QUOTES | ‘Crime is up on the West Side by 266%’


Notable soundbites from the Public Safety Commission’s meeting this week.


“Part 1 Crimes on the west side are up 266 percent, City Center 152 percent and East Side 36 percent. Grand theft and vehicle theft — those are the ones that really drove the numbers; about 75 percent were in that theft category.”
— LASD WeHo Station Captain Bill Moulder

“I’ve lived in West Hollywood for, I’m sure,  more than 40 years. I lived over on Hayworth initially, in an apartment, and we had to call the police many times. They came immediately. They were excellent. They’ve been excellent all the time I’ve been here. … I do not go out (anymore). I used to go out and walk at night. I don’t dare do it now. We don’t feel safe.” 
— Resident Polly Businger


“As we receive reports of planned Sheriff’s slowdowns or the fear-mongering attempts rise to a fever pitch, I want to emphasize that attacking low-level government officials for doing their job is existentially harmful to the future of good governance in this city. Given that there’s no correlation between crime incidents and the cost of the sheriff’s contract, it is also harmful to public safety outcomes.”
— Public Safety Commissioner Nika Soon Shiong

“Public Safety commissioners are here to install mechanisms to improve public safety. And Public Safety commissioners are public servants and they’re subject to public opinion. And I just wonder how it feels to hang public opinion out to dry. I wonder how it feels to castrate public safety with the limitations of blue shirts. … But when I put this against the backdrop of political ambition, it all makes sense. Every word of it. And as a result we were manipulated, we were used and in the heat of the moment we couldn’t handle it and we caved.”
— Resident Mike Carter


“Block by Block has been providing security investor and hospitality services in various forms to the city of Los Angeles since 2005. We’re very proud of the contributions our team continues to make it in the community. We have robust training, starting with more than 40 hours of New ambassador training as well as Ongoing Training Over the last few years, we’ve been hard at work improving upon our extensive training materials. Some of the training topics that we do on a regular basis are active shooter situations, cultural diversity and sensitivity, bike training, missing children, protests and demonstrations, incident report writing and online staff reporting system. De-escalation training is also part of that as well. Our ambassadors are also there to deter and report. They work closely, as I mentioned with the sheriff’s department, and call them as needed. They’re equipped with the necessary tools to perform their jobs. They have radios. Yeah, the smart system devices and they also have bicycles which have all the necessary helmets, lights, plus everything else.”
— Block by Block’s regional director

“A lot of times when I call 9-1-1 dispatch, they have no idea what Block by Block is.”
— Public Safety Commissioner Danny Roman


“I wanted to share my personal story. I was eating at a sushi restaurant. I had just been playing pickleball, even though I’m a tennis player, which was definitely an experience. So I went out with some community members to have sushi, and there was someone that started to fixate on me and proceeded to attack me. At that moment, I was so freaked out, and Block by Block came out from across the street and handled the situation so it wouldn’t be traumatic for myself or the person. And that was an amazing situation, because even if I wanted to call the sheriffs, there would have been no time.”
— Resident Ashlei Shyne, wife of Mayor Pro Tem Sepi Shyne


“I’m seeing more scooters abandoned on sidewalks in my neighborhood than ever before. I’ve gotten to know the scooter pickup company so well that I know the guy’s name. He doesn’t speak much English and we’re getting to know each other so well that Yola (Dore) says we should go out for lunch one day. I don’t even have to look up the phone number anymore. I have it memorized … because I only have one arm. Today there was a scooter blocking our walkway, and luckily, a neighbor came by and offered to move it for me because I couldn’t do it. What I don’t understand is why does this issue keep going to consent? Is it the money that the city’s making? do they value the money more than they value our safety? Do they need the money that desperately?”
— Resident Myra Friedman

“A number of years ago, I parked my car in my driveway. I was in a hurry. When I came out, literally, the tail of my car was about six inches onto the sidewalk. I got a ticket. And that was around 9PM. At 12:01AM I got a second ticket. The scooters are left in the middle of the street. There must be a way for them to be ticketed. There has to be some accountability.”  
— Resident Kathy Davis

“The City of West Hollywood allows the traveling of bicycles upon its sidewalks. Especially those that run the course of Santa Monica Boulevard, as long as you are east of Kings Road. Anyone in this city should recognize the fact the rate of speed on an e-scooter is capped, unlike that for a bicycle. And trust me for several years now I have been the proud owner of an e-scooter, because as a person who’s not only a senior age, but as a person who’s living with a disability and a person who has been accompanied by a service animal, unlike the crash and burn WeHo Pedals program sponsored by Lindsey Horvath and company here, the scooter has allowed me mobility never experienced before.  If you make an allowance for bikes on sidewalks but not for scooters, you’re going to get nowhere.”
— Resident Michael Wojtkielewicz

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E. Mc
E. Mc
2 years ago

Myra is one of the best Weho residents out there. I used to chat with her while walking my dog. We need to respect our older residents and those with disabilities. The scooters are a liability and an eye sore. Plus they are filling up the ERs if you talk to any nurses that work at UCLA and Cedars. Get rid of the scooters. Get rid of the garbage thrown all over the street. Get the crime out and have some respect for our community. Vote these yahoos out and get some people with balls who can make tough and… Read more »

