West Hollywood City Council will hold a study session city tonight looking at nightlife safety. The five councilmembers will be joined by representatives from the Public Safety Commission, the Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board, Women’s Advisory Board and the Transgender Advisory Board to review and discuss a report from city staff. The public is encouraged to participate through correspondence.
Members of the public who wish to comment on matters before the City Council are strongly encouraged to submit written correspondence to [email protected] by 2:00 p.m. on Monday, April 25th. Note: Your comments and information will become part of the official public record. If you
do not want your personal information included in the official record, please do not include your address and/or phone number. To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) will be available for check out at the meeting. If special assistance to participate in this meeting is required, (e.g., an American Sign Language interpreter for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing), you must call or submit your request in writing to the Office of the City Clerk at (323) 848-6800 at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. The City TTY line is (323) 848-6496.
Special meeting related accommodations (e.g., transportation) may be provided upon written request to the Office of the City Clerk at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. For information on public transportation, call 323.GO.METRO (323/466-3876) or go to www.metro.net. If you would like additional information on any item appearing on this agenda, please contact the Office of the City Clerk at (323) 848-6800
These elected counsel members are useless being pros at time wasting.
They need to have a meeting to have a discussion on what they already know and avoid.
Calls for defunding attacking the Sheriff dept is what they care about. Elect Lyndsay to a county job adds to full on self entitled nuttery.
This is more BS smoke and mirrors, it is going into May if you have not noticed with nothing done.
Recall Gaston is the way
There are apparently multiple reasons for why the meeting was rescheduled. Objectives not clearly defined, meeting venue not able to accommodate interaction with the public in real time on Zoom, legal guidelines pertaining to how meetings can be conducted while still in the period of emergency and more. There was no attempt to keep information from the public or limit public interaction. Keep the faith.
In November, we dump Horvath, Meister and D’Amico for good! Then we just have the busy body Shyne and the hedious Erickson. Make them both equal to two vote to nowhere. Elect three people that loathe the SE couple!
How does your comment relate to the HPC decision? Clarity please.
Oops, 🙄 right comment, wrong article.
Horvath probably canceled out. Because defund the police ain’t going to get her elected to the Lac Bored of Supervisors!
I’m so done: This council is a disgusting group (all of it). One excuse after another not to address public safety. This is BULLS—T. We deserve so much better. Based on this I will not vote for anyone currently on the council. Including Meister. They sure were present when raising our minimum wage and our sales tax and voting to unionize for hospitality industry. And considering residents and business needs. The council is cowards and no shows on when it comes to caring our about safety. I am angry now.
What is bull? The fact that they postponed the meeting in order to make it more accessible to the public? And more transparent?
That’s how the meeting should have always been.
More claptrap. They don’t have a date set. This city council, all of them, are so out of touch with this city and the citizens you can’t even call them a very sick joke. They are so beyond that. Resign now and get out of our lives.
what is bull is that they didnt plan the public in to start, and its like the 4th meeting this year to be cancelled.
Larry, completely agree. We need transparency as to who messed up, each and every time. Who was responsible? What actions were taken? That includes the technical problems in the February meeting (anyone ever heard of a “dry run?”), who provided the incomplete report for the subsequent meeting for the Council and who thought this was a good idea to schedule this meeting behind closed doors. What repercussions were taken? The public deserves to know. In this case, at least they did the right thing, in the end, instead of having it behind closed doors.
What seems peculiar is that this was a “Study Group” composed of other advisory boards. One would think that if they had any pertinent comments they would have shared their input with the CC member that appointed them. Isn’t that how it works sending it up the line? Need a study group with specific neighborhood leaders. We formerly had them but now very few maybe 4 or 5 and they were the backbone producing National Night Out among other things. They were invested in sections of the city on several levels and would seem a framework to move forward with… Read more »
No announcement yet on Wehoville but CBS is doing a 1 Hour Special Tuesday Evening @ 7:00 pm. In brief interview clips Lindsay Horvath professes that Weho has many issues Re: crime, housing and homelessness under control, has allegedly been been “out in front” while she was “running the city”.
Whoa! That is quite a statement! 🙄
Did Horvath actually say she was running the city??!! The mayor has the same level of influence as the four other council members. Their vote counts the same of the other members. I always thought she wasn’t a team player based on some of her antics particularly towards Mayor Meister but was willing to give her the benefit of doubt. However, with a statement like that, it’s proof she does not play well with others.
Yes she did. That’s precisely why I wrote the comment. Now unless she has someone strange connection at CBS and gets the remark scrubbed, she is there along with Stern first followed by Hertzberg. Quite shocking!
Horvath ran the city into the ground. Covid, BLM marches, demonstrations, etc. Along with her buddies, D’Amico, Shyne and Erickson she has turned West Hollywood into a Woke political statement. https://rumble.com/embed/vselns/?pub=vh4hk
It is Faux Woke! These folks have no consciousness only Woke Buzzwords.
West Hollywood is out and front for sure. We’re running for cover. Having been accosted walking my dog early Sunday morning in the Norma Triangle – I’ve now bought mace and pepper spray to walk my neighborhood. DONE with is useless council.
Is this where Linds will repeat her claim to have reduced homelessness by 80% in West Hollywood? On what freaking planet does she reside? This woman can’t form a sentence without holding her finger to the winds to measure what the radical fringe left commands her to say.
They are too chicken to face the public
Just checked the city web site and found the study session for tonight has been cancelled. No reason was given why the session was cancelled.
Could it be the meeting should have been at the regular city council chambers where there is Zoom access and the meeting could be televised? Someone should have thought about these arrangements beforehand.
I just saw on FB that this meeting has been rescheduled to allow for streaming and teleconferencing.
Yes, it is neat that they postponed it. Now, bring on the finger-pointing and baseless accusations as to which Councilmember was trying to have it behind closed doors, etc., etc..
By not having this meeting televised or on Zoom, the indication is of a less than unbiased process. Residents deigned to submit written comments is more than troubling. While other boards have been invited it is unknown what special expertise they have to offer other than presumably as residents.
I am surprised this nightlife safety meeting is not on Zoom or YouTube.You can leave a e-mail comment but that is about it.There is not even a way to join by telephone that Zoom allows.Will this meeting be recorded for release later on?
This meeting is important enough for it to be televised and/or on Zoom for everyone who wants to see it.