The City of West Hollywood invites community members to attend the Historical Context Study Community Listening Session on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. via the Zoom platform. Registration to participate in the listening session is required and can be completed here. The purpose of the Community Listening Session is for the City’s consultant, Architectural Resources Group, to provide an overview of the Historical Context Study, including goals and objectives, and to gather community input.
The Community Listening Session will be available for viewing through WeHoTV on the City’s website at www.weho.org/wehotv. To provide additional access to the City’s public meetings, WeHoTV broadcasts are also available as a courtesy within the City of West Hollywood on Spectrum Cable Channel 10; on the City’s WeHoTV YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/wehotv; and on Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Android TV, Roku streaming platforms by searching for “WeHoTV” using search functions.
On December 6, 2021, the West Hollywood City Council directed staff to prepare and issue a Request for Proposals to complete a historical context study of the City of West Hollywood. The study will include an in-depth analysis of the historical context of West Hollywood and identify the history of Indigenous peoples and demographic shifts of inhabitants. It will also research racially and culturally discriminatory policies that existed in the area from the 19th century until present day. The findings of the study will inform the City on next steps in establishing initiatives to address social and racial equity.
To view and participate in the Community Listening Session via the Zoom Platform please visit the session Zoom registration link. Upon entering the meeting, please make sure to mute microphone. If you wish to provide a public comment, please email Jasmine Duckworth at jduckworth@weho.org no later than 2 p.m. on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 to be added to the public speaker list for the meeting. Please include your name and the phone number from which you will be calling, if applicable. To provide public comment offline via telephone, please call in and remember to place your phone on mute: Dial-in phone number: 1 (669) 900- 6833, Webinar ID: 882 3286 2127. Dial-in 10 minutes before the meeting starts.
If special assistance to participate in this meeting is required, (e.g., an American Sign Language interpreter for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing), you must call or submit your request in writing to the Office of the City Clerk at (323) 848-6800 or mcrowder@weho.org at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. The City TTY line is (323) 848-6496.
The City of West Hollywood has an unwavering commitment to responding proactively to the unique needs of its diverse community, creatively finding solutions to managing its urban environment, and is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the well-being of the community. The City strives for quality in all actions in setting the highest goals and standards. Two of the Core Values of the City are: Respect and Support for People and Responsiveness to the Public. The City recognizes and celebrates the diversity of its community by treating all individuals with respect for their personal dignity and by providing a wide array of specialized services. The City promotes mutual respect, courtesy, and thoughtfulness in all interactions. The City holds itself accountable to members of its community and is committed to actively seeking public participation. The City promotes a public process whereby it can respond to the community’s needs while balancing competing interests and diverse opinions.
Registration is Required in Advance via Zoom for Participation: Link
Session will also be Livestreamed and Broadcast on WeHo TV www.weho.org/wehotv
How many of the commenters here are PoC and suffered discrimination because of your color?
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, 13th c. When disturbed may unearth unintended consequences. Move on, putting your best foot and actions forward. Be the examole you want to see.
Correction: “be the example you want to see.”
Total and utter waste of taxpayer money. See Alan’s comments below.
History is full of mistreatment of people. You can’t go and try and correct the past by discriminating against people in the present that had nothing to do with what happened. You want discrimination to stop…then stop it.
Watch for Shyne to exert her First Amendment right to “name names” as she promised she would do from her bully pulpit seat at the council dais. They use that platform to dismiss any commentary with which they disagree. My name is clearly attached to my commentary, and I join many who also exert their First Amendment right to engage in civil discourse here, on social media, in supermarkets, in coffee shops, and more. Name it, Sepi. We are engaged, and we are paying attention.
That’s her way of censoring any opinion that differs from hers and shutting down any discussion . Communist tactics.
A city sponsored “Listening Session” displaying exponential bias before our ears and eyes.
As Rodney King said nearly 30 years ago, “Can’t we all just get along”? And presumably move forward as CB open and civilized folks?
Last evenings meeting was eye opening for what it apparently did not intend to evidence. First Ms. Duckworth the Community Affairs delegate continued her imperious manner. By not making the Staff Report available to the public and then evidenced by such control over the public speakers as to use the phrase “I will allow you to speak” towards some residents and a more noticeably cordial phrase towards others. She clearly has neither had a course in diplomacy or leadership inherent in that position. Very off putting for one that claims a type of injustice. Secondly, the presentation was embarrassingly deficient… Read more »
This is all so useless and an unnecessary expense. First West Hollywood refrained from doing an accurate context study and historic survey from the get go. Instead they proclaimed themselves to be the champions of Historic Preservation without knowledge of the subject matter inherited at the beginning of City hood. They actually thought inherited valuable landmarks made them appear to be somehow responsible for them. No such case. Now comes this divisive idea cloaked in responsibility to prepare a context study @ $100,000.. produced by. natch, a “woman owned firm “ ARG, Katie Horek which neatly fits the circle. Meanwhile… Read more »
Good grief. Please just keep the streets clean. pick up the trash and arrest criminals.
Yes to that!
When I asked “Fiscal Responsibility” Shyne why we were spending $100,000 on work that is already being done regionally by the Southern California Association of Governments, her response was “SCAG had not done a historical context study of West Hollywood.” Neat. Somehow the history of this 1.9 square miles differs from any other area in Southern California, even, apparently areas immediately across our borders. I’m left to believe that the historical context of the 800 block of my street (Los Angeles) differs from the historical context of the 900 block of my street (West Hollywood). Seriously, taxpayers, you can check… Read more »
Thanks, Alan. This is more of Sepi Shyne trying to exploit the sentiments stirred up during the BLM times. Her false claim to be a Person of Color is a slap in the face to those who are truly in the BIPOC category.
The U.S. federal government and the Census Bureau consider people of Iranian descent to be “white.” Some Iranians “choose” to identify as people of color, but it has no basis in reality, and in Sepi’s case is just a ploy to get sympathy and votes.
because there is power in victimhood.
Is Sepi Shyne a chameleon that changes according to the temperature of self interest?
Why? Does some do-gooder busybody want to justify their existence by stirring the pot? All forms of discrimination are against the law so what, really, is expected to come of this? I’m sure this is going to play on white guilt who will be expected to make all kinds of silly concessions, meaningless accommodations and adjustments, while all other groups will have their victim status confirmed, and will end with apologies, hugs and a tear or two. Then everybody will go on their way with nothing of any substance changed (because nothing needed to change), but the seeds of deep… Read more »