On Monday, City Council looks set to approve amendments to the West Hollywood Municipal Code that will expand the Robertson Lane Specific Plan zoning map to include the Robertson Lane Hotel and Treehouse Project.
The projects are located at 645-681 N. Robertson Boulevard and 648-654 N. La Peer Drive.
The Robertson Specific Plan dates back to 2018, when Council also approved the Robertson Lane Hotel Project which included a nine-story, multi-use building with hotel, restaurant, nightclub, banquet, wholesale design showroom, and retail uses and 750 parking spaces. The project involved the dismantling, rehabilitation and reassembly of a portion of the Factory Building, in a new location parallel to Robertson Boulevard.
In May, Council added amendments allowing for the inclusion of the Treehouse Project inclusion of the Treehouse Project site into the Robertson Lane Specific Plan Overlay Zone to accommodate the proposed two-story, commercial development as well as minor changes to the development standards for the Robertson Lane Hotel project site including reduction in parking requirements consistent with the City’s commercial parking standards and codifying a previously approved increase in the project height.
The site is currently home to the controversial Lindsey Horvath 4 County Supervisor mural. The mural was mounted illegally last month and has since received several code violations, though it has not yet been removed.
The agenda item 2E, is on the consent calendar but a code violation is currently outstanding on the property due to Faring’s use of the corner as a political billboard sold to Neighbors for Lindsey Horvath, an independent expenditure committee supporting Horvath for County Supervisor. As a matter of process and law, a business would not be allowed to receive a certificate of occupancy if there is an outstanding code violation.
Will Faring get special treatment or should this item be pulled and delayed?
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At this point I just want the construction to start. Just tell them at the meeting to paint over the damn mural and be done with it.
This proves to all residents the true motives of Jason Illoulian who is more concerned about greed than doing honest community development or outreach.
How hard would it be to just paint over that sign? If there are some regulations and a process holding it up, remember ….. it’s easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission!
Somebody, take a can of paint (any color) and get it done. You will be all of our hero!
Unfortunately, tomorrow the item will pass, Horvath will not recuse herself and the illegal mural will be there until and past November 8. This is West Hollywood now; shootings don’t have suspects, sheriff’s don’t always come, so called safety ambassadors NEVER show up (and what’s the point when they do?) this city is in crisis. What Horvath and her ilk failed to realize is those that made Weho a destination for progress and growth are leaving. On Keith Ave. alone (5) families vacated and left Weho after the shooting. No one wants to live here. No one can go out… Read more »
You really had to wait a long time, even if it might be back, in smaller form:
Pay for Play and Proves the point that the city council is in the developers pocket. Agree Horvath would have to recuse herself or it will show how corrupt she is.
Horvath once a clown working hard to be a bigger and better clown
Hey, that’s not nice!!! I know plenty of very respectable clowns, like those guys in Slipknot, and Bozo, and even Krusty the Klown made a lot of people laugh. So, please don’t lump these respectable clowns into this conversation about Horvath.
So sorry to offend Bozo, Krusty and Slipknot
Illegal leases, drug use, please look into the shooting and Jason and company may need to answer to the criminal violations.
I would not have supported this project had I known what they were going to do next. Jason Illoulian should be investigated for fraud.
The mural cemented my vote against Horvath. If she’s elected they will make it permanent.
If the vote moves forward, will Horvath do the right thing and recluse herself? There’s obviously ethical and conflict of interest issues going on here related to 2019 campaign contributions from family members of Jason Illoulian, the owner of Faring Capital, and now the illegal mural promoting her latest campaign.
It shouldn’t be so, but let’s face it. They do whatever they want.
It is unconscionable that Horvath and her campaign supporters are allowed to have a vile, hideous, urban blight, amateurish and clownish eyesore of a “mural“ that violates code, especially from someone entrusted with enforcement of the laws of our city, all to support her inflated ego and ridiculous naked ambitions for higherr office when she’s been unqualified for the one she already has . If the rest of us have to obey the laws of the city, then she has to obey the laws of the city. Her colleagues on the council should enact a public, formal censure, and demand… Read more »
Good opportunity for you to voice your concern at CC tomorrow evening during General Public Comment at beginning of meeting.