The City Council seats rotate:


New Councilmembers Chelsea Byers and John Heilman inherit their predecessors’ commissioners and most likely their offices.

(L to R) Chelsea Byers ,Lauren Meister and John Heilman

There are five members on City Council. Each member serves a four-year term in the “seat.”

Two seats appear on the ballot in each presidential election year: 2000, 2004, 2020 and in 2024 …

Three seats appear on the ballot during the mid-term election years: 2002, 2006, 2022, 2026 …

When John Heilman was elected to City Council in 1984 his seat and office remained the same until 2015 when he was defeated. In that election, John D’Amico came in first place and took over Heilman’s seat. The next day D’Amico is said to have moved into Heilman’s corner office and his commissioners and board members.

Heilman won back a seat on the dais just two months later after capturing the open seat of former City Council member Jeffrey Prang. Heilman served the remainder of Prang’s term in Prang’s seat. Heilman was re-elected in 2017 and served until 2020. When Heilman was defeated in 2020, Councilmember Sepi Shyne took that ‘seat’. Councilmember John Erickson took John Duran’s ‘seat’.. and their commissioners.

In the election of 2022, City Clerk Melissa Crowder has confirmed that Chelsea Byers received the most votes and will inherit all of Lindsey Horvath’s commissioners.


Heilman takes back his original seat which was lost to John D’Amico in 2015. And he will begin his final term with all of the Commissioners and Board members that were the direct appointments of D’Amico.

And so it goes. Duck, Duck, Goose.


Dawn Moreno-FreedmanArts & Cultural Affairs
Robert LoBusiness License
Lola DavidsonHistoric Preservation
Steven L. DavisHuman Services
Marquita ThomasPlanning
Danny RomanPublic Safety
Richard F. MaggioRent Stabilization
David WarrenTransportation
Robert GamboaLGBTQ+
Louise SmithDisabilities
Valentina MatijiRussian
Pat DixonSenior
Clara JuhnWomen’s


Martin GantmanArts & Cultural Affairs
Robert M SaltzmanBusiness License
Barbara MeltzerHuman Services
Stacey JonesPlanning
Estevan J MontemayorRent Stabilization
Dan WentzelTransportation
Myra FriedmanDisabilities
Marna DeitchLGBTQ+
Eugene MayskyRussian
Nadia SuttonSenior
Angela D De SilvaWomen’s

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JR Birdsong
JR Birdsong
2 years ago

MANY of the “Appointees” could use some lessons in congeniality! There are a few that have no business dealing with the public because of their caustic personalities. Several could take time to read some self-help books!!!

The Mirror
The Mirror
2 years ago
Reply to  JR Birdsong

The mirror is the last place anyone ever looks. So much easier to be an angry victim, because you will be in good company. Shocking behavior leading to alienation and stagnation.

Shyn No More
Shyn No More
2 years ago

Please let Meister remain mayor for another year. Or Buyers or Heilman next. Anybody but Shyn

Weho for Urinals!
Weho for Urinals!
2 years ago
Reply to  Shyn No More

Shyne is the worst thing ever to happen to WEHO…

Qualified Commissioners Needed
Qualified Commissioners Needed
2 years ago

Wehoville missed the Planning Commissioners Stacey Jones and Marquita Thomas, not that they would be missed.🙄 WH needs qualified commissioners rather than poseurs. 😊

Qualified Commissioners Needed
Qualified Commissioners Needed
2 years ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Thank you