WeHo wants you to reduce water use


Southern California is experiencing severe drought conditions. Across the western U.S., scientists have found that the extreme dryness since 2000 has become the driest 22-year period in at least 1,200 years, a megadrought that research shows is being intensified by climate change.

The City of West Hollywood is getting the word out about the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s (LADWP) water conservation rules now in effect. All LADWP customers — residential and commercial — are now limited to two-days-a-week outdoor watering as well as other water use restrictions. LADWP customers with street addresses ending in odd-numbers may water on Mondays and Fridays and customers with even-numbered street addresses may water on Thursdays and Sundays, before 9 a.m. or after 4 p.m. LADWP’s new rules call for no watering between the hours of 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., regardless of the day.

New LADWP restrictions also include two recommended practices: the use of pool covers to prevent evaporation, and the washing of vehicles at commercial car wash facilities. Hand watering is allowed every day before 9 a.m. and after 4 p.m. if the hose is equipped with a self-closing water shut-off device.

Existing water conservation practices continue to be in place:

  1. Limiting outdoor watering with sprinklers to eight minutes per station on permitted watering days
  2. Watering with sprinklers using water-conserving nozzles for up to 15 minutes, twice a day, on the permitted watering day
  3. No water should flow off of property
  4. No water should leak from any pipe or fixture
  5. No watering within 48 hours after a measurable rain event
  6. No hosing of driveway or sidewalk 
  7. No washing of vehicles using a hose without a self-closing nozzle

More information on the new watering days is available at www.ladwp.com/wateringdays.

LADWP is also urging customers to act to take advantage of the many water- and money-saving rebates and programs available to both residential and commercial customers. Residential customers can find a comprehensive list of rebates and programs, including rebates for efficient clothes washers, toilets, and turf replacement, at www.ladwp.com/save. Commercial customers can visit www.ladwp.com/cwr for rebates and programs.

West Hollywood residents and businesses are served by two water utility companies: Beverly Hills Public Works and LADWP. Both utilities encourage their customers to continue to use water efficiently. Residents and businesses should voluntarily reduce water use to help preserve the region’s water storage reserves in response to extreme drought conditions. In May 2022, Governor Newsom warned that he may need to enact mandatory water restrictions throughout the State. More than half of the water used in Southern California is imported from the Northern Sierra and the Colorado River. Both of those sources are facing severe drought conditions; crucial storage reservoirs have never been lower.


The Metropolitan Water District’s Board of Directors has declared a Water Shortage Emergency calling for consumers and businesses to reduce water use and help preserve the region’s storage reserves. The West Basin Municipal Water District’s Board of Directors has moved to activate its Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WCSP) and declare a Water Shortage Emergency for the service area representing nearly one million people in 17 cities and unincorporated areas in Los Angeles County, including West Hollywood.

The City of West Hollywood offers tips for saving water on its website at www.weho.org/waterconservation. Visit the State of California’s “Save Our Water” drought action website at https://drought.ca.gov to learn about being drought-aware and using water wisely.

Water conservation tips are also available at:





As part of efforts to encourage water conservation, the City of West Hollywood produced an Emmy Award-winning 60-second public service announcement (PSA) video called “Winter is Coming! But the Drought is Far From Over.” Designed as a mock TV-series preview trailer, the PSA is based on the hit HBO series Game of Throneshttps://youtu.be/ybKFa2X6RB8.

The City of West Hollywood holds a deep commitment to sustainability and preserving the environment. Sustainability means thinking about behavior in a global and long-term context, recognizing that choices made today have a profound effect on the future. For links to helpful “Go Green” information and resources, visit www.weho.org/gogreen.

For more information from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, please contact the LADWP Customer Contact Center at 1-800-DIAL DWP (1-800-342-5397). For more information from Beverly Hills Water, please contact Beverly Hills Public Works Customer Service at (310) 285-2467. For additional information, please contact the City of West Hollywood’s Department of Public Works at (323) 848-6375. For people who are Deaf or hard of hearing, please call TTY (323) 848-6496.

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2 years ago

And yet the California Coastal Commission voted down a plan to build a Desalination plant to help fight the drought. California gets what it deserves, to die a long slow painful death. Now only if Arizona would turn off their energy from the nuclear power plant in Palo Verde.

Mike B
Mike B
2 years ago

Thousands and thousands of new homes continue to be built but there is no water for my lawn? Really? Until there is a moratorium on new home building, I’ll continue to water as I please.

2 years ago
Reply to  Mike B

Thousands (and thousands) of new homes? Where?

There is a water shortage, dude. And an ongoing drought. Why don’t you care for our planet, instead of your green lawn?

You are such a tough guy, huh?

Vote Out The Woke Trash
Vote Out The Woke Trash
2 years ago

We live in a one party dictatorship. On a local level those five Democrats on the WEHO City Council represent one thing. The party line. So anything they say just flush it down the toilet. At least we can get rid of three of them in November. D’Amico, Meister and Horvath! With Erickson and Shyne out in 2024 unless we can recall them!

2 years ago

WTF does the CC have to do with the drought/water shortage & rules?

2 years ago

And the stupid, and clueless voters who keep on putting the same people into power who ruined this one party state. Total incompetence! Citizens deserve better and business’s and people flee the state of CA-once the golden state. The citizens keep on voting the same over and over again. You can see in some of the current primaries. Nothing will EVER change until they’re voted out. Crime, homelessness, not enough electricity or water, sanctuary cities for illegals and illegal criminals, socialist/marxist/fascist policies, defund the police, no bail laws, and citizens voting for Prop 47,and the list goes on and on.… Read more »

2 years ago

So well stated! People keep voting for Adam Schiff (over 70%of the vote) and all he does is lie (Russian collusion hoax, Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation) and on and on. He is a typical socialist/marxist/fascist…just wants his power.

2 years ago
Reply to  John

There is nothing typically socialist/Marxist/fascistic about Adam Schiff. He is a conservadem trying to be a progressive.

2 years ago

Residential water usage in CA is 6-10% of total usage. This is a false burden on regular citizens and no requests for industrial, tech, construction, etc. to make a reduction. WHY??? Also, why no water desalination plants? We travel to Israel every year and why does that country thrive? DELSALINATION PLANTS. Newsom is an idiot. Budget surplus and we need water? What does he do? Nothing. Blame it on the populace. Just more control of our rights. This is not a right or left issue, this is electing an idiot governor and state congress issue. Well done, California.

2 years ago

California has not built any new reservoirs to hold the rain water we do get in 45 years, and even then more were drastically needed. And we keep welcoming illegal immigrants to add to the population to further strain the diminishing supply we have to share. No one is claiming there is no draught, but our biggest problem regarding this issue is government mismanagement with impossible bureaucratic red-tape and increasing regulations, usually to appease environmental radicals.

2 years ago

Its all about Solutions… Go to http://www.theCaliforniaLawnDiet.com Type in “I love WEHOVILLE” and I will see to it that you get a pdf draft emailed back to you.. FREE ……..Thank you Larry for all that you do and have done to keep the community informed.

2 years ago

I’m experiencing quite a bit of dryness myself. A little parched too, I might add.

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