WATCH: WeHo citizens react to sheriff’s defunding


FOX 11’s Christina Gonzalez reported on the reaction to West Hollywood City Council’s defunding of the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department which will leave city streets patrolled by fewer deputies in the midst of a rise in crime. WEHOville Publisher Larry Block was among those interviewed who decried the decision by City Council.

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2 years ago

Looking at their ‘services’ on the Block By Block website…in addition to providing a ‘sense of security’ it says they also do cleaning and landscaping/ground maintenance. Has anyone ever seen them doing these services? I only see them riding around on their bikes and talking to each other, never engaging with the public.

A Sense of Governance
A Sense of Governance
2 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Natch, similar to four of the council members providing a “sense of governance”.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jason

That’s why I initially mentioned. If money is budgeted for safety, why is it being spent on “perception of safety”?

2 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Yes, I have never seen them do anything other than ride in groups and chat with each other. Cleaning and landscaping…this is not happening.

Susie Q
Susie Q
2 years ago

Poor Sepi Shyne. The terrible motion she made, despite assurances from the city mgr. that there was enough money for both sheriffs and health workers, was backed by D’Amico and Horvath. But they are both leaving in November, and if, God forbid, anything bad happens because there are fewer sheriffs, then Sepi will be the one who is left holding the bag.
I think she should’ve thought this through a little more carefully!

Dr Meow Meow
Dr Meow Meow
2 years ago

If you want to lower crime vote out Villanueva. He refuses accountability and maintains the do nothing status quo of the LA County Sheriff’s Dept. Why should we pay people who don’t even try?

2 years ago
Reply to  Dr Meow Meow

He is the only one addressing our homeless problem and got most of the homeless encampments right on Venice Beach cleaned up when no one else was doing anything.

2 years ago

nice article

2 years ago


2 years ago

What are these Ambassadors trained to do? What are they allowed to do? I suppose not even parking citations.
But, the company’s own website says they provide the ‘perception’ of safety. ( under services)

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago
Reply to  H W

they’re a joke. just ride around and talk to each other. we’ve all seen them.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey

One night I saw 4 of them on a corner chatting away. It’s more of a bike club than a public safety officer. It’s a joke.

2 years ago
Reply to  H W

They have the power to do nothing.

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
2 years ago

Like every other city across the United States, after it’s said & done, WeHo will join all the other cities that defunded the Police & retracted because the crime sky rocketed! It’s NOT Rocket Science for God’s sakes!

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago


2 years ago

So true. it’s unbelievably stupid.

Geoffrey Buck
Geoffrey Buck
2 years ago

The world now knows it is not safe to visit West Hollywood. The Daily Mail of London had a big article yesterday.
As the saying goes- go woke and go broke. It is clear the city council is working for someone other than the citizens of West Hollywood.

2 years ago
Reply to  Geoffrey Buck

Good. Let word get out that the citizens of West Hollywood are fed up with their local representation. Too woke for West Hollywood means you’re totally off the rails-an extremist. Hertzberg should use that as a slogan against Horvath. Hoping she’ll lose to Hertzberg and the city will be rid of her and the county will dodge a bullet. Then If we can get a couple more council members that are more to center, we can undo some of the damage that’s been done.

2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

right on!

Right On Public Safety
Right On Public Safety
2 years ago

If the City Council wants to experiment with public safety perhaps they might want to find another line of work. Precisely. Although Villanueva is not exactly my kind of guy, he has it right on this.

Wacky WeHo
Wacky WeHo
2 years ago

Why do you think they hate Villanueva – that so much energy and vitriol is directed his way should be an education on who he is relative to them.

They hate him. They hate you too, fyi

2 years ago


2 years ago

I don’t agree with the decision of the council, but that does absolutely nothing to change my negative opinion toward Villanueva. He is entirely motivated by self-interest, which is what we are all saying about the council members who voted for this. That’s never a good thing for a public servant.

2 years ago
Reply to  SeeMe

Would you elaborate on your opinion on Villanueva? What is it that he has done to make you think of him as you do? All I know about him is that he cleaned up a bunch of homeless encampments, against the wishes of the LA mayor, but I don’t know much else about him.

2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

You should do an online search. LAT wrote many articles and ProPublica just released one this week.

Wesley McDowell
Wesley McDowell
2 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

If that’s all you know, then you certainly haven’t been paying attention to his antics over the last 4 years. Even this so-called clean up was in the city of Los Angeles, not where are the sheriff’s department has policing jurisdiction. It was just a publicity stunt like so much else that he does. He is a complete embarrassment

Posturing 24/7
Posturing 24/7
2 years ago

“Watch What I Am Doing Over Here” posturing so you won’t see what I am not doing in terms of valid concerns.

2 years ago

I am all for stunts if it cleans up an area. Who cares if it is for publicity if it is working. Better than hiring bike club buddies to patrol and chat.

Wacky WeHo
Wacky WeHo
2 years ago

If its not already abundantly clear, these hostile outsiders hate you and want to destroy your community.

Act accordingly

2 years ago
Reply to  Wacky WeHo

We are! I’ve never seen the residents of this city so upset with their own representatives. It’s absolutely unbelievable. Shows just how angry residents are.

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