I am kicking off my campaign for West Hollywood City Council with a rally and mixer this Sunday at Mickey’s, from noon to 3 p.m. There is a lot of excitement about this Council race and we are anxious to hear people’s concerns.
I find myself in a unique position in this race. In the last election, the voters roundly rejected two long term incumbents, who are back in the race. They are faced with a slate of younger and less experienced candidates backed by some of the current incumbents. I am the candidate that falls somewhere in between. I’m a proven progressive yet I am not tied to the City Hall culture of the past or the present. I am in a position to restore common sense and inclusivity to City Hall.
The vote to defund the Sheriff and “re-imagine” policing has turned into an incredibly divisive issue. I don’t think I have ever seen residents this alienated, angry and frustrated with City Hall. In my talks with residents across West Hollywood it is clear that the majority of people think the City is off in the wrong direction and they have no faith in the current City Council as constituted.
The exception to that lack of faith is Mayor Lauren Meister, who voters still hold in high regard for her integrity and the fact that she keeps her ear to the ground, always sensitive to the needs and desires of the community. I share her sense that governing is more about listening than pontificating.
While public safety and homelessness are the top concerns of the residents, I believe that restoring faith in City Hall is also a critical challenge if City Hall is ever regain a sense of balance and credibility. That means the City Council needs to change its’ attitude and bring the residents into the decision making process.
As a community we have always been a place for progressive, free spirits. But we also have a strong libertarian streak. We moved to West Hollywood because it is an accepting, open community. We did not move to West Hollywood to be told what to think and be forced into a herd mentality.
I want to return the Council to a sense of purpose and service and move away from this culture of performative politics and self-promotion.
Our first priority needs to be public safety and I want to restore our Sheriff’s funding to at least pre-COVID levels. Every resident and visitor to West Hollywood deserves to be safe. Gambling with our safety is not real leadership.
I am hoping the community will get behind my candidacy to put this City back on track and restore common sense and common purpose to City Hall.
Steve has my vote. We need to balance SHE with some sense of normalcy.
You were backing Horvath, the street walker for developers and defunding the police. As for Heilman, he gave us LH and John Erickson, the bleached blonde purple nail polish lethal for Weho freak act! Who both sold Miester out. She being the only reasonable voice on the city council. Duran wouldn’t have defunded the police. As for Shyne “reimagining” policing, we now have the ludicrous third rate Block by Block losers. Is she Getting a kickback or commission from the Kentucky corporation? In most towns, BBB is a clean up crew. Weho needs that since the catered to homeless deficate… Read more »
Hi Michael,
I appreciate your support but I guess you missed my very public repudiation of my endorsement of Lindsey Horvath shortly after she voted to de-fund the Sheriff’s Department. I agree that Lauren Meister is a great role model for Council members to emulate.
Okay, great. Apologies, I was in Catalina which at times is like being 1000 miles away from Weho.
The last 2 years of politics in West Hollywood has been just awful and certain council members should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves for pushing personal agendas versus listening to residents from Out On Robertson-The Abbey (Horvath) to Defund-Give Me Dads Endorsement (Horvath). Hopefully next year will be different but I am sure many will be skeptical for years to come after this crowd was in charge. And YES Vote For Steve Martin, but please no ambiguity once you are seated.
I’ll be voting for Steve Martin & Lauren Meister. Please bring common sense to our council!
[…] SUNDAY 3PM: Steve Martin for City Council Campaign Kickoff WEHOville […]
I will be there.
Steve politely refers to younger and less experienced candidates. The dearth of experience is also in large part because many of them are part of the five-minute crowd who have a brief lived experience in West Hollywood and who come here to sow their political oats. Ask them how long they have lived here. How long has Byers lived here? How long has Wright lived here? Where was Oliver registered to vote just two years ago? Residency matters. No carpetbaggers, please. Carpetbagging is what got us Nika Soon-Shiong who by all publicly available evidence has never been registered to vote… Read more »