Lindsey Horvath: “I am not for abortion on-demand”, “life begins at conception”.


Does Planned Parenthood know the candidate they are supporting for County Supervisor has said she believes life begins at conception?

Councilmember Lindsey Horvath may be touting her endorsement by the organization on her website, even as she admits she still “struggles with the issue” of abortion.

Past quotes from Horvath, as heard in this audio recording from an interview taken on Nov. 16, 2014, below, reveal a very different side of Horvath, one which appears to conflict with the progressive Democratic values she projects as a potential county leader:

“I don’t even know if I would count as a 100% pro-choice because I’m not an on-demand-and-without-apology person — to me, that’s 100%. I’m not that person.”

“I do struggle with the issue, but I do think that life begins at conception.”

“For me, the idea of terminating a pregnancy is really hard.”

“I’ve been asked to speak at rallies. I remember being at a rally on the Third Street Promenade and there was a banner that said ‘Abortion: On Demand and Without Apology,’ and I thought, ‘That is so not my opinion.’ I still believe that.”

“I would never personally have an abortion, nor would I encourage any of my friends to get one.”


Horvath spent more than half her life as a Republican. In 2000 Horvath supported the George W. Bush campaign against Al Gore for President.

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[…] her bio attracted even more attention to her West Hollywood connection. She was able to run as a good Catholic, former Bush supporter, and as a progressive Democrat. Lindsey was able to gather the endorsements […]

1 year ago

I guess I have to give her credit for this brief lapse into authenticity and not toeing the party line…even if she’s wrong. Had no idea she was a Republican. Checks out.

Last edited 1 year ago by somewehobish
Inquiring Voter
Inquiring Voter
1 year ago

Has she clearly stated she can distinguish between her personal beliefs and the rights of others? I can respect someone who can clearly say, “I personally believe X, but support the law upholding Y.” I haven’t seen such a clear statement, just some slippery words about unfortunate choices in college.

mark feigin
mark feigin
1 year ago

we have seen what abortion has done in the black community -72% single mother rate, chaos and violence – abortion is murder

1 year ago
Reply to  mark feigin

Not sure I follow: why would abortion be the reason of “chaos and violence”? And. above all, how does abortion increase the number of mothers (regardless if they’re single, married, etc.)??

mark feigin
mark feigin
1 year ago
Reply to  Alex

read thomas sowell he explains it well –

mark feigin
mark feigin
1 year ago
Reply to  Alex

he has alot of youtube videos too

1 year ago

Well, Lindsey….you will never get my vote. I consider people like you
a virus. Please go away. Perhaps you don’t give a hoot that most American women support the right to choose. It is sacred. And the religious republican monsters, and the men on the SCOTUS that took that right away? May they burn in hell. If there is a hell. Unfortunately, no such luck.

1 year ago
Reply to  APRIL LANG

Lindsay DOES support the right to choose. She has expressed her choice honestly. But she does not impose that choice on others. In her LA Magazine interview, she confirms her belief in safe, legal options for women.”Horvath also believes the world is a better place when women have safe and legal access to abortion. She said in an interview she does not want to live in a world where abortion is illegal and only available to the rich, while the poor are left to go about the procedure in unsafe ways.”

April Lang
April Lang
1 year ago
Reply to  Rosebud

I don’t find Lindsey’s pro choice stance very believable. Just as the SCOTUS justices lied on TV about their respect for Roe, her published comments don’t convince me one bit. So NO. No. NO LINDSEY. If she really supported the RIGHT TO CHOOSE she should be much stronger about it. So NO!!

1 year ago

Well I am going to step out on a limb here and ask straight out: Have you ever needed or wished you could have an abortion? Speaking as an adult woman who has made the “choice” I feel comfortable – on my limb -asking this? Having an abortion is NOT having a trip to the hairdresser or even the dentist. It is not a choice made casually or easily. If a woman has not ever been faced with a situation in which “choice” is/was the issue, that is the woman whose opinion and veracity I do not trust. I do… Read more »

Ernesto Sportello
Ernesto Sportello
1 year ago

Who are the suckers that voted for this freak?

Jonny Truthsayer
Jonny Truthsayer
1 year ago

So basically ur a closet Republican Lins…

1 year ago

The party abandoned her, just as it abandoned me several years ago. The only thing that trickles downhill is a noxious yellow liquid.

Robert Bryant
Robert Bryant
1 year ago

I was troubled to learn of her past support for George W Bush who gave us Samual Alito for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court and was instrumental in banning abortion. Horvath seems to be a political opportunist and not representative of progressive LA voters. Certainly not WEHO. “Abortion on demand” is a right wing rhetorical soundbite.

1 year ago

Did Ms Horvath say that even though she feels that way personally, that she strives to ban, prevent, or reduce abortions for other women (that are not her friends)?

She can think however she wants as long as she doesn’t try to legislate her reductionist values.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

No, she said the opposite. “She said in an interview she does not want to live in a world where abortion is illegal and only available to the rich, while the poor are left to go about the procedure in unsafe ways.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Rosebud

I was more-or-less defending her position.

I will not vote for her, irrespective of her or anybody’s views on abortion.

1 year ago

Why, why can’t politicians present themselves as they really are? It’s always some package cooked up by their “strategists,”….. i.e. paid deceivers.

I loathe politicians.

carleton cronin
1 year ago

At inception? I heard just yesterday that life begins at erection.