A selection of correspondence and verbal comments submitted directly to West Hollywood City Council and entered into the public record. The opinions of the authors are their own.
Horvath didn’t deserve the governor’s wife’s endorsement
Good Afternoon Ms. Siebel-Newson,
This morning I was troubled to read of your apparent recent endorsement of Lindsey Horvath in her quest for position of LA County Supervisor.
Although this appear misplaced given the Governor’s endorsement of her opponent Bob Hertzberg it is possible that families don’t necessarily always agree but the endorsement is more troubling than that. Up until this point Ms. Horvath appears to have accomplished many of her personal objectives of swimming upstream primarily within the confines of West Hollywood that originally established goals and standards of fairness and respect for all of its residents.
Ms. Horvath appears to have adroitly manipulated people and their accomplishments, solely their own, into her personal orbit and thus embellished her resume with their efforts. Not only is this unethical but Ms. Horvath appears to have progressively distanced herself from the community from which she states she accomplished much of her success. Purloining the accomplishments of others and appearing at public events to claim ownership of them is reprehensible.
Aside from these character defects, is the absence of skill, service and honor thus purporting to be capable of shouldering the demands of such a position as LA County Supervisor.
SKILL, SERVICE and HONOR was the motto of my private school, learned early on and ingrained in all efforts whether it be social, business, civic or sports. To perfect ones skills, give service because one can never seeking recognition and to conduct one’s self with honor and ethical values.
Ms. Horvath is unfortunately not an example of this and to promote or elect more people devoid of outstanding character is a liability and a peril we all face locally, nationally and globally during current times. We will surely fail as a people to not recognize this factor. It is my hope that even at this late hour , you would consider disavowing yourself of your endorsement.
Lynn Russell
Sounds of people partying at Ziggy and One hotels are torturing our peaceful neighborhood
I live on Fountain Ave. —. which bucks up to the One and the Ziggy Hotels. I would like to address the City Council this evening about the continuous noise, loud music, people screaming from the Harriet Rooftop at the One Hotel and the Ziggy Hotel.
I don’t believe the Mondrian are contributing to the noise. Our building of 94 units is directly affected by this on a regular basis. Our North, West, East, pool courtyard and even the South side of our building that is on Fountain Ave. When these hotels have their parties, the noise ricochets off the One Hotel Roof into all areas of our building.
With regards to the Harriet Rooftop at the One Hotel, they need to enclose and soundproof their open areas, windows, roof, etc. As the One Hotel roof has a wing/flap that also contributes to the ricochet of the noise, which by the way we hear even when our double pane windows are closed. We are not able to open our windows to get fresh air or sit on our patios to read, have a glass of wine or even a conversation without hearing the blasting music and people screaming. The hotel managers give us lip service if you can reach them, they will get the party to lower the level, but they do nothing to control future events.
When the One Hotel, previously the Jeremy Hotel was approved, we were promised by the old city council that they CAUTION – EXTERNAL SENDER. Please do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the source of this email and know the content is safe. 2 would be No outdoor parties, No loud music, but that isn’t what has transpired. We beg you to do something about this, the stress level of the noise these two hotels are creating is unacceptable.
Thank you
I wasn’t drunk when I was arrested dancing in my underwear
]On April 5, 2020 I was in my underwear dancing by Robertson and Beverly, no I was not drunk but I was in a state of possession and happiness, when your Sheriffs department pulled up on me, they forcefully arrested me and then forcefully got my information out of me under duress of being teased, I proposed no resistance and I found it quite unconstitutional that I had to divulge my information although I had the right to remain silent. I was threatened with a taser 6 inches from my body if I did not give my info.
It was a black Haitian officer along with others I can identify. I asked for the body cams repeatedly by calling your sheriff station and talking to the watch commander body cams which I saw in the cars of the sheriff vehicles, I found it comical and absurd the watch commander denied any sheriffs members having any body cam footage. A month or so ago I try to file a complaint and ask a city official for the body cam footage in which they forwarded me back to the sheriffs department in which I have no interest in divulging any information for the thuggish attitude. I do not trust the sheriffs as an organization. I want all the body cam footage from when I was arrested in the car and when I was in the jail cell. I was a palled and your jail cell for eight hours.
they ticketed me for public drunkenness although I had nothing in my system I tried to explain that I was in a state of voodoo and possession with happiness… Some thing in which I am a believer in. I did nothing illegal except make some citizens uncomfortable in my underwear and shirt on… I’ve seen much worse in weho. I’ve tried contacting lawyers and I’ve had no success I’ve tried contacting the sheriffs department multiple times and I’ve got the runaround with the watch commander and I also gave up because I don’t want these people to come taunt me and find out where I live and do what they do, LASD sheriffs gangs.
