’s wrong with hanging out at Trunks? Where are you hanging out? Trunks usually has a friendly, inclusive and diverse crowd. It sounds like Don has a pleasant life. Another thing, the people at Yogurt Stop don’t deserve being robbed, especially with what they’ve been through. At this point, I wouldn’t blame them if they were armed.

2 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Mary!

You shouldn’t blame any honest citizen for being armed. Sorry to say but these are not the times to put your safety in someone else’s hands. You need to become your own first responder. Learn CPR….learn first aid…learn life saving tactics..and use your second amendment before that to is taken from you. Our “leaders” are all about disarming law abiding citizens while forgoing jail and bail for armed criminals.

Last edited 2 years ago by Davedi
Too Much Power
Too Much Power
2 years ago

We need more City Council members. The balance of power for the entire City lies in 3 individuals’ hands. It’s too easy to form alliances and push agendas.

Matthew Flanagan
Matthew Flanagan
2 years ago

This is why #1. You don’t defund the police and #2 no bail equals no consequences. #3. If you are a liberal. This is what happens. Idiots.

2 years ago

Yup. It’s not rocket science. Why they continually bury their head in the sand and say it’s not their failed policies that’s causing this.. is unbelievable.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago


2 years ago

The bloated staff at City Hall needs to be reduced by at least 25% and the rest need to take major pay cuts. The city has turned to pushing drugs to fund these out-of-control salaries. It’s sickening to hear the council members wanting to fire police officers while protecting and adding to their bloated and grossly overpaid staff.

Cleaning up city hall will leave plenty of money to properly fund the police.

Deep Six
Deep Six
2 years ago
Reply to  voter

It always seemed implausible that city staff received the salaries they do because for the most part it was not based of excellence and knowledge about their subject or task. More than likely it is due to their ability to work within a certain degree of protocol but being artfully compliant with insidious but artfully designed policies. One department head departed not long ago for another city although he was doing an admirable job in Weho. I briefly discussed a shocking discovery with him which I believe struck his ethical sensibilities. It was a chance occasion but he recognized it… Read more »

Tad Wilson
Tad Wilson
2 years ago
Reply to  voter

Totally yes. Do it now.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago
Reply to  voter
