DEAR WEHO: We must acknowledge that crime is real … and deal with it realistically


You’ve felt it, I’ve felt it, our neighbors and friends have felt it. Crime in West Hollywood is escalating at a dangerous and alarming rate, day by day. In the past two years, how few of our buildings have been left unscathed by package thefts? crime, public safety, lasd, sheriff’s department, burglary, home invasion,

In my condo building on the 1400 block of N Laurel Avenue, just south of the world-famous Sunset Strip, we’ve had daytime intruders since 2020 on a regular basis, often taking advantage of the prevalence of disposable masks to evade identification, who have swiped from doorsteps and even broken into our mailboxes. We’ve all had to install more cameras, more locks, more gates. Still, our efforts alone are not enough.

On Saturday morning between approximately 3:50am and 4:10am, July 9th, my building fell victim to a break-and-enter invasion by two as-yet unidentified suspects. A single man first attempted to breach the main front entrance, which he was unable to do. A secured side gate was his next attempt, again, a failure. Undeterred, the suspect ultimately gained entrance by breaking through the secondary front doors, adjacent to our courtyard. Seconds later, a second accomplice joined him. They then made their way through cars in the garage, trying door handles one by one until they landed on an unlocked Audi, stealing everything inside. They then made their way on foot from the garage through the ground floor hallway, inches from sleeping residents’ front doors, swiping any packages from doorsteps they could find.

The homeowners’ association of my building is alarmed, as are all of our residents and tenants. What is the next iteration of the crime wave West Hollywood is facing if not actual home invasions into condos, apartments, and homes? Since compiling security camera footage in the past day, our HOA has begun the official process of filing a police report with the West Hollywood station of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, whose deputies are en route as I type this.

It is time for WeHo residents to say “enough is enough” and acknowledge that crime is real. It is not something one can wish away out of idealistic thinking. We must back the sheriff and the police departments here in West Hollywood and in Los Angeles City. We must advocate for harsher punishment to deter crime and give prosecutors the ability to protect us once again. We must hold elected officials to once again side with law-abiding citizens and reject their pandering emboldenment of criminality in an era of virtue-signaling wokeness. Next time it will be your building, your car, your home, your bedroom, your life.

— Dean, HOA at 1420 N Laurel Ave.

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[…] West Hollywood is escalating at a dangerous and alarming rate, day by day,” a resident named Dean wrote to WEHOville on July […]

2 years ago

Yes get RID if the Homeless drugged out useless people and the crime will drop.
Its time to tell the homeless go to an assisted living unit or Jail!!

1 year ago
Reply to  john

I agreed with you. I am sick of people and their misplaced compassion for all this homeless trash. Round them up and move them out to a place like Palmdale.

2 years ago

Those are tweekers…and WeHo is chock FULL of tweekers…has been for decades now.

2 years ago

this site should be on everyone’s computer: they have an almost 100% conviction rate! Every property owner, Manager, HOA etc. should implement rules that delivery services like USPS, UPS, FEDEX, DHL et al deliver packages as addressed. NOT just dropped on the sidewalk near mailboxes. Further they should implore residents to collect their packages in a timely manner. All the delivery services offer FREE notifications that package has been delivered. BUT some residents allow packages to sit for days, which encourages ‘theft by opportunity’! High powered motion sensor lighting would help, as would HD cameras. ANd obviously no not… Read more »

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
2 years ago

Regarding the landlords, the Sheriff’s department has paperwork that an owner/landlord can fill out so that it gives permission for the Sheriff’s to enter the property in case of a trespass or violation by an intruder, (otherwise, they cannot due to liability issues). Unfortunately, the city of WeHo does not make this well known and one has to find out the hard way after the fact. Tod Hallman on the PS Commission knows the name of this paperwork and I advise everyone that lives in a building to do the footwork , get the application, and have your landlord fill… Read more »

John Truthsayer
John Truthsayer
2 years ago

Say what you want, but the transient/homeless issue has spurred the rise in crime.. Watch the news every night, always a transient doing these heinous crimes. 7-11 killer? Girl murdered at her gallery on La Brea? They have to be dealt with, and yes, sternly. It is a shame only one state still has mental facilities. But we need them to get this problem under control.

2 years ago

While the homeless situation has certainly contributed to the rise in crime it’s not solely responsible for it. There are shootings and people being robbed at gunpoint nearly every day. Those are not committed by the homeless.

2 years ago

Serious crime is out of control. One MUST always be prepared and cognizant of what is happening in their environment.

Miller Marysia
Miller Marysia
2 years ago

I agree with Dean.

Jeff Luna
Jeff Luna
2 years ago

Maybe the woke, white women who still insist on masking should rethink their ideology? Na, never gonna happen. Virtue signaling is a religion for them. They could care less about the rest of society.

CP Danish
CP Danish
1 year ago
Reply to  Jeff Luna

EXACTLY! Well stated. It’s like a fundamentalist deranged religion for them. I often wonder if they had the criminal at their doorstep throwing a bomb right at them, if they would finally figure it out. After seeing these crazy wokists in action, I actually think they wouldn’t figure it out. They are that arrogant and also that DUMB!

Landlord Responsibility
Landlord Responsibility
2 years ago

One powerful voice always missing from this discussion is the voice individually and collectively of the landlords. Are they interested in the safety of their residents? During a very problematic incident that occurred in a prominent building on Crescent Heights was deftly handled in its entirety by COPPS Team Deputy Reynolds that resulted in ultimate removal of the resident manager and subsequent lawsuits with the owner when a resident was endangered by a homeless individual that appeared at an apartment door within the building. One of the exterior doors through the garden area had been repeatedly unsecured at whim by… Read more »

2 years ago


Charles A.
Charles A.
2 years ago

I plan to go to the City Council meeting this coming Monday and say something Anyone else? Let’s go!

2 years ago

I agree something has to be done but depending on the sheriff department, I don’t think, is the answer. They don’t care! My brother was kidnapped and led into his apartment at gunpoint and then took his car from the garage in West Hollywood and when he called the sheriff they laughed and snickered and questioned if he just hadn’t had a ‘hook-up’ that went wrong. I live one block from you and I found someone had broke into my car and was sleeping in it. Sheriff came and guess what…LET HIM GO! IN FRONT OF ME!! How are we… Read more »

2 years ago
Reply to  Carol

Sorry, I’m not buying this. I’ve dealt with the Sheriff over the past 20 years regarding matters much less severe than this and they’ve always been professional and taken my accounts seriously.

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