Two drivers exchanged gunfire at about 1:40AM Monday on Santa Monica Blvd. and Crescent Heights, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department said. One suspect was arrested; the other fled the scene in his vehicle. A bullet pierced the wall of a residence nearby, but no injuries were reported. Detectives with the department are currently investigating this case.
democrats are a satanic curse on america
Isn’t this you?
post the addresses of city council members who voted to defund sheriffs
D’Amico and Horvath are gone in November. But the Woke leader Sepi Shyne will be Mayor. We must demand that her appointment be revoked or we are going to see this self serving nightmare politician put more nails in West Hollywood coffin! Shyne lives on Crescent Heights, just north of the shooting!
Are spiritually sick. Just wanted to finish the comment for you.
Along the same line of rising crime, Starbucks announced today (as reported in Business Insider) that it’s closing 16 locations because of safety issues. One of these locations is in West Hollywood — SMB & Westmount — which the City Council should take a note of.
I came seconds from driving into the shootout. Two cars were stopped in the middle of the street and several people were running between them. I was going to drive around them, but less than 50 feet away I heard the gunshots, more than 10 though I wasn’t counting. So, I made a 3-point U-turn as fast as I could. As soon as I got away, I started to dial 911, at least 4 times without getting through. I seem to have driven out of West Hollywood when I finally got a ring tone and someone answered. LADP patched me… Read more »
One more thing, the most important. Good for the Sheriffs on the arrest. It’s only that kind of response that can keep events like these from repeating and becoming commonplace in Weho.
Okay guys. I’m as upset about losing sheriffs deputies as you are BUT it’s gonna get old really quick if you are going to make Block By Block comments every time there is an incident like this. We have six more months without losing any deputies so I am putting my energy into what I can do to get the word out and prepare for the councils assessment meeting at that time. If they don’t think that we are the majority maybe we need to start a petition. Other ideas? Post flyers on trees and phone poles with the date… Read more »
We all go to the City Council meeting this Monday and speak up.
The other suspect’s car would have been caught but was pursued on bicycle by a safety guard.
A chicken dinner for you!
Sept Shyne resides a block and a half north on Crescent Heights Blvd. Perhaps one should have her number on speed dial to patch in the Block By Block Ambassadors in case they were napping. Do we know what their hours of ambassadorship are?
Bullets never go in the right direction.
Where was the Block by Block ambassador? Was the resident of the home with the bullet hole supposed to run to a Block by Block kiosk to report this? Really? Defund the damn City Council and City Hall.