Work plans should not be ‘stewarded in whiteness,’ says Mayor Pro Tem Shyne
West Hollywood City Council reviewed the accomplishments of the Social Justice Task Force and debated whether to make it a permanent body within the city government at their meeting Monday night.
“One of the things that I want to make sure as we move forward, I want to make sure that we also know that there’s a sense of urgency around getting this stuff implemented,” task force Chairman Jonathan Wilson told the Council in public comment. “This is not something that can just sit around for a while. I think that we should all hold ourselves accountable to regular updates on the progress being made for the Social Task Force recommendations and I’d really welcome that that sense of urgency and that sense of stewardship, really exists continuously throughout this process.”
Mayor Pro Tem Sepi Shyne agreed.
“There is an urgency to make sure that the work plans are stewarded forward and they should be stewarded by a BIPOC group and not in whiteness. So in order to steward forward the development of the work plans, we need the advisory board to be permanent and I would like us to make that decision tonight.”
The Council voted 5-0 to have staff return to City Council with a designated purview and a meeting timeline.
The purview of the new body remains vague but Shyne theorized they might handle some events or help with nightlife safety.
Councilmember John Erickson asked City Attorney Lauren Langer to explain the implications of Prop 209, which prevents giving preferences based on race and public contracting and public education.
“I think we have to be nimble in every way that we do this,” Erickson said. “So I’m, I personally think whatever motion is on this floor I will support.”
I believe our city council would learn more about social justice by asking how a grocery store worker is being treated by the homeless, then from any task force.
What is “social justice”???
In its latest iteration it appears to be the concept of having a burr under one’s saddle and a chip on their shoulder castigating those that are not in perfect alignment with them. The latest raison d’être.
Hummmmmmmmmm not sure is it for certain groups of people. Did Kevin Spacey get social justice as an example.
There are plenty of folks that have achieved and continue to achieve remarkable ends simply by conducting themselves along approachable lines and being known to be credible and authentic. No need to have a permanent burr under your saddle, a condition for which there is never any relief or justice.
Shyne is anti white which is against the purpose of holding office. Being inclusive. If she says it about white race people wtf does she sat in private.
Solution Vote her out she supports a candidate in upcoming election that is anti police. She is another self serving hypocrite.
Just like Horvath
There is no “shine” on Sepi Shyne. Just a dreadful unhappy man hating political hack who believes she’s the second coming of Margaret Sanger. Ooops. That’s John Erickson.
This is the new political trend just hate the white race and be anti police. It is starting to back fire as people suffer from the burden of stress.
Sepi Shyne is white. Iranians are considered to be white by the U.S. government and Census. She is a self-loathing white woman lying about her racial status.
Thanks for clarifying VOTE this political mess out and hope people win that will vote against her BS ideals.
I’m disturbed by the anti-white racism that is being promoted by groups like this–and seemingly sanctioned by the city of West Hollywood. The comments from Sepi Shyne are bone chilling, especially considering that that she is a white woman trying to claim some benefit from falsely calling herself a person of color.
Meet your Social Justice Task Force figurehead.
I don’t know what the purpose of this group is. How are people of color being denied housing or opportunities if they want it? It would be against the law to do so. I have noticed quite a few people for a while now in WeHo whose behavior is very unusual for what I am accustomed to in this city; loud, angry, quick-tempered, unreasonable, aggressive, and rude. Where are they coming from? Are they being recruited and incentivized to move here? At Pavilions a few days ago I heard a woman talking very loudly who turned out to be two… Read more »
Didn’t you know Pavillions is known as the vortex of hate and many people come from BH. I can write a book on the insanity from parking lot into the store.
No, these are not Beverly Hills people. Not even close!
Until recently I had always thought of Pavilions as a pleasure to shop because of the civility of both the staff and shoppers. But there are now frequently people there who are anything but pleasant and civil.
This is great news, and I’m proud, so proud of being a member of this community. I cannot comprehend how any other member of this community would oppose this.
Well, then, maybe you’re the one who can explain it to me! What is it they are actually doing, other than having meetings to talk about whatever it is they think oughta be? What changes have they made or what actions have they taken? And why do they think things should be different than they have always been? What was wrong that they want to change?
LOL. Nice sarcasm.
Next up – Dept. of Moral Standards and Morality Ambassadors. This cannot end well…
We already have just such a department in the form of a council dais from which the imperious ones lecture the community on what they deem to be inappropriate. Watch them, most of them do it on a regular basis. They even threaten (bully) to name names. Remember when Horvath said any criticism of her public safety commissioner was rooted in racism, sexism and otherism? There was no dialogue about the likelihood that many of us disagreed with the commissioner, regardless of any identity. Name-calling has become a worn-out crutch when attempting to dismiss serious debate.
Sepi Shyne is a white woman who hates white people. I don’t know why she hates herself so much, but I do know why I despise her.
She’s Iranian.
Iranians are considered white by the US government and census. It’s Shyne’s choice to call herself a person of color. By her reasoning, all people of Middle Eastern descent would be people of color, and we don’t need to go there.
Sepi Shyne will be the next Mayor of West Hollywood. She must be recalled.
How about the current member of the Social Justice Task Force that posted several threats against me and my business in the lead up to the BLM demonstrations in West Hollywood? After making a favorable comment about the lovely concert vigil for Elijah McClain and another planned at Laurel/Sunset after the violence in the neighborhoods of Beverly/Fairfax/Melrose, I simply requested respect for our neighborhood. Sunset had been appropriately boarded up but nothing in evidence for West Hollywood until requested from City Mgr. and John Heilman. This apparently unleashed a tirade of invectives on her IG site which has since been… Read more »
The far left ideologues and their social justice allow the white guilt liberals to feel good about themselves. It is more like injustice to anyone who doesn’t bow to their agenda of equity as opposed to the righteous goal of equality for all. Work hard, make something of yourself, be the best person you can be and no one will care what color your skin is (except guilt ridden white liberals)
Forgot to mention that her IG site and organization were Black_ Women Lead.