At the arrest site I did feel I wanted compensation because it’s not fair to arrest me in handcuffs put a taser 6 inches away from my body press the button and say if you don’t give me your information I’m gonna tase your ass. I want answers I want help and I want compensation. I will not work with the sheriffs department on this I will not be forwarded to the sheriffs department by your city Council people I need help I need a lawyer. Please contact me at XXXXXXX*.
Thank you.
*Redacted to protect the author’s privacy
Not to mention, Horvath purchasing the land Holloway Motel is on to convert it to a homeless shelter, even though weho residents have always voted against transitional living. That area is already infested with homeless who steal from CVS and 7-11 daily, who smoke crack and meth and take over public park space which prevents residents, who pay taxes to maintain that park space, to use it and feel safe. They refuse to call this a homeless shelter but you can slap lipstick on a pig but it’s still a pig. After speaking with police and the crossing guards that… Read more »
Perhaps we should give the homeless that refuse care a one way bus ticket to the desert past Barstow along with Den Mother Lindsey Horvath who may be in need of a job. There she can demonstrate real service and obtain an authentic track record and resume.
The desert has the space to build an interim environment that can offer housing, food, medical and constructive rebuilding of those afflicted with mental disease or defect easier than what Rick Caruso purports to fining LA. And let’s not have such an idea be compared with internment facilities used after WWII. This is an urgent public health crisis for both the community and those causing the crisis.
Watching Sepi Shyne’s bi-weekly, long-winded snorefests of usually pathetic moralizing and virtue signaling and her typical scolding of a community based on her faux kumbayah piety and her sniveling dismissals of people who engage in public discourse is always a treat in comedic acting. Last night’s attacks on Ms. Russell were beyond the pale in Shyne’s role as a public servant to every resident of this city. Citing no actual words (because none existed) to support her charges of sexism and misogyny, Shyne simply launched into another well-acted soliloquy (we always know they’re coming when she slows her cadence, lowers… Read more »
Hit Sepi Shyne with a class action breach of public trust lawsuit, and her smugness would disappear. Include John Erickson and Lindsey Horvath to dispose of the SHE finally.
Could not agree more.
So in agreement with you. Funny, I too called her out in an email for her Kumbaya approach when dealing with crime in West Hollywood. Announcing on television that she would like to “re-imagine West Hollywood” and see “unarmed” ambassadors on the streets was a call for gangs to come on in. I would characterize her for making that remark as one sandwich short of picnic. She is so unprofessional and she should apologize to Ms. Russell for her defensive, childish and dramatic rant. I actually felt that Ms. Russell was spot on. Sepi should not be in a position… Read more »
Austin sounds like a real big mess (and in need of some serious mental health intervention). Noise from these commercial rooftops is a big problem for neighborhoods all over the city. Their “sound walls” do nothing. This needs to be addressed. Calling code compliance does nothing.
Did I read this correctly? Somebody was complaining about being harassed by the police because the culprit was merely “happy and dancing” on Robertson in their underwear? That person should have been arrested, absolutely. Unless you’re Brad Pitt, nobody wants to see you in public in your underwear. No matter how happy you think you are, you’re not making other people happy by walking around in your underwear. Brad Pitt excluded.
How about SpongeBob Squarepants, don’t he look good to
So, you’re saying law enforcement should be based on appearance privilege?? Gotcha. They’ll get right on that.
Ms. Shyne sees herself as The Hammer and all she finds in multiple directions are nails that personally a-grieve her. Seems like immature behavior. Then to score personal cred she picks out recently deceased individuals to acknowledge as a facade for the forthcoming judgements of the public and her self serving opinions. Ms. Shyne does not speak for the community although she sits on the CC dais. Her opinions are solely her own regardless of how she frames them in consternation. She was not anointed God, King or President. Perhaps she might consider genuflecting in the arena of DJT, it… Read more »