See the Mental Evaluation Team’s patrol vehicle


The West Hollywood Sheriff’s Station has a dedicated Mental Evaluation Team (MET), which consists of a sheriff’s deputy and a licensed Department of Mental Health Clinician. They assist patrol units and respond to calls where a person or persons may have a mental illness and need to be linked to mental health services.

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2 years ago

Leaving mentally ill people to rot on the streets is so cruel. Medications and other therapies now exist that can significantly help the majority of mentally ill people at home and on the streets. Those of you who think they are being kind to let mentally ill people “choose” to live desperate lives on the streets are so misguided, and so quick to hurl accusations at anyone who supports forced medication for mentally ill people who are not sane enough to choose wisely for themselves. Most psychiatric professionals support some form of legal intervention for mentally ill people who can’t… Read more »

2 years ago

They should patrol the City Council chamber.

2 years ago
Reply to  David

Not a bad idea. Severe personality issues in full view of the public planted on the dais subjecting the public to their personal idiosyncrasies and campaigning at every opportunity. A platform does not entitle some council members to arbitrarily pass judgement on the public after their 2 minute public comments. Nor does it entitle council members to pontificate their personal theories of the “bogeyman” ascribing falsely claimed racism to the comments about a Block By Block supervisor where there was a complete lack of any racial tinge in the Wehoville article about his previous misfortunes with the law. Making broad… Read more »

Eric Jon Schmidt (Henderson)
Eric Jon Schmidt (Henderson)
2 years ago

The City claimed they had a MET 10 years ago. Were they lying then?

2 years ago

The only solution is to gather up the mentally ill and otherwise dangerous people on the street and force them into facilities where they can receive treatment or just be housed to protect the rest of us. If they use the fancy white SUV to remove people from the streets, I would support lots of them.

2 years ago
Reply to  concerned

This is -generally- America, where you can rarely force people off the streets and into a facility against their will.

I hope that you retain your faculties (such as they are) for the duration of your lifetime.

Jimmy palmieri
Jimmy palmieri
2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

I have true concerns for Concerned.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jimmy palmieri

As you should.

Circling the Drain
Circling the Drain
2 years ago
Reply to  concerned

As the political minds stand by locally, statewide and nationally watching their cities circle the drain while the homeless and mentally deranged population exponentially increases. Even while throwing vast finances at their unworkable solutions. Tiny houses with no cure for the afflicted is a bizarre solution for one but the developed is paid through government financing. He wins we lose.

Folks in other civilized countries find this shockingly unacceptable.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
2 years ago
Reply to  concerned


2 years ago

Now that is taking action.
Bravo WeHo!

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua88

It’s been around for years. Action would be five more.

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
2 years ago

Never seen it. They need about five more.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
2 years ago
Reply to  Jim Nasium

Wish we could get more. The team is about $100,000 a year and I think there are only 35 trained teams for the entire County. But they do have a positive record of actually getting people help. Unlike the proposed Mental Outreach Teams, having a trained deputy provides a level of safety that is essential. Ideally the Sheriff’s Department can expand this program but the training for the deputies is very intense.

2 years ago

LMAO. The MET Team is mobile via the USS Enterprise and the local safety patrol is on bicycles of which there isn’t enough to go around. The MET cruiser most likely costs more than a salaried sheriff deputy. This city council has no monetary understanding and continues to throw dollars out the window as they cut back on citizen protections. The assine thought process of the council is getting worse by the minute. God help us all.

Josh Kurpies
Josh Kurpies
2 years ago
Reply to  :dpb

The City Council doesn’t choose what vehicle the MET Team drives around in and no one disagrees the City needs more MET Teams, not less, so I’m finding the sincerity of your criticism difficult to believe.

Last edited 2 years ago by Josh Kurpies