The City of West Hollywood is holding its largest Recreation Services Division summer employment recruitment in the City’s history, seeking to fill more than four dozen job openings. The City is seeking enthusiastic and motivated individuals to fill various positions that will support, deliver, and coordinate recreation and aquatic programs, events, and services at both the new West Hollywood Aquatic and Recreation Center (ARC) at West Hollywood Park and Plummer Park Community Center.
Open positions are:
- Temporary Recreation Leader 1
- Temporary Recreation Assistant
- Temporary Recreation Leader 1 (Summer Camp Counselor)
- Temporary Recreation Aide (Summer Day Camp)
- Temporary Lifeguard
- Temporary Aquatics Aide
There are many benefits for temporary summer employment with the City of West Hollywood, including flexible schedules, fun and creative working environments, and paid on-the-job training. Little to no experience is required for most positions.
All applications are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 15, 2022.
Qualifying applicants will be invited to a mandatory group interview on Saturday, April 23, 2022 from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Plummer Park, located at 7377 Santa Monica Boulevard. The group interview of qualified candidates will consist of an oral individual interview along with group activities where participants will be rated on teamwork, leadership, creativity, and more skills. For more information and to apply, please visit www.weho.org/jobs.
For more information about the Recreation Services Division Summer Recruitment, visit www.weho.org/recreation. For additional information, please contact the City of West Hollywood’s Recreation Supervisor, Marina Rhodes, at (323) 848-6533 or at recreation@weho.org. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing, please call TTY (323) 848-6496.
“Little or no experience is required for most positions”. A perfect opportunity for all but one of the the PS commissioners. Probably better than their current stipend with no homework to dwell over and try to understand.
Why does the issue of the Public Safety Commission recommendation has to be fought out on almost every article?
It doesn’t. The focus on the statement of “no experience required” is central to many issues in West Hollywood be it commissioners or staff which become exponentially problematic. Many may have academic training but lack related sensibility and/or ability to problem solve in order to fulfill the merits of their position. It becomes either an ability to be seen, promote personal agendas or collect excessive salaries and benefits in a government position .
$25 an hour – lead the way West Hollywood
What responsible parent would send their kids……to a summer camp in West Hollywood?????
Plenty of people do and have no problems. But I guess that goes against your narrative.
I doubt it. Just paying people to stand around.
You’re like that Debbie Downer character from SNL come to life. I don’t think i’ve seen you leave 1 positive comment on this site…ever.
You need a hobby and a therapist.
You absolutely nailed it with that comment.
Having attended many years of summer camp the experiences were invaluable. Multiple sports, 3 day canoe trips, equestrian rides, Appalachian trail hikes, nature and discipline. What WH seems to be offering is a municipal child minding service in a glorified overly expensive facility. Better results when $$’s go into the children and not into the hands of the overly micro managed project. What will be the life experience of those attending?
How nice your parents were able to afford to send you to a place like that. Programs that offer similar experiences are very expensive nowadays.
Thank you, I greatly appreciated it. There were also children there on workship programs so it worked out well. Again it was the substance that mattered most. The philosophy was skill, service and honor which everyone understood. Now folks offer “glamping experiences” which is a complete waste of time.
WH is not a safe place for children. The country knows that.
And yet thousands of children eat, play, go to school here without any issue.
Stop with the hysterics.
Well the asshat Counciltwits are still HYPOCRITES. The city’s employment page lists 3 positions below the January 1 minimum wage requirement of $15.50 an hour for large businesses, or do the Counciltwits believe the city is a small employer?
They are not hypocrites. They increased that wage to $19.35 an hour, starting July 1, 2022. The same effective date as rates will go up (again), for hotels, and large and small businesses. This is a massive increase, from $13.91 per hour (a 40% increase, for employees w/health benefits) and $15.16 per hour (a 27% increase, for employees w/o health benefits). This is much higher than the effective rate for small and large businesses that goes into effect on July 1.
Omg, no one has complained yet that city employees make too much $$$
Didn’t you just do that. You complained about the absurdly high city employees salaries in ruse of to appear a sarcastic na-sayer as to I gather still vocal concerns of residents about the excessive pay, that has been a front burner issue for decades to some people living in WeHo. Hope springs eternal – in the youth of the world. Apparently a new crowd of young people have come to WeHo & don’t know what the old timers do.. Complaining about High City Hall Staff Wages … Will be brought up for public discussion whenever the people getting those high… Read more »