Horvath, Hertzberg to face off in Malibu forum


Outgoing Councilmember Lindsey Horvath will face off one-on-one for the first with state Sen. Bob Hertzberg this Sunday in a forum hosted by the Malibu Democratic Club.

Hertzberg and Horvath were the top 2 vote-getters, respectively, in the June primary race for County Supervisor District 3. The runoff election that decides the winner will be held Nov. 2.

Each candidate offers voters a clear, distinct choice on issues such as public safety. Hertzberg, who has secured the endorsement of the area’s law enforcement leaders, has advocated for sustained police presence in L.A. communities while Horvath led efforts to decrease West Hollywood’s allotted budget for the Sheriff’s Department.

The position they seek is a powerful one, overseeing the sprawling Third District of L.A. County which spans the San Fernando Valley, Malibu and Hollywood. Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, who has endorsed Horvath, chose not to run for re-election to the position.

“I’m eager to engage with Malibu and all third district voters on the issues that matter most,” Horvath said in a statement.

“I’m looking forward to an important discussion on how we can move our community forward,” Hertzberg said.


The forum will be shown on the Malibu Democratic Club YouTube Channel at 2 p.m. July 31.

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2 years ago

Bob ask her how long she served in the City of West Hollywood

2 years ago

There was a YouTube video from years ago in which she was trying to get away from questioners that is a scream! I can’t find it now.

2 years ago

I started out as a fan of Horvath, but that quickly faded. She makes a good first impression–blonde hair and tight dresses–but it’s downhill from there.

Lindsey Horvath is a self-serving radical clothed in sheep’s clothing. She has hurt the residents of West Hollywood–while helping those who can benefit HER–a politician in the worst sense of the word.

2 years ago
Reply to  voter

She makes a good first impression–blonde hair and tight dresses–but it’s downhill from there.” – way to objectify her. As if we need more of that in this world.

2 years ago

Hey Bob, ask her where she came up with her homeless stats? She supposedly reduced homelessness by 80% in City West Hollywood but the residents don’t see any sign of that! And ask her how it is that her own city residents can’t stand her and what she’s done to our city! Also ask her -how she, in good consciousness voted to defund the sheriffs department in the face of skyrocketing crime and public demand that she not defund the police! Her own citizens consider her even too woke for West Hollywood!

Wishful Thinking
Wishful Thinking
2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

At the last City Council Meeting Corri Planck gave dismal metrics on the Homeless Initiative Program. The cases are all handled by out of the city agencies, noting visible in West Hollywood other than wishful thinking.

2 years ago

Thank you for that- it was very helpful.

Malibu Forum Info
Malibu Forum Info
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

You’re welcome. Unfortunately the deadline for submitting questions was yesterday.

2 years ago

Where is it being held? Is it open to the public for viewing? Being televised? Webcasted? Available to view afterwards?

2 years ago

She will destroy Malibu like she ruined Weho.