Block by Block supervisor arrested for DUI last December


Another Block by Block leader’s run-in with the law has been uncovered.

Operations Supervisor Elizabeth Rodriguez was attending the Block by Block holiday party at Barney’s Beanery in WeHo on Dec. 17, 2022. She joined her boss Shea Gibson and a handful of ambassadors who continued drinking after the party ended. She then got in her car and headed off toward the BoysTown bars.

On the way, Rodriguez crashed into a fire hydrant near the Dialog Cafe. Her car was totaled and she was arrested on a DUI charge on Dec. 18. The 31-year-old was released the same day on a $15,000 bond.

Rodriguez continues to drive a Block by Block company truck, according to reports.

The news comes one day after Block by Block Operations Manager Shea Gibson was revealed to have committed voluntary manslaughter.

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Mitchell Karin
Mitchell Karin
2 years ago


2 years ago

First the Gibson employee who was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter,now this Rodriquez employee who was charged with a DUI.

Block by Block seems to appear to be a shady organization with poor hiring practices.The city needs to step up and demand more accountability from Block by Block.You don’t want subpar individuals working for an organization whose contract is concerning public safety.

What new horrors will be discovered next??!!

Joe Bologna
Joe Bologna
2 years ago

Wow. It’s like “Police Academy,” but not funny.

2 years ago

Mebbee the Keystone Kops would be an improvement…..

2 years ago

It gets better and better. 🙄

Weho is a joke
Weho is a joke
2 years ago

One might consider a negligence lawsuit against the city council and city manager.

2 years ago
Reply to  Weho is a joke

Last night, a group of friends and I walked Santa Monica Blvd from Robertson to La Cienega and back between 10pm and 11pm, not one Ambassador to be found.

2 years ago
Reply to  :dpb

Omg and you weren’t beaten to a bloody pulp by street gangs?

Everyone told me you can’t walk around West Hollywood at night anymore….was it all an exaggeration?! Oh my…

Joe Bologna
Joe Bologna
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Nope, they weren’t kidding. WeHo has changed. Pull your head out of your butt and look around.

WEHO Resident
WEHO Resident
2 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Just because it doesn’t happen every second doesn’t mean there isn’t a big problem. Street gangs are targeting West Hollywood. That is a fact. It’s a matter of chance when or if it will happen to you. That doesn’t give you the right to be dismissive. Would you think it was funny if one of them pulled a gun on you on your way to hot yoga?

Weho is a joke
Weho is a joke
2 years ago

Our city is being run by far left extremists who hire felons and drunks instead of qualified armed police officers.

Eric Jon Schmidt-Henderson
Eric Jon Schmidt-Henderson
2 years ago

Good reporting! Keep digging! It’s a goldmine in West Hollywood. You’re in the right place in the right time to become a journalist star! Trust me, this story is a drop of water on the iceberg.

Drone Ambassadors
Drone Ambassadors
2 years ago

Lovely. Wehoville would be better served by installing larger than life sized cardboard cutouts as security ambassadors in strategic locations hoping to change the minds of possible criminals or scare them. Add to that a few drone operated depictions of scary super insects that can chase after and pounce on those suspected of criminal behavior. At least they won’t go out drinking after hours with the possibility of harming themselves or the folks they were intended to ambassador to safety. What a world……. Only in West Hollywood aka Peter PanVille.! 🙄

Drone Ambassadors
Drone Ambassadors
2 years ago

That was West Hollywood would be better served, not Wehoville…….

2 years ago

sad but true,

2 years ago

Wow! I can only imagine the kind of people who would take a job as bikey guards in West Hollywood. Seems like a really bad job that will atract really bad people without real job skills or abilities.