2 years ago

How about this? Have our City Council and City Council contact the LASD specificallySheriff Alex Villeneuva and propose that he make West Hollywood 1.9 sg. miles a “Model of Public Safety”. It shouldn’t take long to do a top o bottom assessment of policies and procedures that eventually other communities could follow once the kinks are worked out. Extend this to the inclusion of Homelessness and the community would see a legitimate attempt/model to follow. Currently the community, city and Sheriff’s Department appear to be attempting to keep track of marbles rolling in exponential directions while wasting valuable time. Time’s… Read more »

2 years ago

LAPD to increase patrols along Melrose amid string of robberies

LAPD jumps right into this situation while the WHSD seems on snooze and the PSC spurred on by Sepi Shyne & Horvath’s acolyte Nika Soon-Shiong think the community should “compromise” by sending in BLOCK BY BLOCK which appear far less competent than the Boy Scouts.

Compromise? Have any of these individuals ever taken a course in Basic Logic?


Tom Smart
Tom Smart
2 years ago

Danny Roman states “ a lot of times when I call 9-1-1”——he’s called multiple times??? What is going on in his world that he’s had to call them so many times??? Also, we’ve been told over the years to call the WEHO sherriffs station instead of 911 for a faster response. Yes, I doubt LA 911 staff know what block by block is.

Fillip Toupees
Fillip Toupees
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Smart

Hi Tom, I formerly worked in public-safety for decades in LA County. Los Angeles Sheriff’s 9-1-1 centers are geographically located at each of their stations. So, when you call 9-1-1 in WeHo, you are reaching their 9-1-1 center at the WeHo Station. Unlike many other law enforcement agencies (such as LAPD), they chose not to centralize their operations into one 9-1-1 center. So, you’re reaching the same people regardless of dialing direct (10-digit) or 9-1-1. What they likely meant was to call the 10-digit number for non-emergent calls and only use 9-1-1 for emergencies. A drunk person on the sidewalk… Read more »

Tom Smart
Tom Smart
2 years ago
Reply to  Fillip Toupees

Makes sense, thanks for the info. But now that I think about it, there was an issue calling 911 from your cell phone as opposed to a landline (whatever that is LOL) as it wasn’t immediately routed to the West Hollywood. Maybe they’ve fine-tuned this issue by now? Makes total sense to always call 911 for real emergencies to keep the message simple. My family members back East are in law enforcement, medics, fire and I can’t believe the crazy stories they tell about 911 calls they get (paper cuts, stolen bikes, etc). It’s almost as though those people should… Read more »

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom Smart

Danny Roman is probably dialing the wrong number. Judging by the way he speaks, he’s either drunk, or he isn’t very intelligent.

2 years ago

While the community believes they are eternally connected by their devices through social media, it is more disconnected than ever. The Sheriff station does not answer, recorded messages are often played to serve the public. Information that was readily available on the city site WEHO.ORG is now delayed by the Communication Director’s practice of childish video messages. Our community has been reduced to a juvenile game without instructions.

2 years ago

While the community believes they are eternally connected on their devices through social media it is mire disconnected than ever. Sheriff station does not answer, recorded messages are often there to serve the public. Information that was readily available on the city site WEHO.ORG is now delayed by the communications directors practice if sitting through childish video messages. Our community has been reduced to a juvenile game without instructions.

2 years ago

So how does one contact the block by block ambassador? We have illegal fireworks going off in the Norma Triangle for the past few hours. Related I’m sure is someone on a motorcycle is speeding around the streets continuously. I called the sheriff. No response. Am I supposed supposed to run to a ambassador kiosk? Googled the Block by Block West Hollywood Ambassador, no number only an out of state number for applying for a job. How the hell do you get their attention.

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
2 years ago

3 important factors In this article: -Defunding the Sheriff’s Dept -Crime up by 266% -Security Ambassadors Has anyone heard where “Biden in the Basement” John Heilman stands on ANYTHING??? IT’S TOTAL SILENCE!!!! With all of these people running for the seats of City Council, the only ones that I have noticed that are smart, articulate, rational, & outspoken against the crime & defunding the Sheriff’s are Steve Martin, John Duran, & Lauren Meister. All support business’s in WeHo & although they do believe that the Ambassadors help, none of them believe that they can be or will be a replacement… Read more »

2 years ago

It appears the heavy handed censors are running Wehoville now. I’ll take my comments to other free speech boards. Wehoville doesn’t really want to hear the truth from citizens.

Mitchell Karin
Mitchell Karin
2 years ago

What Sepi Shyne and her cohorts don’t grasp is Weho is a relatively progressive town and we are relatively progressive people but there is very little support for defunding the police while there is strong support for other progressive positions.

Rich Scott
Rich Scott
2 years ago

You Weho residents deserve this BS. You insist on voting for these “progressive” lying sacks of excrement who make promises to you, thinking you’re going to get something for nothing. Stop voting for these woke a**holes, and put in people who’ve actually worked in the real world and had to make payroll every 2 weeks!

Jack Ankrum
Jack Ankrum
2 years ago
Reply to  Rich Scott

Yep. They were voted in.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rich Scott

John Erickson and Sepi Shyne sold out to the big money interests that financed their campaigns and blanketed West Hollywood with mailers and advertisements. They hardly won a majority of the votes in West Hollywood! I don’t recall the numbers, but each got maybe 20% of the vote?

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