OP-ED: Lindsey Horvath, you are not a profile in courage


As I watched Liz Cheney accept her Profiles In Courage award from the Kennedy Library, I reflected on her sense of greater good.  Greater than herself or party.  Then I watched Nancy Pelosi’s acceptance when she was given the same award a few years ago.  Pelosi made it all about everyone around her, not herself.  She thanked her colleagues and the teams of people surrounding her.  Lindsey Horvath makes it all about Lindsey Horvath.  Your latest mailer is a complete manipulation of the truth.  You wordsmith through your prior support of defund movements.  Some might call me a cynic for saying this mailer was written by your appointee to the PSC.  You are not a profile in courage, you are profile in cowardice and political opportunism.  You are a lapdog of the authoritarianism of the left which is as toxic as the authoritarianism of the right.
I challenge you to listen to Nancy Pelosi’s words and engage in some humble introspection and recognize that she is the polar opposite of what you represent.
You will not have the profile in courage to engage in an honest discussion with me, or likely anyone who doesn’t engage in sycophancy.

Lindsey Horvath for County Supervisor claims to have removed 80% of homeless off West Hollywood Streets.

Where did you get the fake statistic that you ushered in an 80% reduction of homelessness in West Hollywood?  It’s a lie, and that makes you a liar.

Weak.  That’s why you had nothing better to say than to call opponents of your PSC commission racist, and call my commentary inappropriate.  

You are not the moral conscience of West Hollywood.   You are its public servant.

Publishers Note: Lindsey Horvath’s claim to have moved 80% of the homeless off the streets of West Hollywood cannot be supported with data. WEHOville was contacted by a resident who has put in a question to the City Clerk and City Staff to ask if Horvath’s claim can be substantiated. This resident was told to do a Public Records Request. WEHOville also did a Public Records Request to obtain any information or correspondence to substantiate Horvath claims. Neither the resident or WEHOville has received a response to these claims. In fact, the city is now pursuing the purchase of the Holloway Motel to create a homeless base and services center at La Cienega and Santa Monica Blvd.

If Horvath claims were true the City of West Hollywood should put out a report to take credit as a City. Horvath is but one vote on the City Council and no other Council members are making this claim of West Hollywood’s homeless success story.

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WeHo resident
WeHo resident
2 years ago

After experiencing her “leadership” in WeHo I would certainly not vote for Horvath for any public office. I’m a very liberal voter by today’s standard so my comment isn’t about that ideological split. However, I think Horvath is part of the worst aspect of pay to play corruption in politics. She not only was a crucial vote in approving the destruction of historically designated residential lots in my neighborhood (and much open green space and trees) contrary to any accepted standards of historic preservation, she also defended the type of corruption that makes this possible. The developer behind that project… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  WeHo resident

Much more of this ugly collusion occurs more than one would imagine. One of Horvath’s commissioners is chief among them feathering their own nest repeatedly and interfering with other issues through unethical relationships with the planning staff. There are no fire walls, only verifiable free flowing access routes. The saddest part of this chicanery is that it is so unnecessary, limits higher quality development in the city and makes the development process more lengthy and expensive for all the parties.

2 years ago


2 years ago

DUMP Lindsey Horvathforever and ever.

1 year ago
Reply to  JRBirdsong

There’s no room in dumpsters. They’re already full with the tens of thousands of cardboard flyers she has mailed out for her City Council campaigns. I once received TWELVE different flyers, all on heavy cardstock paper, in my mailbox from her campaign in ONE DAY, and dozens more on days before and after that. What a waste and an effront to any claims of environmental responsibili6ty. Recycle all of those, then there might be room for her. Call Athens Services for a special pickup.

2 years ago

Lol…I couldn’t get past Liz Cheney, the lying offspring of a war criminal, awarded a woman in courage award. That should be a Saturday Night Live skit. Never laughed so hard. Carry on.

Asking for proof
Asking for proof
2 years ago
Reply to  Gorge

You and we don’t have any knowledge of the relationship ship between Liz Cheney and her father the “purported” war criminal. She may differ from him greatly regarding his involvement with the Iraq war. Do you have any proof that she endorsed this?

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
2 years ago

Horvath is running against 2 Jewish men, so I wonder if she will retract her support and endorsement for Chelsea Byers running for city council. Larry Block wrote a very strong point by point article on Byers to make us all rethink of the kind of person that we want to represent us as city council. In the 20 years that I have lived here, I have never seen so much cronyism, so much incestuous behavior with developers and people with hidden agendas, and so much chaos in our city government much of it tied to the WOKE pushers that… Read more »

2 years ago

She’s a self centered politician who cares ONLY for her personal agenda!!!

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Yep. She’s a PR “professional” and herself is her own favorite client. Hey, it beats what she’s qualified to do, which is really just one simple activity: “Would you like fries with that??”

Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
2 years ago

There’s a brief little article in the current issue of Los Angeles magazine (June 2022) entitled THE IVANKA TRUMP OF THE L.A. TIMES, Nika Soon-Shiong and the controversial endorsement of her father’s newspaper. The article doesn’t mention Lindsey Horvath but it does mention Soon-Shiong’s attempts to revive smears against Joe Biden & Paul Koretz. If you didn’t like her before, you may like her even less now.

