Woody Harrelson opens cannabis lounge in WeHo


Twenty four years ago, Woody Harrelson was thrown in jail for planting hemp seeds in Kentucky. Today, he welcomed the media, the mayor and and the West Hollywood public into his very own, totally legal cannabis store.

The Woods, located at 8271 Santa Monica Blvd., features a retail dispensary, a delivery outlet and an on-site consumption area, as well as a bar and food service.

“It has everything, but most importantly, it is incredibly beautiful,” Harrelson told LA Weekly about the establishments’ jungle-like garden, koi pond and walking trails.

Harrelson’s partners in the venture include Bill Maher and interior designer Thomas Schoos.

Among its many wares, The Woods will sell organic cannabis grown naturally outdoors.

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[…] Hollywood currently has two operating consumption lounges: The Woods and The Artist […]


[…] Hollywood currently has two operating consumption lounges: The Woods and The Artist […]


[…] Hollywood currently has two operating consumption lounges: The Woods and The […]

Jackie Joy
Jackie Joy
2 years ago

Would love to know more about this place.

2 years ago

West Hollywood is being ruined by heterosexuals. Pot is an overwhelmingly heterosexual drug.

mark feigin
mark feigin
2 years ago

more pot shops =more crime and more mentally ill people. marijuana related psychosis is the number one cause of emergency room admissions in california

Josh Kurpies
Josh Kurpies
2 years ago
Reply to  mark feigin

“Marijuana related psychosis is the number one cause of emergency room admissions in california”

Source please? I’ve spent 15 minutes googling this and have found nothing that supports this statement. The closest thing was something that stated “emergency room visits for cannabis-induced psychosis went up 54% across the state, from 682 to 1,053, according to state hospital data” but that is a drop in the bucket of the 14.9 million visits to CA ERs in 2019. .

2 years ago

How is it that Faring, touted as West Hollywood’s “home town developer” found it necessary to become embroiled in the cannabis business with CALMA?

Peter Buckley
Peter Buckley
2 years ago

Is this part of Horvarth’s manifesto for Supervisor? Really makes me dislike this council more than ever, all of them for allowing so many pot centers.
Can we please put no more dispensaries on the next ballot?

2 years ago

So frustrating for those of us who live East of La Cienega but on streets that are considered the City of Los Angeles. We have NO SAY but we are virtually living in West Hollywood pot hell. These council members know this and that is why they are cramming these shops into this area. I can only imagine what kind of kick backs the city council is receiving for all these licenses. Next BASIX and MARIX will be converted to dispensaries. This is crazy!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  RJH

we are virtually living in West Hollywood pot hell”

I don’t even smoke weed, but i’m not really seeing the “hell” you’re talking about. How is this directly affecting you?

WeHo Resident
WeHo Resident
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

The so-called Emerald City problems havent started yet because most of the ingestion lounges haven’t opened up. When this little city starts turning into an international destination for pot tourism, we will all see the problems then. I had a lot of fun in Amsterdam years ago in the area where they had all the pot “cafes.” But I would never have wanted to live in the middle of it. The residents there hated it. We are about to become those residents.

2 years ago
Reply to  RJH

Pot Hell, LOL. If there’s a hell, that would be a pretty good one to be stuck in for eternity…..

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
2 years ago

Horrific picture.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jim Nasium

I LOL’ed at this. This is why I love wehoville comments.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago

more stoners. just great.

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
2 years ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey
