Meister campaign rally draws nice crowd with lots of excitement-


The Sunday event host committee included Michael Niemeyer and Adam Emarian, and Don Wise of Micky’s. As well as Commissioner Alexander Bazley, Eastside residents Cathy Blaivas & Stephanie Harker, Former Planning Commissioner Sheila Lightfoot,  James Litz & Neeley Roberts as well as Manny Rodriguez, Alan Strasburg and Bobby Trendy.

Meister’s campaign event did not require a donation. All were welcome. Breakfast included eggs, bacon, fruit plates and a hosted bar. Debbie Meister, Lauren’s sister was available for nametags or to accept donations.

State Senator Henry Stern left the campaign trail in his race for County Supervisor to join the event. Also in attendance were representatives from Senator Ben Allen’s office, former City Council member John Duran, former City Council member Steve Martin, Commissioner Kimberly Copeland, Commissioner Christopher Bowen, Commissioner Richard Karliss, Commissioner Susan Isaccs, Board member John Allendorfer, as well as West Hollywood West Resident Association President Leslie Karliss. Council member John D’Amico was not present but has endorsed Meister for re-election. Notably absent was former Council member John Heilman. Meister attended the Heilman kickoff earlier last month.

State Senator Henry Stern with Mayor Lauren Meister. Meister Has endorsed Stern in his race for County Supevisor.

Meister was introduced by West Hollywood resident Alan Strasburg. First she thanked the hosts, Michael Neimeyer, Adam Emarian and Don Wise of Micky’s. ‘Thank you for always being there for me, I hope to always be there for you”

Meister continued acknowledging former Council member John Duran, “we started off on opposite ends of the world” but we ended up not only being able to work together on things we had in common but also being friends.” Meister continued, “you really grow into being a Council member, your not born into it. I never thought of myself as a politician but as a community advocate. Thats where my journey started, in the neighborhoods and thats how I got here.”

“Three things we have to focus on are Public Safety, Homelessness, and Affordability of Residential and Commercial Spaces.


“We need to make sure that my colleagues know we are for Public Safety, we like having our Sheriff’s around and we don’t want to see defunding of police. All of these other things, behavioral work that needs to be done can be done in addition to our Sheriff It does not not have to be either, it can be all of it “And thats what we should be demanding all of it.”

Meister continued “We need to focus on the City of West Hollywood. It seems like the focus has been everywhere. And Im just trying to bring it back to West Hollywood”

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2 years ago

Lauren Meister is an example of knowing what’s right from wrong. Maybe the only lady on and around the console with this basic principal. I will campaign for her. As hope just to have common sense leadership.
I hope Lyndsay H. reads this.

Michael on Havenhurst
Michael on Havenhurst
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Horvath doesn’t have time to read your comment, she’s in Cucamunga campaigning at a frog jumping contest.

Community Advocate
Community Advocate
2 years ago

“I never thought of myself as a politician. but as a community advocate”. THAT’S IT Mayor Meister, community advocate not a community opportunist attempting to acquire a following through personal agenda indoctrination, within the community, to carry one to a higher office.

That is the job description for city council pure and simple.

Service & Courage
Service & Courage
2 years ago

Words about Service and Courage.

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
2 years ago

I will be voting for Lauren Meister and I will be recommending voting for her to everyone I talk to. She is not a political opportunist who is using West Hollywood as a steppingstone to advance her political career! She truly does love this city! And, she has her priorities right! The safety, comfort, and quality of life, of our residents should always be the primary concerns!

Jimmy Palmieri
2 years ago

I don’t always agree with Lauren, but as she has pointed out, we agree on more than we disagree. Lauren has my support. I know she loves this city, and does her best to be fair.

2 years ago

I support Lauren Meister and what she stands for. “Three things we have to focus on are Public Safety, Homelessness, and Affordability of Commercial Spaces.“ “We need to make sure that my colleagues know we are for Public Safety, we like having our Sheriff’s around and we don’t want to see defunding of police.“ “We need to focus on the City of West Hollywood. It seems like the focus has been everywhere. And Im just trying to bring it back to West Hollywood.” YES! YES!! YES!!!

