WeHo responds to antisemitic vandalism


The City of West Hollywood and the West Hollywood Station of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department have received reports this weekend about multiple vehicles seen in the area displaying messages of antisemitism, and about incidents of hate speech in the community.

These reports are particularly distressing as we mark Harvey Milk Day. We celebrate Milk, who was Jewish and who was the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in California, and we will never forget the path he helped to build in rejecting discrimination and in embracing full civil rights. In honoring his life and in remembering how his life was cut short by hate-fueled violence, we must commit to standing together in rejecting hate.

Hate has no place in the City of West Hollywood.

If you see something, say something: call the West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station at (310) 855-8850 and, in an emergency, always call 911.

The City of West Hollywood has a core value of respect and support for all people and there is no tolerance for hate, intolerance, or discrimination.

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2 years ago

So you don’t post neutral or negative comments ah? You never posted mine why? I am NOT against Jews, just reporting first-hand experiences, and interactions with them that is all. NO FREE SPEECH HERE, you are biased. This place have favoritisms

2 years ago

Throughout “HISTORY” Jews bring that to themselves, “MOST OF THE TIMES” they are very EXCLUSIVE, they separate themselves, they dress, speak, differently, etc, MOST of them are NOT really perceived as a regular guy, then socially speaking the perception they create about themselves is that their true GOD is MONEY and they take advantage of that toward other social groups… SO NOBODY is doing anything to them, “THEY DO IT TO THEMSELVES” I remember a job interview with a jew (I didn’t even know he was a Jew to start the interview) he said: We pay this much… and most… Read more »

Rudi Logan
Rudi Logan
2 years ago

What, exactly, was the “vandalism”? Doesn’t that usually involve physical action of a negative nature, like defacement of property or arson or other property crimes? Hateful as the messages painted on the panel truck are, driving it through town doesn’t qualify as “vandalism”.

john c truth
john c truth
2 years ago

Briefly lived in the “jewish” area of town. It was not enjoyable. Very unwelcoming. Not Friendly. Couldn’t wait to get out of it.

WeHo Conscience
WeHo Conscience
2 years ago
Reply to  john c truth

Where precisely is “the ‘Jewish’ area of town”? How could you tell?

Ryan Gierach
2 years ago

The headline seems to belong to a different article, one which doesn’t seem to exist.
Apparently there’s some confusion in the editorial offices about what constitutes vandalism and what constitutes hate speech.
Vandalism, you see, is the destruction or defacing of property. Making you feel bad isn’t vandalism, dears.
Hate speech is bad enough but you don’t have to be victims like Trump.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ryan Gierach

They vandalized the truck and were banned from U-Haul.

Rudi Logan
Rudi Logan
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

The story doesn’t mention damage to the truck. Also, the truck was not property in WeHo, so vandalism was limited to U-Haul.

Ryan Gierach
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

They taped signs onto a truck. How does taping a sign onto a truck equate to vandalism? U-Haul may have banned them, but I’m absolutely certain no damage was done to the truck or any other property.
You’re wise not to fess up to your true identity.

2 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPvcXOg2Qro (Fox 11 report on this incident)

Look at the comments section. You can see how many online alt-right trolls support this behavior and hate jewish people. This disgusting behavior must be condemned by all politicians of any party.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Dude it was a hoax. Stop trying to stir up fear.

2 years ago
Reply to  WehoFan

Where is the evidence this was a hoax?

Weho Mary!
Weho Mary!
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Just wait, they’ll admit that it happened, and then start blaming AOC and others because they support Palestine.

Standing UP
Standing UP
2 years ago

Commiefornia and specifically LA attracts these types of haters. Riots of 2020 anyone? They defaced synagogues too. What was done? NOTHING. They burned buildings. What was done? NOTHING. They looted stores up and down Melrose. What was done? NOTHING. People put BLM signs in their windows, put ‘defund the police’ signs in their windows. SHAME on all of you who did. Why would these punks think they would be caught and prosecuted?

John Ryan
John Ryan
2 years ago

See something, say something……lots of people DID.
Now, City Council, DO SOMETHING!!

2 years ago

I saw a few more videos about the truck roaming around West Hollywood with all the hate speech and people getting excited about it. Maybe it is time West Hollywood residents respond to this shameful act.

West Hollywood touts itself as a “Creative City”. Maybe some city residents can get “creative” and come up with their own truck with messages of love and acceptance.I bet the “Nazi” truck will return and if so,residents should be ready to pounce with their own messages.

2 years ago
Reply to  hifi5000

Maybe it is time West Hollywood residents respond to this shameful act.”

That would take some people to recognize that it even happened. Read below…

2 years ago

I’ve gotta get out more! I wasn’t aware of any of this and am glad to know now.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

I feel compelled to add that I am no fan of Harvey Milk. Other American icons are being cancelled for far less than Milk did.

2 years ago

The offending group GDL “goyim defense league” are notorious provocateurs and very likely foreign State funded or CIA.

This bullsh*t in my neighborhood is really pissing me off. We love our Russian, Jewish & all communities that make our town special.

2 years ago

Are we surprised the alt-right troll commenters on here don’t believe any of this happened? They are complicit.

2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

More name calling, more insults from greeneyedguy.