5:30PM THURSDAY: Candlelight Vigil for Mahsa Amini


In solidarity with women in Iran who are fighting for their basic human rights, the Iranian American Women Foundation (IAWF) is holding a candlelight vigil at West Hollywood Park on Thursday, Sept. 29th at 5:30 pm. PST. The vigil, which will be held both in-person and virtually, honors Mahsa Amini, the 22-year-old woman who died in police custody, as well the countless brave Iranian women risking their lives in the movement for women’s rights and freedom. The Mayor Pro Tempore of West Hollywood, Sepi Shyne, will be in attendance, along with Councilmember Sharona Nazarian, of the Beverly Hills City Council, and other community leaders.

“We invite all people, from all nationalities, to join us in support of our sisters in Iran,” says Mariam Khosravani, the founder of Iranian American Women Foundation and a philanthropist with years of experience in humanitarian aid.

The IAWF is an educational nonprofit organization based in Irvine, Cali. with chapters in Northern California, New York, Los Angeles, and Orange County. “We are the largest women’s organization within the Iranian community outside of Iran. We want to support and help represent the voices of women fighting for their rights in Iran,” says Khosravani, who will also be in attendance at the vigil. “We envision a world where every woman gets to realize her full potential and can positively impact her community.”

West Hollywood Park is located at 647 N. San Vicente Blvd., in West Hollywood, California. The vigil will also be streamed live on Instagram @iawfoundation for those who would like to support and join virtually. Further details of this peaceful vigil will be announced here: https://www.iawfoundation.org/candlelight-vigil/.

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2 years ago

Again the elites running Weho are window dressing and deflecting from the real issues this city is facing. They latch onto global stories with no relevancy to weho or its aging population.

2 years ago

With all due respect to the cause, it seems unusual that this would be held at West Hollywood Park rather than in Beverly Hills that has a large and more powerful Persian population. Chances are that this was designed to fit nicely onto the resume of Sepi Shyne. Hardly an ethical or authentic move🙄🙄

No Woke Weho
No Woke Weho
2 years ago
Reply to  Disingenuous

Many citizens of West Hollywood are of Anglo Saxon heritage and yet there was no mention of the Queen’s death during that horrendous memorial ordeal the West Hollywood City Council goes through that contributes to the endless length of their meetings. Plus, they go on and on about every event they attended. Start realizing, Sepi, this isn’t a county it’s small town with the Sunset Strip, some bars and restaurants, and a strip Mall going from Doheny to La Brea. Nothing more. Just a bunch of loudmouth self promotion political hacks like Shyne, Horvath and Erickson. .

2 years ago
Reply to  No Woke Weho

Sepi Shyne, the great humanitarian postulating about Iran while evicerating her own adopted community. Always easier to see flaws in others and offer dramatic fixes rather than correcting one’s own character.