Horvath declares victory in race for County Supervisor


Councilmember Lindsey Horvath declared victory Thursday over Sen. Bob Hertzberg in the race for County Supervisor, as the county continued to count votes.

As of Thursday, Horvath was 19,542 votes ahead of Hertzberg, with a total of 227,561 to his 208,019.

She released the following statement:

“I am humbled and honored that the voters have chosen me to serve as their next Supervisor. Their confidence and support fueled our people-powered campaign across the finish line, and I could not be more grateful for the opportunity to represent the people of District 3.

The significance of this victory is not lost on me. Voters chose a new path forward – a path where we humanely and effectively solve our homelessness crisis, a path where we invest in meaningful public safety solutions, a path where we fight unequivocally for full reproductive freedom, and a path where we urgently protect our environment and create a sustainable future for generations to come.

I would not be here without the countless women that paved this path for me today. I especially want to thank Supervisor Sheila Kuehl for her support and confidence. Because of them, I will soon become the youngest elected woman to serve on the Board of Supervisors, while maintaining the all-female board that we fought so hard to gain. At this critical juncture in Los Angeles’ history, I am proud to bring a new perspective to the Board as a renter, as a millennial, and as a staunch believer that the solutions we are looking for are rooted right in our own communities.

I extend my deepest, heartfelt thanks and endless gratitude to our supporters, our volunteers, our campaign team, and the voters of District 3. Thank you for making this possible.


I want to thank Senator Bob Hertzberg for his incredibly generous and kind phone call, for his commitment to public service, and for engaging in this hard fought campaign to make Los Angeles a better place. I welcome his supporters into the work we will all need to do together. Regardless of who you voted for, I will always work my heart out to represent you and the best interests of our communities.

Together, I know we can meet this moment and deliver on the solutions that will allow Los Angeles County to realize our full potential.”

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1 year ago

Well, lookee here. Lyndsey wins, Yosemite Sam loses, and Caruso loses. And in a parting shot to the citizens of the surrounding areas, Rick sets off the longest and loudest fireworks at his Xmas tree lighting in ages. Boy, you at Wehoville and your nasty fans sure can pick ’em! Sanity prevails.

1 year ago

Great news for all of Los Angeles County.

A true defeat for NIMBY-ism and Big Oil.

Not Basic
Not Basic
1 year ago

Congrats to the Power of LA! I just call it “INVENTING LINDSEY”….Anna Sorokin started the movement, so the glasses, the polished wardrobe and the stepping stones to larger travel expense accounts, larger salaries, larger elitism private parties, and larger contacts will just be another ladder as Anna only served two years, so millenials know the rest of the leadership are just “basic bitches” and “old hags” so of course she will be your next Congresswoman or Governor, get ready or are you that naive??? She has caused some severe damages in some places no one will care about or know… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Not Basic
Birds of a Feather
Birds of a Feather
1 year ago
Reply to  Not Basic

The mug shot of Anna Sorokin looks alarmingly like Lindsey Horvath.

1 year ago

I hope they enjoy their new county supervisor.

1 year ago
Reply to  CHLOE ROSS

We will.

1 year ago

Treacherous being she is.

1 year ago

All women she notes. Well there’s diversity for you. Four white women and one Hispanic. Hell would be raised if all men, right?

1 year ago
Reply to  TomSmart


1 year ago
Reply to  Outraged

yup, totally lacking in diversity.

Rulers & Serfs
Rulers & Serfs
1 year ago
Reply to  TomSmart

Balance is the key. The concept of feminism was always a poor one. However in her personal/civic life she seems to prefer the Ruler/King/Czarina 👑approach built on the backs of Serfs. Montemayor & Erickson have been her effective Serfs. 🙄 😢😢😢

1 year ago
Reply to  Rulers & Serfs

Was the concept of feminism a poor one?

Rulers & Serfs
Rulers & Serfs
1 year ago
Reply to  Auntie

As a successful female in many professional disciplines, I believe it was.

1 year ago

Little do the citizens of District 3 know that Horvath’s new path forward is a dark tunnel with a training headed straight at them. Lindsay Horvath is a disaster in the making. Just look at the debris she left in her wake in West Hollywood.

Andrew Campbell
Andrew Campbell
1 year ago

Congratulations, Supervisor Horvath. What an amazing accomplishment!

1 year ago

She won because of the LA Times endorsement. Simple as that.
Glad she can no longer hurt the people of West Hollywood.

1 year ago
Reply to  voter

West Hollywood is a part of the County of Los Angeles. She can still and WILL hurt us.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago

I’m confused by the political bullpucky, when she says “voters chose a new path forward” is that to be read literally as a repudiation of Sheila Kuehl? Why do we let public servants talk out of both sides of their mouths and get away with it. Words matter. What are you saying, Linds?

Artful Betrayal
Artful Betrayal
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Lindsey Hovath”s “new path forward” literally constructed over the bodies of the many residents in West Hollywood whom she artfully betrayed. Lacking in integrity at every level folks like Horvath are eventually exposed but not until damage has Ben done.

1 year ago

Who’s Ben?

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

HA! Exactly!

1 year ago

You don’t deserve this! You’re not in it for the people, you’re in it for yourself! West Hollywood knows you and Los Angeles county will come to know you. Unfortunately, it will be too late. You’ll already have done your damage. And the people of LA County will come to regret electing you as the people of West Hollywood have.

Last edited 1 year ago by JF1
1 year ago

Worst possible news. So disgusted.