Peter Buckley
Peter Buckley
2 years ago

Yes the article could have spoken more about the LA Times endorsement in exchange for the PSC favor given to Nika by Horvath.

2 years ago

It must be nice to be a Communist with a billionaire father who buys his victimized daughter her own Newspaper to push her Communist bias and political agenda which is hateful and wretched.

Defund the police while she lives in a full security mansion with 24 hour security. What a?

Michael on Havenhurst
Michael on Havenhurst
2 years ago

Horvath at least stood up to the Ed Buck West Hollywood racist tragedy. At the same time, Meister and D’Amico took money from the Democrat donor/killer and said nothing when confronted by one of the victim’s mothers. As for examples of goodness, Liz Chaney is the daughter of a war criminal, and Nancy Pelosi, $200 million richer since getting elected, profited from insider trading and would have been labeled by President Truman as a crook, ridiculous as this pitch.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
2 years ago

Are you implying that John D’Amico and Lauren Meister knew about Ed’s predatory behavior before the death of Gemmel Moore or Timothy Dean? I think that is unfair and inaccurate.

Michael on Havenhurst
Michael on Havenhurst
2 years ago
Reply to  Steve Martin


2 years ago

Horvath did step up to get Buck off our streets. Sadly, she also ignored certain victims of Buck because they weren’t friends with her clique of Dem establishment gatekeepers. But the fact remains she was the only CC that did the right thing at the time.

This is a small town. Ed Buck was hardly a mastermind criminal—just a sick muthuf*cker operating like someone who knew he was protected.

2 years ago
Reply to  West

One Ed Buck got caught…there are many, MANY more in that s-hole of a town.

1 year ago

As much as I criticize Horvath (which is a civic duty), she was right on advocating for the prosecution of Ed Buck. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

2 years ago

Yes, it seems to be almost universally agreed that Lindsey Horvath is literally toxic, but let’s not too quickly lose sight of how horrible the other councilmembers are, most notably all of the others. It’s a tough call who is the second worst. Some days I think it’s Lauren Meister, then I think of the rest of them. How can a city with so many bright people, of all political parties, genders, creeds etc., vote in such obvious liars and opportunists, as they do in weho, decade after decade. I don’t get it.

2 years ago
Reply to  WehoQueen

Most WeHo voters don’t read WeHoVille.com, nor do they follow any other local news source, but BY GOD they’re going to exercise their right to vote at every election! So they cast their vote based solely on name recognition, even though they couldn’t tell you a thing about the candidate. “She looks nice”, or “I’ve heard his name before”, or “Oh, she’s an immigrant and we need diversity” are what go through the heads of far too many voters and that’s how we get the city council we’ve got. Early on Horvath approached all the Republicans in town personally because… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

West Hollywood The City of Ignorance and Deception.

Claims of Social Justice while in reality highly prejudiced.

The “lofty ideals” rhetoric is just that. Political PR Blather.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

I agree with you. Most people are totally uneducated on the people they are voting for. They have no idea of their track record, where they stand on issues, etc. That’s how we got stuck with Shyne and Erickson…because they were new fresh faces.

2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

I never encourage people to vote. If they aren’t motivated to vote on their own I don’t want them to vote because they’ll make their choices based on emotion rather than thoughtful consideration through following candidates and issues.

2 years ago

Compare the comments about the beloved Lauren Meister to these scathing comments about Lindsey Horvath. The people have spoken!

1 year ago
Reply to  voter

Exactly. Competent and respectable women candidates like Lauren Meister blow the whole “that’s just misogyny” argument when criticizing Horvath, Shyne, or Soon-Shiong right out of the water. It’s not that we don’t want women candidates, or for their voices to be heard, we just don’t want INCOMPETENT women candidates. Huge difference.

Wesley McDowell
Wesley McDowell
2 years ago

I completely agree with everything you were said. I wish you had mentioned her clean but West Hollywood is a model for affordable housing. Really? Does she actually pay rent here? Maybe she’s in the rent control department or bought a condo years ago when prices were actually reasonable. When you look at a one bedroom one bathroom condo for over a million dollars, or apartments that are $2,000 a month at a minimum, that’s not really affordable housing. I’ve lived in West Hollywood for most of the past 30 years and have seen housing and food places skyrocket beyond… Read more »

2 years ago

Horvath’s campaign flyer actually says “I will make our neighborhoods safe again” and “Lindsey’s top priority is reducing crime”. What a miserable hypocrite she is. Meanwhile she and her protege Nika Soon Shiong are prime movers behind trying to defund our local sheriff’s department. Funny that her flyer forgets to mention that.

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
2 years ago
Reply to  Pavarotti

very good point Pavarotti!

2 years ago
Reply to  Pavarotti

Her flyer is a load of crap.

1 year ago
Reply to  JF1

More like hundreds of thousands of loads of crap. I once got TWELVE of her huge 11 x 14 heavy cardstock flyers in my mailbox in West Hollywood in ONE DAY. Someone that environmentally irresponsible just to aggrandize her own ego has no place in West Hollywood leadership. Mayor? City Council? She’s not qualified to be vice president of the decorating committee for the junior prom.

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