The City of West Hollywood’s Current and Historic Planning Division has moved to Phase 2 of updating the 2008 historic context statement and historic resources survey for multi-family residential properties. Staff has completed a draft of the historic context statement as Phase 1. The 2008 statement and survey included 2,100 properties constructed before 1961. Phase 2 of the current project includes a reconnaissance survey of approximately 2,400 residential properties constructed before 1982 within the R2, R3, and R4 multi-family zoning districts.
Members of the community are invited to learn how to participate in the survey by attending the virtual Multi-Family Residential Historic Resources Survey kickoff community outreach meeting Wednesday, June 8, 2022 at 6 p.m. via Zoom at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81517648718; Meeting ID: 815 1764 8718.
Reconnaissance surveys, commonly known as windshield surveys, document the physical qualities of the property, but make no formal evaluation as to a building’s significance, integrity, or eligibility to local, state, or national registers. In general, surveys usually begin at the reconnaissance level. After additional research and identification of property types, a smaller number of properties are selected for time-and-research-heavy Intensive surveys. An intensive survey requires more research and documentation of a property, and most significantly, results in the evaluation of a property’s eligibility for local, California, or National listing. Evaluation can apply either to individual properties or to properties within the context of a historic district.
Regularly updating historic resources surveys helps to ensure that properties that may have achieved significance since the time of the prior survey are not overlooked and also documents changes to the built environment that occur over time to better inform local planning and preservation efforts. Survey updates also provide an opportunity to identify and recognize properties associated with a broader, more complete history of a community.
The survey will be taking place in the R2, R3, and R4 multi-family zoning districts, as shown on the City’s zoning map. Members of the community are invited to share their knowledge of residential properties in these areas that are: important to the local community; associated with important events, individuals, organizations, and places related to the history of multi-family development; and, constructed after 1982 but may now be of exceptional historic significance. Community input will help the City of West Hollywood identify significant properties that embody the City’s heritage.
For a list of properties that are already designated for their historic significance, please see the City of West Hollywood’s Register of Cultural Resources at www.wehopreservation.org/designated-cultural-resources/.
For more information contact Antonio Castillo, City of West Hollywood Senior Planner, at acastillo@weho.org or at (323) 848-6854. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing, please call TTY (323) 848-6496.
Since this article was published on June 9, the Survey Kickoff Community Meeting would have been conducted on June 8, at 6:00pm on Zoom, the day prior. LOL.
Lovely, another improperly noticed meeting that invites public participation. Could all of these noticing instances be accidental or could they be happening accidentally on purpose?
Dear City Hall or Mr. Castillo please straighten this out, reschedule the meeting , alert Wehoville so the public might join in…after all the public is/are/we/they/them/us are actual residents of this community.