2 years ago

Lauren Meister is the best thing West Hollywood has going for it. She is kind, decent, smart, and puts the needs of the community first.

2 years ago

Meister’s upstanding character in public service has been compelling, even as she has not voted for some of the initiatives I brought to CC like the massage workers outreach program that was passed. She has also honestly listened to constituents that she may disagree with respectfully.

As much as I would like to support her campaign, being complicit with medical segregation and unconstitutional mandates absolutely disqualifies her from continuing to serve on CC, short of legitimate criminal liability. Sorry, Lauren.

At least the unvaccinated were not turned away, unlike Lindsey Horvath’s campaign launch.

Hear, Hear Mayor Meister
Hear, Hear Mayor Meister
2 years ago
Reply to  West

An unfortunate, caustic comment on one hand praising Mayor Meister’s “upstanding character in public service” and on the other characterizing her complicity with medical segregation and unconstitutional mandates” . She has an obligation in her public service which appears to conflict with your personal choice. Folks have an opportunity to protect themselves in ways they believe appropriate without harm to others and without driving this to the extremes which seems to consistently be your personal choice. Mayor Meister would have been derelict in her duties to act otherwise. You might deeply consider your responsibilities to and around your fellow inhabitants… Read more »

2 years ago

Considering the gravity of the crimes committed, my comment is very measured. Not only did public officials express that they wanted to put us in gulag, make us lose our jobs, take our children away from us and jab them, jab usagainst our will, and watch us die in hospitals from tooth abscesses and appendix bursting until we took the jab, but they actually went and built the gulags. they closed parks and hiking trails, locked up playgrounds, banned gyms and indoor dining, shut down travel, barred people from jobs, threw people out of their jobs, harassed and attacked people,… Read more »

Hear, Hear Mayor Meister
Hear, Hear Mayor Meister
2 years ago
Reply to  West

Extreme is not measured, it is simply extreme in perception and extreme in action without considering balance and its benefits.

2 years ago
Reply to  West

Here’s a question for you: why not just get vaccinated against a virus that killed millions of people?

Last edited 2 years ago by greeneyedguy
West Hollywood VOTER
West Hollywood VOTER
2 years ago
Reply to  West

Thanks for not being afraid to speak out! I think people who agree with you are afraid of being called right wing crazies for believing in vaccine choice. I’m a lifelong Democrat!! Nothing could be farther from the truth!!

WeHo Proud
WeHo Proud
2 years ago
Reply to  West

I love how you have the “throw out the baby with the bathwater mentality”. Sorry that there is one area you disagree with therefore you deem her unworthy of her office. Do you really think that you’re opinion has any bearing on what a large segment of our city agrees on? Lauren is a defense against what could take this city into disaster mode.I assume your reference to “medical segregation” and “unconstitutional mandates” refers to the cities handling of masking and vaccination policy during the depths of the pandemic. Those policies were passed through most of the country, you are… Read more »

Jeff Barge
Jeff Barge
2 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Proud


2 years ago
Reply to  WeHo Proud

Medical freedom is the truly principled position, minority opinion or not. Being maligned/discredited by establishment narratives is expected for free thinkers ahead of their time. To be fair, you may not be aware of the zeitgeist of pro-medical freedom candidates across the country right now. In California, we have the exemplary Reinette Senum running for Governor, after refusing to enforce vax passports and mandates as a City Councilmember. Ms Senum’s commitment to classical liberal principles of ecology, bodily autonomy and human rights is an example for every last elected official now claiming they were “just following orders” with their… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by West Seegmiller
Hear, Hear Mayor Meister!
Hear, Hear Mayor Meister!
2 years ago
Reply to  West

And the first 5 priorities you would have handled at the beginning of the pandemic are? Please be brief.

2 years ago

Early treatment protocols, including Ivermectin, Vit C, Zinc etc.
Natural health programs to reduce comorbidities, specifically obesity.
Remove profit motive via maintaining liability for drug manufacturers.
Transparent messaging to build public trust & reduce fear/stress.
Honor Voluntary Informed Consent by removing all coercive/punitive health measures (ie mandates, vax passports) And recognizing natural immunity.

How are the endless forced injections of non-immunizing experimental gene therapy going?

Last edited 2 years ago by West Seegmiller
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