DEC. 3: Kings Road Off-Leash Dog Park listening session


The City of West Hollywood wants to hear from the public about a proposed plan for an off-leash dog park at Kings Road Park. The City will host an in-person listening session, which will include City staff and members of a Public Facilities Commission Ad Hoc Subcommittee focused on the proposed Kings Road Off-Leash Dog Park. The session will take place on Saturday, December 3, 2022 at 10 a.m. at the Kings Road Park Community Meeting Room, located at 1000 N. Kings Road. The City invites all interested community members, neighbors, property owners, and stakeholders to attend. RSVP is not required.

Kings Road Park is a public neighborhood park featuring a winding series of contemplative and relaxing spaces filled with tropical and local foliage, a play area for small children, fountains and water features, benches for reading and socializing, and a community meeting room. The park is popular among families and caregivers with small children during the day and the grassy area towards the back of the park has also become a popular location for local community members to bring their dogs to play and interact.

All input provided at the Kings Road Off-Leash Dog Park listening session will be analyzed by City staff and members of the Public Facilities Commission as part of developing a recommendation to the West Hollywood City Council about the proposed project. The Kings Road Park Off-Leash Dog Park staff report from August 2021 is available on the City’s website at:

For those unable to attend the listening session in-person, input may be submitted no later than noon on Friday, December 2, 2022 directly to the staff contact listed below.

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2 years ago

I’m for this. We need more off leash parks in weho. Especially ones with shade.

Kings Road Neighbor
Kings Road Neighbor
2 years ago

I’d love to say that we should spend the money on a security person to enforce dog leash laws and other park rules, but that’s probably wishful thinking based on the City’s current law enforcement situation. Pragmatically, the next best thing is to fence off a small part of the park for a dog run so that the dog owners have a contained area to unleash, and rest of the park can actually be used for its other intended purposes. Furthermore, for every dollar being spent on a dog park, an equal amount should be spent improving and rehabilitating the… Read more »

WEHO Resident
WEHO Resident
2 years ago

I agree with everyone commenting here that this is a terrible idea. I hope you all show up to this meeting and express these opinions in person so that the City will listen. Otherwise, if only supporters of this insane idea show up, the City will say there’s wide support and no opposition, and they will ruin this tiny park with their dumb dog park.

Dog Etiquette Opportunities
Dog Etiquette Opportunities
2 years ago

Exactly, could our Dog Friendly Mayor Meister set up some Dog Etiquette Training opportunities?

A better behaved dog leads to a happier owner. 😊And happier dogs. 🐶🐶🐶

Voted for Heilman
Voted for Heilman
2 years ago

The dogs aren’t the problem, it’s their people. Train the people to be better dog parents and you’ll have happier pets and people. As a long time resident and dog parent I welcome an off leash dog park that’s closer to where I live than having to go to San Vicente to let my dog roam off leash.

Peace before paws
Peace before paws
2 years ago

As it is now, dog owners ignore park rules, allow their pets free rein and rarely clean up. I’ve watched pet owners leash their dogs only when they see a Code Compliance officer coming. They should not be rewarded. It’s noisy enough for the hundreds of residents who surround the area. Barking dogs compete with packs of owners who huddle together, screaming at their misbehaved pets. Residents seeking peace or people reading on benches are met with threats, profanity and anger if they point out park rules. There are several other off leash parks in the City located in more… Read more »

Pet Parent
Pet Parent
2 years ago

It’s like the pet parents with the smaller dogs have decided the Kings road park is their park for off leash, if you dare bring in a larger dog theirs will bark at yours until you get frustrated and leave and then look back and see the parents laughing, they’re like a gang of old Karens.

Gone to the Dogs
Gone to the Dogs
2 years ago

West Hollywood has gone to the dogs. Perhaps us hoomans should vacate the city and let it return to farmland where the dogs can have free run.

2 years ago

There are already several off leash dog parks in the city. Our parks as they are now try to cram so much function into them that we’re not maximizing the green space. For such a small city we don’t need another dog park especially at Kings Road, which is very small. Also, Kings Rd park is adjacent to many apartments and condominiums. The smell from a dog park would not be very appealing, to say the least.

2 years ago

I am completely against this. This may benefit a few dogs but it will hurt many people in the neighborhood.

2 years ago

I have dogs but if I lived next door I’d say NO WAY. Go back to enlarging the WEHO park dog parks that don’t have adjacent residential on all sides

2 years ago

NO. This park is already tiny. Leave it for humans, please.