After public commenter Lynn Russell expressed her opinion at City Council’s meeting Monday night that Councilmember Lindsey Horvath wasn’t deserving of the governor’s wife’s endorsement, Mayor Pro Tem Sepi Shyne issued this stern rebuke during her councilmember comments:
“I have never in my life ever heard anyone say that a man got to where he was because of a woman helping him. It is absolutely the definition of misogyny and sexism.
And I’ve heard that so many times that this elected official got to where they were because “men helped them.” “Politicians helped them.” “Somebody must have helped them,” and it’s always about a woman. There’s three women that said on this council and we all share and receive misogyny and attacks that are sexist.
That is something that I will address and continue to address, and that is wrong. It is wrong, it is wrong, and it’s even worse when a woman says it against another woman.
I will not disavow my endorsement of Lindsay Horvath. I took a long time to make that decision and my endorsements are not made lightly. My work with Lindsey on this council has shown me her incredible integrity, her intelligence. She shows up. She shows up when no one else does, and she takes risk. And she makes the votes that she does even when it might not benefit her.
And that says a lot to me about her integrity, and who she will be when she is elected to the county Board of Supervisors. And I truly, truly hope that tomorrow that happens, and that more and more and more women like Lindsey Horvath are elected.
Whatever you may have thought about her, give her a call and sit down and talk to her. Don’t put it in a blog don’t do it anonymously as an attack — that does nothing. That doesn’t bring our community together.”
Sepi Shyne seems to now be using the well proven path utilized by Lindsey Horvath and her mentor Abbe Land. Hard to believe she will be successful at it as she appears ultimately unlikable and her own victim
At least Lindsey Horvath is someone else’s problem now. Good luck LA county. Hold onto your wallets!
Looking back at the early ideas of Shyne – we should all recall the return of the scooters that now clutter our sidewalks. They had been removed from WeHo because they caused a nuisance. Returning a nuisance by a newly elected CC person was an immediate give-away of what was important to Ms.Shyne. So why is anyone surprised that it just got worse from there? I have not met Ms. Shyne personally -my impression is that she has a bone to pick, a chip on her shoulder and some issues of a personal nature to work out. Judging from the… Read more »
Chloe, What an excellent observation of a city council member’s intent without communicating it to us residents, and what an articulate explanation of a person who refuses to explain their own actions not to admit internal flaws but sure does opine on subject matters she feels that she can speak upon though! She refuses to interact or speak with residents publicly if she suspects you want to discuss her stances on city matters crime or her voting record by the way!
How can someone reach you Jamie?
There is a risk is becoming a public figure. You may be respected, adored and supported and you will one of the lucky ones. Or you may be drummed out of the corp and be remembered for being simply a bad choice. As they say on Wall Street. Your risk; your reward.
In my opinion, what I find insulting, is an influx of hypocrisy or hypocritical Statements that Council members and people in elected or appointed office are not willing take criticism in person or confronted in person or prevent constituents from giving criticism but the elected people outside of chambers, however they themselves can give criticism as they so choose and come to the defense of colleagues but not mention corrupt entities and unions, lobbyists that were former or are current campaign managers, several appointed commissioners using said unions to bolster their chances for elected office only to lie to voters… Read more »
Shyne praising Horvath’s integrity only shows she also has no integrity. Both represented the wealthy developers rather than WeHo citizens. Of course these two will try to protect each other. Two peas in a rotten pod.
you addressed your fidelity to her…you didn’t effectively argue the criticisms against her. So you just sound like a fan.
If it was a horse race; Lindsey Horvath is not the horse I would place my bet own.
Please don’t insult any horses.
Bad choice of animals. If it was a “funny car” race I would have walked on by and not even looked .
SEPTIC Shyne needs to GTFO via a recall election immediately and the new Council can appoint her temporary successor. Who’s in? Petition? RECALL SHYNE NOW!!
How many signatures needed?
Ten million
Shyne should resign. Go out as a class act rather than a long running flop.
This is what courage looks like from Imran Khan, a uniquely interesting leader. It’s his conscious thinking that is the point.
Oh ok sure
that makes sense 
Can’t even listen to her anymore. One more year. Can’t go fast enough.